On the bench Çeviri Portekizce
686 parallel translation
Gentlemen... if I were in the jury box... if I were judge on the bench... yea, even though I sat... in the governor's chair... I could say no less... and duty compels that the presence among us... of this disgraceful criminal, this scavenger... this unspeakable human... strikes at the very foundation of the Southwest.
Cavalheiros... se eu estivesse no jurado... se eu fosse o juiz do caso... sim, até se me sentasse... na cadeira do governador... não poderia dizer menos o dever obriga a presença entre nós... desta criminosa desavergonhada, esta meretriz... este ser humano inefável... destrói a mesmas bases do sudoeste.
Sue Kent with Slade on the bench?
Processar o Kent com o Slade no poleiro?
Now you see, either Gyp or his brother are gonna tell us a lot... as soon as they find out Slade ain't gonna be on the bench. - Yeah.
O Gyp ou o irmão vão contar-nos tudo assim que descobrirem que o Slade não será o juiz.
All right, now, you fellas hop right up here on the bench.
Muito bem, saltem aqui para cima do banco.
Picking splinters off of your pants from sitting on the bench so long.
Retirar farpas das suas calças por ficar no banco por tanto tempo.
He puts a fellow like Grunstadt on the bench.
Põe um homem como o Grunstadt a presidir.
Remember, if Hawfield's on the bench...
Lembre-se de que se o juiz for o HorfieId...
I crossed on the bench itself.
- O embrulho.
You said Jennie's parents were killed. I found her sobbing on the bench the night it happened.
Que os seus pais morrerão, mas vi-a a chorar quando isso aconteceu.
With the President's permission, I now would like to address a few remarks... to a notorious swordsman on the bench's opposite.
Com a permissão do presidente, gostaria de fazer alguns comentários... a um cavalheiro no banco do lado oposto.
There's a basin on the bench and a towel on the jug, and soap.
Há uma pia ali em frente e uma toalha pendurada. E sabão.
The man on the bench.
O homem no banco.
He has sent more blood-thirsty murderers to their just rewards than any other man on the bench.
Nenhum outro juiz aplicou castigos justos a tantos assassinos.
When I was on the bench, he was always confessing to murder.
Quando eu exercia, confessava sempre os homicídios.
Luke, I haven't sat on the bench in ten years.
Luke, já n-ao me sento no banco há dez anos.
The only differences may be in the state of their digestions or their proclivities for sleeping on the bench.
As únicas diferenças talvez estejam no estado das suas digestões... ou nas suas tendências para adormecer na barra.
Therefore, you, Your Honors, as judges on the bench... will be sitting in judgment... of judges in the dock.
Assim, vocês, meritíssimos, como juízes do Tribunal... presidirão um julgamento... que sentará juízes no banco dos réus.
I was thinking about everything that waiting on the bench.
Estive pensando em tudo aquilo esperando no banco.
You remember that couple we saw the other day on the bench?
Lembra-se do casal que vimos no outro dia?
On the bench.
Na bancada.
Now, look, make your choice- - either you sleep in here with the light off, or you go in the workroom on the bench.
Foi muito corajoso tentar salvar-me. Fiz o melhor que pude, Don Carlos. - Mas aprendi algo.
- On the bench.
- No banco.
- Get him back on the bench.
- Trá-lo de volta. Salto em comprimento!
You boys in the back, get up on the bench.
Rapazes lá atrás, subam para cima do banco!
Shok, you're on the bench.
Shok, vais para o banco.
You ever see thugs like that on the bench before?
Voce sempre ve facínoras como aquele no canto antes?
Tanner, Toby, Regi, and Jimmy... you're sitting on the bench.
Tanner, Toby, Regi e Jimmy vão ficar no banco.
Hey, looks like we're a little short on the bench today, Dex.
Parece que temos um banco muito fraco hoje, Dex.
Professor, you've solved this case beautifully and I'm very grateful but this country needs you on the Supreme Court bench.
Professor, resolveu este caso e estou-lhe muito grato mas o país precisa de si no Supremo Tribunal.
