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Lights Çeviri Portekizce

10,492 parallel translation
... look for the northern lights in the sky.
Procurávamos a aurora boreal no céu.
lights to 20 %.
Luzes a 20 %.
Lights out.
Apagam-se as luzes.
As in lights out for you.
Isto é, apagam-se as luzes para si.
I couldn't take my clothes off with the lights on.
Não conseguia despir-me com a luz acesa.
Just make sure that when your name is up in lights, my name is there too.
Certifica-te apenas que, no futuro, quando estiveres na ribalta, eu também estou.
Just make sure that when your name is up in lights, my name is there, too.
Certifica-te, apenas, que quando o teu nome for famoso, o meu vai atrás.
Cheer up, get a saw, I'll kill the lights, you kill the patient.
Anima-te, traz a serra, eu apago as luzes, tu matas o paciente.
This car's rear lights has been smashed. He dit is.
Ele partiu o farol traseiro deste carro.
Lights - out
Apaguem as luzes.
The lights are finally back on.
As luzes estão finalmente de volta.
Even better, keep the lights out.
Melhor, desliguem as luzes.
- ♪ Lights that used to blind us ♪ - I can't live a lie anymore.
Não posso viver mais a mentir.
Power plants, traffic lights... everything on the digital grid now belongs to me.
Centrais de energia, sinais de trânsito, tudo na grelha digital pertence-me agora.
Lights out, Grundy.
Hora de apagar as luzes, Grundy.
Fluorescent lights are hell, no?
As lâmpadas fluorescentes são terríveis, não?
Maybe lose the gun, the cuffs, the squad car with the flashing lights, you might have better luck these boys talking to you if you didn't look like the enemy, hm?
Talvez seja melhor não vir com a arma, as algemas, o carro de patrulha com as luzes a piscar. Podia conseguir que os miúdos falem consigo se não parecesse o inimigo.
Jumped out of the car when it was stopped at the lights on the corner of Robey and Wattle Street, Greenacre.
- Saltou do carro quando estava parado nos semáforos na esquina da Robey com a Wattle Street, em Greenacre.
We'll keep the lights on for you.
Vamos manter as luzes acesas.
Just make sure than when your name is up in lights, my name is there, too.
Certifica-te, apenas, que quando estiveres na ribalta, eu também lá estarei.
It was magical... all of the lights, the music.
Foi mágico. Todas aquelas luzes, a música...
You certain that, as long as these lights stay on, he can't get in?
Tens a certeza que com estas luzes acesas - ele não pode entrar?
These lights should keep him at bay.
Estas luzes devem afastá-lo.
Hey, kid! You still shooting out the lights?
Miúdo, ainda atiras bem?
Lights out means lights out, okay?
Hora de apagar as luzes.
We've mixed ten gallons of the stuff, but once it lights, how do we put out the blaze?
Misturamos 37L, mas quando aceso, como apagamos?
And it certainly can't be someone whose entire culture powers my brake lights!
Queres que seja o tipo cuja cultura dá luz aos meus faróis?
Doctor Light managed to hack into the lights of her cell.
Ela pirateou as luzes da cela.
Hey, you're the one who turned out the lights out On Alyssa's business while I was extending an olive branch. Bullshit again.
Vocês é que fecharam a empresa da Alyssa, enquanto eu oferecia o ramo de oliveira.
And I know exactly how to turn those lights on.
E sei exatamente como atrair as atenções.
I... In the Christmas lights... Uh-huh.
Nas luzes de Natal, numa caixa de anel.
She is the one who lights my way.
É aquela que ilumina o meu caminho.
When she told me what happened to her, it was as if all the lights in the room went on...
Quando ela me disse o que lhe tinha acontecido, foi como se todas as luzes se acendessem...
Columbus, on his first journey to the New World, as he neared the Caribbean, he started seeing weird lights in the sky.
Colombo, na sua primeira viagem para o Novo Mundo, consoante se aproximava das Caraíbas, começou a ver estranhas luzes no céu.
I promise you these lights were not extinguished in vain.
Prometo-vos. Estas luzes não foram extinguidas em vão.
At 10 : 00, cell block lights out.
Às 22h00, as luzes das celas apagam.
At 10 : 02, your lights go out.
Às 22h02, tu vais ser apagado.
Lights don't work.
As luzes não funcionam.
We did see some really strange lights in the sky last night though.
Embora tenhamos visto ontem luzes estranhas no céu.
I was like everyone else. I saw the lights in the sky, but I had no idea what they were.
E via essas luzes no céu, mas não fazia ideia onde estavam.
We saw the lights and the explosion.
Vimos as luzes e a explosão. Estávamos muito preocupados.
There's some lights up ahead.
- Não! Há umas luzes mais à frente.
Can you flash your lights at the oncoming traffic?
Pode acender os faróis?
Granted, you'd have to hit all green lights, but... yeah, we could make it work.
Teria que dar tudo certo, mas sim, podemos fazer isto funcionar.
Lights out at 10 : 00.
Com as luzes apagadas às 22 : 00.
Are you the one that turned the lights out?
Foste tu que apagaste as luzes?
Lost the lights.
Ficamos sem luzes.
She put in her own wiring with working lights.
Instalou a sua própria cablagem com luzes a sério.
Son, I got all the faith in the world in you. But if we fire this off and the choppers don't come for us, we're captured, we're labeled terrorists, and then it's lights out.
Filho, confio muito em ti, mas, se fizermos explodir isso e os helicópteros não vierem, seremos capturados, considerados terroristas e seremos mortos.
And even though we had lights with us, it was still like we were floating within the cosmos.
E apesar de termos luzes, era como se estivessemos a flutuar no cosmos.
He's looking at the lights on the phone.
Está a ver as luzes do telefone.

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