Kick him out Çeviri Portekizce
285 parallel translation
If you don't kick him out, I'm clearing out myself, and I mean it this time!
Ou vai ele, ou vou eu, e desta vez é a sério.
- Just as they were to kick him out!
- Quando o iam expulsar!
I'll kick him out of the house!
Vou expulsá-lo da casa!
You see, after you left, I stopped by the jail to talk to him and there were so many people trying to get in to hear his sermon, they just had to kick him out.
Havia tantas pessoas a tentar entrar para ouvir o seu sermão, Que tiveram de expulsá-lo.
- Kick him out!
- Ponha ele para fora.
After that, my advice is you kick him out of Castelrosso.
Depois, aconselho-o a expulsá-lo de Castelrosso.
I'll use him and kick him out.
Vou usá-lo e deitá-lo fora.
I'll kick him out of the house!
A tiro de minha casa a pontapés!
We gotta kick him out of here once and for all.
Expulsem-no daqui, de uma vez por todas.
Mr. Dolan, kick him out.
Sr. Dolan, ponha-o lá fora.
We didn't say kick him out.
Não dissemos para o mandares embora.
I'll kick him out tomorrow.
- Amanhã mando este bandalho embora!
When I kick him out, blast them.
Quando o empurrar, carreguem sobre eles.
- Kick him out. - No way!
- Põe-o fora a pontapé.
Kick him out.
Kick him out!
Chutem-no daqui para fora!
Do you think one of his neighbors will come in here and kick him out?
Acha que um de seus vizinhos poderia vir tirá-lo do poder?
There's a lot on the line. I mean, if the politicians don't kick him out soon enough, then, boom!
Se ninguém fizer nada, ou seja, se os políticos não o expulsarem rapidamente...
The fact that Baby was recognized in the photos... trying to burn a US flag and a guy tried to kick him out all that.
O facto de o Baby ter sido reconhecido nas fotos a queimar a bandeira americana e os tipos a tentar apanhá-lo.
You didn't kick him out?
Pô-lo fora?
"Bhima, kick him out of the room."
Bhima chute-o para fora da sala.
Kick him out?
At least they didn't kick him out right away.
Pelo menos não o mandaram sair logo de seguida.
Kick him out?
Que o ponha na rua?
Well, you did kick him out.
Porque tu o expulsaste.
I won't kick him out.
Não o ponho na rua.
First they lock him up, now they kick him out of the country.
Primeiro prendem-no, agora expulsam-no do país.
I didn't mean to kick him out.
Não era minha intenção expulsá-lo.
I mean, I didn't kick him out, he just left.
Quero dizer, eu não o expulsei, ele simplesmente foi embora.
Tell him we're going to kick the Germans out of his country.
- Fala-lhe dos alemães.
When I get the valley clear for him, he's going to kick me out, like he did before.
Quando eu lhe tiver limpo o vale, ele corre comigo, tal como fez antes.
I think it's time I asked him to kick you out.
Acho que está na altura de lhe pedir que te expulse.
I thought you'd get a kick out of seeing him all dolled up the way you remember him back in Korea.
Pensei que você fosse emocionar-se por vê-lo todo aperaltado da forma como se lembra dele de lá na Coreia.
You kick a cheat out of town, not lynch him.
Os trapaceiros só perdem, acabam sendo desmascarados.
Gee, I get a kick out of him.
Ele é o máximo!
We're going to kick the hell out of him all the time... and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose!
Vamos desancá-lo constantemente e vamos arrasar com ele até nada restar!
Riley tried to fuck me... so I had to kick the shit out of him, you know?
O Riley tentou abusar de mim... por isso tive de lhe bater.
Bayonet gets stuck in ribs, you have to kick him to pull it out.
Se a baioneta fica encravada nas costelas, tens que fazer muita força para a tirar.
Let's take him out back and kick the shit out of him.
Só nos resta espancá-lo aí num canto.
And let him kick monks out of their own monastery, all for money?
E o deixaria expulsar monges do mosteiro, só por dinheiro?
I got Goody's lecture and I ain't sure I can kick the shit out of him.
Já tive um sermão do Goody e acho que não posso mandá-lo à merda.
I've never known him to kick cash out of bed.
Nunca o conheci a chutar dinheiro fora da cama.
Take him outside and kick the shit out of him.
Levem-no lá para fora e dêm cabo dele.
- Kick the shit out of him!
- Dá um pontapé nessa merda!
You pick out a tough guy... Kick his ass right away, give him a real good beating.
Escolhemos um tipo duro e damos-lhe logo uma grande sova.
You want me to drag him out of here, kick the shit out of him?
Queres que vá buscá-lo e lhe dê uma tareia?
Come on, kick the snot out of him!
Vamos lá! Acabe com ele!
Kick the shit out of him!
Acaba com ele!
Besides, if we voted against him, he'd kick the living crap out of us.
Além disso, se votássemos contra ele, dava-nos uma sova.
And let him kick monks out of their own monastery, all for money?
Não sei onde estão as suas drogas e não sei onde está o Jack.
I'd like to kick the shit out of him!
Gostava de lhe dar um enxerto!
kick him 52
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896