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It just went off Çeviri Portekizce

93 parallel translation
- Desapareceu.
It just- - It just went off.
Disparou-se sozinho.
And... wow... it just went off.
E vê ainda pior. E a arma dispara-se.
It just went off. It's a funny clock.
É um relógio engraçado.
It just went off line.
It just went off, sir.
No cimo da estátua. Explodiu.
All right, so then you pointed the gun at him, and it just went off.
Muito bem, então... apontaste a arma a ele... e ela disparou.
It just went off!
Disparou sozinha!
- It just went off.
Disparou-se-me o tiro sem querer, calcula...
You were cleaning it and it just went off.
Estava a limpá-lo e saltou.
- It just went off.
- Ela disparou-se. - O que se passou?
Well, it just went off, and I was thinking maybe you could just take it.
Acabou de tocar e pensei que podias ser tu a atender.
It just went off by accident.
Que explodiu acidentalmente.
Maybe it just went off-line.
Talvez se tenha desligado.
- It just went off.
- Ela disparou sozinha.
It just went off.
Disparou sozinha.
I had my old rifle with me and it just went off.
Estava com a minha espingarda de caça e disparou de repente.
According to Natalia, Mateo said he never pulled the trigger, it just went off because he dropped it.
De acordo com Natália, Mateo disse que ele nunca apertou o gatilho. Que se tinha disparado quando caiu.
- It just went off.
- Acabou de se desligar.
It just went off.
Mas ela disparou-se.
It just went off a second ago.
Ele só saiu um segundo atrás.
- It just went off Pier 60 in San Pedro.
Acabou de cair do cais 60.
It just went off.
O tiro disparou-se sózinho.
And then it just- - the light bulb went off.
E então simplesmente... a luz acendeu-se.
And it went right across the sky. And then.... l mean, it just suddenly.... lt just changed direction and went whizzing off. lt flashed and- -
E atravessou todo o céu, e aí... quer dizer, subitamente... ele mudou de direcção e foi zunindo.
I just picked it up and it went off.
Eu só lhe peguei e disparou-se.
I just knew. It was like a light just went off in my head, and I knew she'd... I knew she just got rid of him.
Fez-se luz na minha cabeça e soube que ela se tinha livrado dele.
I started to do, like, a little arabesque. But then I just fully went for it and pulled off the demi-entrechat.
Comecei a fazer um pequeno arabesque, mas depois fui mais longe e fiz um demi-entrechat.
I was waiting, just like you said me to, but when she saw me, she got a gun... We struggled and it went off.
Fiquei aqui à espera, como o senhor disse, mas quando me viu, ela puxou de uma arma...
Because when I went in there with my third nipple he just lopped it right off.
Quando lá fui mostrar o meu terceiro mamilo ele tirou-o logo.
It went off just as people were getting up for intermission.
Explodiu quando as pessoas se levantavam para o intervalo.
I swear, we'd be in the middle of doing it, and if his goddamn beeper went off... then he'd just leave.
Eu juro, ia-mos a meio daquilo e o maldito do beeper dele dispara.... então ele vai-se embora
I'm just asking if, after we had sex - if that's the way it went - would we take our clothes back off afterwards?
Estou só a perguntar se, depois de fazermos sexo - se desse para esse lado - se nos voltávamos a despir depois?
I just floated through life pissed off at the world, just getting by, getting high, just making it up as I went.
Atravessei a vida com raiva do mundo... Desenrascava-me, andava "pedrado", tudo na base do improviso.
I don't think it went too well, so just stopped off for a little pick - me - up.
Acho que não correu muito bem, então vim aqui para um copo revitalizante.
Nah, it just snapped off and went flying.
Não, partiu e saiu disparado.
And then you guys, you're all such big talkers that compared to you, I seemed especially off, and then the doctors called it autism, and I don't know, I just went with it because I realized that I wouldn't catch Dad's wrath, like Zeke or Ethan,
E vocês, são todos tão bons conversadores que comparados comigo, eu pareceria estar completamente de fora, e então os médicos chamaram-lhe autismo, e não sei, eu simplesmente aceitei isso porque percebi que não conseguiria alcançar a ira do pai, como o Zeke ou o Ethan,
The kid liked it, but Karen - she just went off the deep end.
O miúdo gostava, mas a Karen acabou por se passar.
It just went straight off the cliff. It didn't even slow down.
Saiu disparado pelo penhasco, nem abrandou.
The lack of discipline meant that we went to bed completely pissed and we had our pistols in their holsters hanging off the bed frame, and when somebody was too lazy to turn off the light, we just shot it out.
A falta de disciplina permitia-nos ir para a cama embriagados e tínhamos as nossas armas no coldre, penduradas na cama - Quando estávamos com demasiada preguiça para desligar a luz, apagávamo-la com um tiro -
Gia... it passed by our limo just a few minutes before the bus went off the cliff.
Passou pela nossa limusina uns minutos antes do acidente.
Sorry about that, it just... just, er... just went off.
Desculpe quanto a isso... Disparou sozinha.
- Drop the fucking gun! It's not my fucking fault, man! The fucking gun just went off!
Não tive culpa, a merda da arma disparou-se!
But if it was just a matter of getting all that off your chest, you could have just as easily sent me a letter, but you went to the effort to come see me.
Mas se isso era apenas uma maneira de tirar tudo do seu peito... teria sido mais fácil você ter me mandado uma carta. Mas você se esforçou para vir me ver.
I wanted to scare the hell out of him, just to wipe that smug look off his face, but when I got back to the club, it was on fire, so I went home and hid the gun in Mom's flour jar.
Eu queria assustá-lo, só para lhe tirar aquele ar presunçoso, mas quando voltei ao clube, estava a arder, portanto, fui para casa e escondi a arma no frasco de farinha da mãe.
Now, Tommy, you were just sort of cleaning your BB gun and all of a sudden it went off like that?
Tommy, estavas a limpar a tua pressão de ar e de repente ela disparou assim?
Oh, it's nothing terrible, it's just... this creepy guy tried to buy an ancient ring off Celia, and he offered her £ 20,000 and then I went and asked for a hundred.
Não é nada de terrível, é só... há um homem a tentar comprar pela Célia um Anel antigo, e ofereceu a ela 20.000 € e depois eu perguntei-lhe se podia dar 100.000 €.
It's just a random hit off this right-wing militia blog, which went off post-9 / 11.
Veio de um blogue de uma milícia de direita, bloqueado após o 11 de Setembro.
It was... all these physical therapies he went through and talking and word search and all this stuff. He was just starting to get, you know, some of this stuff back when they just, like, cut if off.
Foi... todos estes tratamentos por que ele teve que passar, apender a falar, as palavras e tudo isto, ele estava a começar a readquirir, entendes, estas coisas todas, quando eles simplesmente cortaram tudo.
No, no, it's my fault, I was startled and the gun just went off!
Não, não, foi culpa minha, assustei-me e disparei sem querer.
It just occurred to me. In the airport, before the flash-bangs went off? You put your sunglasses on.
Acabei de me lembrar que no aeroporto, antes de começarem os clarões puseste os óculos de sol.

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