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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ L ] / Lights off

Lights off Çeviri Portekizce

881 parallel translation
Turn all the lights off.
Apaguem as luzes todas.
Well, it certainly is dark in here with the lights off.
Bem, isto está escuro com as luzes apagadas.
When the motor starts, turn the lights off.
Quando ligar o motor, desliguem a luz.
I'll turn the lights off below, in case you wonder who did it.
Vou apagar as luzes lá em baixo, caso alguém se pergunte quem as apagou.
I leave the lights off five seconds.
- Apago as luzes 5 segundos.
Spires, start your car and move towards the location with your lights off.
Spires, ligue o carro e vá em direção ao local devagar... com as luzes apagadas.
I think I can turn his lights off at the source.
Acho que consigo apagá-lo na fonte.
Lights off!
Apaguem as luzes!
Turn the lights off.
Apaga as luzes.
You know, we found that thing with the ignition and lights off and the gear in neutral.
Encontrámo-lo com o motor desligado, os faróis apagados e em ponto morto.
Put off those beastly lights, I tell you!
Desligue essa luz! Desligue essa maldita luz!
Dover reports an unidentified plane, no lights, taking off across the Channel an hour ago.
Participa um avião não identificado... sem luzes, a levantar voo sobre o canal, há uma hora.
Turn off the lights, IsobeI.
Apague as luzes, Isabel.
I can't read the rest of the speech... the lights have gone out... so I'll just have to talk off the cuff.
Não consigo ler o resto do discurso, as luzes foram-se... por isso vou ter que falar de improviso.
The lights went off and went right on again.
Apagaram-se as luzes e depois acenderam.
When you leave the highway, turn off all your lights.
Quando saíres da estrada, apaga as luzes.
I'll drop off as close to the spot as I can. Let the train pass, then dim your lights twice.
Deixa passar o comboio e acende as luzes duas vezes.
Would you mind helping me turn off the lights?
Importa em me ajudar a apagar as luzes?
I was afraid someone would notice the lights were on, so I turned them off.
Receei que vissem as luzes ligadas, e desliguei-as.
Yes. The circus, when the lights are off, looks like a sleeping child.
O circo quando tem as luzes apagadas, parece uma criança adormecida.
When the lights go out on this glittering realm of sawdust and popcorn, the circus puts off it's spangles and climbs into battle dress for the nightly combat with time and distance.
Quando as luzes se apagam neste reino brilhante de serradura e pipocas, o circo despoja-se das suas lantejoulas e prepara-se para a batalha para o combate nocturno contra o tempo e a distância.
All right Frank, turn off those lights.
Está bom, Frank, apaga as luzes.
I got to turn off the lights,'cause of the blackout outside.
Tenho de apagar as luzes por causa do blackout.
Turn off the lights.
Apaga as luzes.
Stay away from windows and turn off the lights.
Afastem-se das janelas e não acendam as luzes.
The lights went off.
As luzes apagaram-se.
That my next clear memory is of starting up in that chair at about 4 : 00, noticing that it was nearly daylight and someone had turned off the lights.
Que a minha recordação seguinte foi a de me levantar daquela cadeira por volta das 4 da manhã, e reparar que era quase de dia e que alguém tinha desligado as luzes.
"I can always come in on the glare off the lights from Havana."
"Posso ir em direcção ao esplendor | das luzes de Havana."
He turned off the highway into a lane in the woods, and he stopped the car and turned off the lights.
Ele saiu da estrada, virou para um caminho na floresta, parou o carro... e apagou os faróis.
- Here they are. - Turn off the lights, you fanatic!
Desliga estes faróis, exibicionista.
Put on "Patricia." I'll turn off the lights. - Come on, put on "Patricia."
Ponham "Patricia", vou desligar as luzes.
Start turning off the lights.
Andrea, desliga as luzes.
What are you laughing at? Who turned off the lights?
Estás a rir porquê?
Turn off those lights.
Apaga esses farois.
- You put down the shades? - Yes. Turn off the lights, and lock the doors.
Baixa as persianas, apaga as luzes e fecha as portas.
Sergeant, switch off the lights, please.
Sargento, apague as luzes, por favor.
Turn off the lights.
Desliga os faróis.
I'll just get up and turn off the lights.
A luz.
IKnock off the lights, Will.
Desliga as luzes, Will.
But it was a real drag until somebody turned off the lights.
Mas era uma chatice, até eles desligarem as luzes.
Switch off the lights and let me sleep. And you go to sleep, too!
Desligue as luzes e deixe-me dormir e devia ir dormir boa noite.
Let's sleep, Uncle Lele, turn off the lights!
Vamos dormir, Tio Lele, apaga as luzes!
Thank you, sir. Turn off your lights, please.
Obrigado, Sr. Apague as luzes, por favor.
If you will turn off the lights?
Pode apagar as luzes?
You have the fight. When you're through, turn off these lights.
Discute tu, e depois apaga as luzes.
Turn off lights.
Apaguem as luzes.
Constable, you turn off the lights.
Agente, desligue as luzes.
He says. " Okay. hold it. Come on down. Come on down off the lights.
Venham todos, desçam, desliguem as luzes... "
Frank, want to turn off the lights?
Frank! Pode apagar as luzes?
Lights, ignition, emergency brake, all off.
"Luzes, ignição, travão de mão, tudo desligado."
Pull up and turn off the lights.
- Encoste e desligue as luzes. - Sim, senhor.

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