It could work Çeviri Portekizce
911 parallel translation
Yes, it could work. That means whoever we're looking for must have specialist knowledge.
O que significa que quem procuramos tem conhecimento especializado.
It could work if the government would spend more money.
Resultaria se o governo desse mais dinheiro.
If it worked once, it could work a second time.
Se resultou uma vez, pode resultar uma segunda vez.
Logically, it could work.
Logicamente, pode funcionar.
And yet I think it could work.
Mas ainda assim penso que podia funcionar.
Think it could work?
- Achas que vai ser bom?
It could work out for the best.
Poderia ser mais valorizado....
It could work.
Pode ser que funcione.
It could work.
Pode dar certo.
- Hold on, Bob. Well, it could work.
Pode funcionar.
And it was a gloomy, grey, forlorn army, you could almost say, of people who went there each day and then came back again just as miserable because they never found any work.
Podia até dizer-se que era um exército sombrio e desamparado de pessoas que iam lá todos os dias e iam embora igualmente miseráveis, porque não arranjavam emprego.
It seems silly, but the doctor had his heart set on Nick becoming a doctor so they could work together.
Parece idiota, mas o doutor tinha o seu coração preparado para o Nick vir a ser um médico e poderem trabalhar juntos.
When he marched off to preserve the Union, he signed over his ranch to this gal, so she could work it legal.
Quando partiu para proteger a União, passou o rancho para ela, para que pudesse geri-lo legalmente.
But the kind of life you lead, I ─ I don't know that life... and how could I make sure it would work out?
Mas a forma de vida que você leva, eu... eu não conheço essa vida. Como sei que isto dará certo?
But with patience and understanding and hard work, it could be made to blossom.
Mas com paciência, compreensão e trabalho duro, ele pode ficar em flor.
Colonel, it would save time if we could work during dinner.
Coronel, pouparíamos tempo se trabalhássemos ao jantar.
I could pick it up on my way to work.
Posso ir buscá-lo, quando for para o trabalho.
I suppose it could mean he should get back to work.
Suponho que significa que ele poderia voltar a trabalhar.
I did that some time ago and I never could work it out till you showed some interest.
Fiz isso há algum tempo e nunca pude acabar até que tu demonstraste algum interesse.
It could stand a little work.
Podia ser trabalhado um pouco.
You could get much more in a grocery store... and it's good, steady work.
Ganhava mais numa mercearia, e é trabalho fixo.
But it could have been neither the execution of the work, nor the immortal beauty of the countenance, which had so suddenly and so vehemently moved me.
"Mas pode não ter sido nem a execução da obra " nem a beleza imortal da fisionomia " o que tão subitamente e com tal veemência me comoveu.
It's still a mystery that you'd think of me for a collaboration that I frankly don't think could work.
Continua um mistério o facto de ter pensado em mim, para uma colaboração que, francamente, não sei como poderia concretizar.
With a little work, it could bring a good price.
Com um pouco de trabalho, conseguiríamos um bom preço.
We could sterilize them, but we couldn't be sure it would work.
Podíamos esterilizá-los, mas não temos a certeza se funciona.
Acha que pode ter sido um animal muito inteligente?
I don't suppose it could have been your promise to keep him a prisoner here until he'd finished his work.
Não pode ser porque prometeu-me... mantê-lo preso aqui até que terminasse o seu trabalho?
If I could widen its pattern of reception. Right down your alley, Spock. Get it here and get to work.
- Traga-o e inicie o trabalho.
If it isn't done just right, I could blow the entire communications system. It's very delicate work, sir.
Se não ficar bem feito, o sistema de comunicações pode rebentar.
I wish I could take the credit for it, but she did the work.
Gostava de assumir o crédito, mas tudo se deve a ela.
And with a little bit of luck, It just could work.
E com um pouco de sorte, talvez funcionasse.
I could've told you all that it wasn't gonna work.
Podia ter-lhes dito que não ia funcionar.
It might work near a cemetery, where you could make wreaths with the left-overs.
Poderia funcionar perto de um cemitério, fazendo coroas de flores com as sobras.
Could it work? Could this 18-year-old hairdresser from brixton Succeed where others had failed?
Conseguiria o cabeleireiro de 18 anos de Brixton ter sucesso onde outros falharam?
If it's so sound, how come he could never make it work? - Who?
Bem, se é tão boa, como ele nunca fê-la funcionar?
I guess I could work it in.
Acho que posso trabalhar nisso.
In Hamburg we discover for the first time, that the moral of the German people it could so be destroyed that the work in the industry, in armament industry, would go to fall down.
Em Hamburgo descobrimos pela primeira vez, que o moral do povo alemão podia ser tão destruído que o trabalho na indústria, na indústria de armamento, iria desabar.
No. But if my friends were able to get it to work, it could tell me where they are.
Não, mas se meus amigos conseguiram fazê-la funcionar...
It could be a person who, in his own loony way feels your work is promoting porno and decadence and he has a mission to clean up the world.
Pode ser uma pessoa que, na sua forma tresloucada ache que o seu trabalho promove a pornografia e a decadência e que a missão dele é purificar o mundo.
Could you work it out?
És capaz de pensar nisso?
Yes, it might work, if I could get any power.
Sim, poderia funcionar, se eu pudesse obter energia.
See, I thought we could make it work.
Pensei que a relação podia resultar.
Now, it's just possible that a sensor could read whatever code these things work on.
Seria possível ao sensor descobrir o código com que este dispositivo funciona.
Also, how could it possibly work?
Além disso, como é que poderia funcionar?
I promised Mpudi that I'd work here, so he could have a week to patch it.
Prometi ao Mpudi que trabalharia cá para termos a semana para consertá-lo.
It could be argued that given the absurdity of the idea, that Brussels does its best to defend the indefensible and make the unworkable work.
Podia ser argumentado que, dado o absurdo da ideia da Europa, Bruxelas dá o seu melhor para defender o indefensável - e faz do inviável profissão.
Could be important work. I wanna take it back.
- Pode ser importante, quero levar isto.
I mean, after you work the mine for a couple of months, get it going good, we could... meet in Hawaii.
Ou seja, depois de a mina estar a funcionar há uns meses, e até ser lucrativa, podíamos encontrar-nos no Havai.
- See, people who are paranoid are easily manipulated... if you play on their very fears. - Yeah, but it could work for us.
- Isso pode servir-nos.
Maybe we can even work it so you two could get together.
Talvez consigamos com que fiquem juntos.
If we could somehow harness this lightning... channel it into the flux capacitor... it just might work.
Se, de alguma forma, pudéssemos captar este relâmpago... e canalizá-lo para o condensador de fluxos, podia bem funcionar.
it could kill you 25
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it could be fun 40
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it could be fun 40
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it could kill him 17
it couldn't 27
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it could be dangerous 49
it could be anyone 55
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could work 17
work 1509
works 73
working 544
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work 1509
works 73
working 544
workers 297
worker 183
worked 56
work in progress 22
works like a charm 20
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working girl 21
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