This is great being on the inside, right on the player's bench.
É bom ver as coisas do lado de dentro, como agora.
I was sitting on that bench... and this woman, or whatever it was... howled and grabbed me by the throat.
Estava sentado naquele banco... e uma mulher, ou lá o que era aquilo, uivou e agarrou-me pela garganta.
He's on the precision bench in the spare parts department the plant Stanley travels for.
Está no setor de precisão do departamento de sobressalentes na mesma fábrica que Stanley.
There's no law against them sitting on a bench at the depot.
Não há nenhuma lei que os proíba de estarem sentados em frente à loja.
And as I myself will probably be sitting on that bench after the election I should not like to prejudice myself by being a prosecutor in the same cause.
E, dado que, após as eleições, talvez seja eu quem aí me sente, não me quero prejudicar a mim próprio advogando um caso desta natureza.
She's not so good in the house But on a bench in the park You'd be surprised
Ela não é grande coisa em casa Mas no parque ficariam surpreendidos
He forced her to sit on the piano bench and then he made her play "Chopsticks."
Obrigou-a a sentar-se no banco do piano e obrigou-a a tocar os "Martelinhos".
He makes them sit on the piano bench and makes them play "Chopsticks."
Obriga-as a sentar-se no banco do piano depois obriga-as a tocar os "Martelinhos".
A little difficult on the piano bench, Mrs. Duchin.
Um pequeno problema com o banco do piano, Mrs. Duchin.
The girl that gave me a hand at the start... who sat beside me on the piano bench... nursed the bruises and kissed away the hurt... and taught me all the things I had to learn.
A rapariga que me deu uma mão para eu começar... que se sentou ao meu lado no banco do piano... me tratou as maselas e curou as feridas com beijos... e me ensinou todas as coisas que eu precisava aprender.
She was in the park, sitting on a bench.
Estava no parque, sentado num banco.
But I had one hope for the outcome... because sitting on the judge's bench... was Ernst Janning.
Mas eu tinha esperança pelo resultado... porque sentado na cadeira de juiz... estava Ernst Janning.
Take that examining magistrate, he has only to see a woman and he'll climb over the bench and knock down the defendant just to get his hands on her.
Veja, o magistrado... quer derrubar o réu para pegar a mulher dele.
Remember the promise I once made on this very bench?
Recordas-te do que te prometi há tantos anos neste banco?
Or in the street or on a bench? Not slept?
Não dormistes?
Turn on the scanner on that bench.
Liga o scanner daquela bancada.
Will the attorneys come on up here to the bench.
Advogados, Venham ao pé do estrado. Senhores...
I was sitting over there on a stone bench reading my book and between the hours of 11 : 00 and 12 : 15 I didn't move.
Eu estive sentado nesse banco, lendo o meu livro, aí entre as 11 : 00 e as 12 : 15, sem me mexer.
A major promulgator of the ghetto bench rule, which made it illegal for Jewish students to sit on the same bench as Poles.
Um importante divulgador do gueto "Regra do Banco"... que fez com que fosse ilegal que os estudantes judeus... se sentassem no mesmo banco que os polacos ".
We sat on a bench in the park. I had to remove a shoe. - She took the shoe away from me...
Nós sentamos no banco do parque, tive que tirar meu sapato, e ela o pegou...
You go to the Bench and you see him as the trains go by, he be going like this, you know, he have ink stains on his clothes.
Vais à "Bancada" e o vês enquanto os comboios passam, a fazer assim, sabes, e ele tem manchas de tinta na roupa.
There's an unmarked car around the corner and a soft clothes guy, solo, on the bus bench.
Está um carro suspeito na esquina e um tipo sentado na paragem do autocarro.
on the whole 55
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the roof 79
on the contrary 1002
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the other 48
on the surface 75
on the dot 66
on the record 70
on the contrary 1002
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the other 48
on the surface 75
on the dot 66
on the record 70
on the house 231
on there 23
on the side 64
on the sidewalk 17
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28
on the phone 192
on there 23
on the side 64
on the sidewalk 17
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28
on the phone 192