On the floor Çeviri Portekizce
9,015 parallel translation
Yeah, but where on the floor?
Sim, mas no chão, onde?
What, on the floor?
Para o chão?
There was a carpet runner here on the floor until a few days ago.
Parece que havia um tapete no chão até alguns dias atrás.
Thank you for not laughing and falling on the floor like my mother does when I say such things.
Obrigada por não te rebolares a rir no chão como a minha mãe faz quando digo estas coisas.
This time it worked - all the guests, and Amin, fell on the floor, writhing in agony.
Desta vez funcionou - todos os convidados, e Amin, cairam no chão, retorcendo-se em dor.
There was a second death on the floor.
Houve uma outra morte no piso.
There's evidence of blood on the floor back here, and it looks like someone tried to clean it up.
Há provas de sangue aqui no chão e parece que alguém tentou limpar.
I see a nice st for you on the floor in there.
Vi um bom lugar no chão, para ti.
One or both of them might get to me but not before I lay you out on the floor.
Um deles, ou ambos, até podem alcançar-me... mas antes vais estar no chão.
And Daddy, when they crash, they're probably gonna come out firing, so get down on the floor, and stay there!
E pai, quando baterem, eles devem sair aos tiros, por isso deita-te no chão e fica aí! - E tu?
Moments later, Agent Hanna was bleeding out on the floor.
- Logo depois, o Agente Hanna estava a sangrar caído no chão.
I mean, ass on the floor, no lie.
De rabo no chão, não estou a mentir.
On the floor!
No chão!
Max just peed on the floor just outside his room.
O Max mijou no chão, mesmo à porta do quarto.
Now round your back, put your feet on the floor, and proceed to roll up slowly, letting your spine lift tall bit... by bit.
Sei como é. Agora virem as costas, ponham os pés no chão e façam um rolamento lentamente, deixando a coluna erguer-se pouco a pouco.
Okay, that's Ganz's cousin Curtis on the floor.
Aquele é o primo do Ganz, Curtis, no chão.
I'm just gonna put it on the floor and kick it on over to ya.
Vou pôr no chão e dar-lhe um pontapé.
I put the paint cans on the floor and pretended that the tea scalded me.
Eu pus as latas de tinta no chão e fingi que o chá me queimou.
Lily, did you spill purple paint on the floor?
- Lily, derramaste tinta roxa?
I-I can barely see anything. She's on the floor.
Não consigo ver quase nada.
Underwear on the floor, hair in the sink.
Nem por causa de roupa interior no chão, nem por causa dos pelos.
Place the weapon slowly on the floor.
Coloque a arma lentamente no chão.
Leaving wet spots on the floor.
Deixava manchas húmidas no chão.
- You're sleeping on the floor.
- Vais dormir no chão.
My dad found me on the floor, lying beside the chair.
Meu pai encontrou-me no chão, deitada ao lado da cadeira.
Once upon a time, Lieutenant Pine got hit on the head, his blood spattered on the wall, he crashed through a coffee table and he lay on the floor, dead.
Era uma vez, quando o tenente Pine foi atingido na cabeça, o sangue espalhou-se na parede, caiu sobre a mesinha - e jazeu, morto. Fim.
It's in the study on the third floor.
Está no terceiro andar. Por favor.
# Like the grim face on the cathedral floor
# Like the grim face on the cathedral floor
Apparently, he was thinking about getting one, and he slipped and fell on the showroom floor.
E não tinha. Estava a pensar comprar uma quando escorregou e caiu no stand.
And look. If you want to make him scrape the gunk out of the trench drains on the apparatus floor, who am I to stop you?
E olha... se quiseres fazê-lo limpar a lama de todas as sargetas do quartel,
But you should let your lieutenant know that he can't be making out with the Chief's ex on the apparatus floor, or Pridgen will destroy him.
Mas deves avisar o teu tenente que não pode andar a sair com a ex-mulher do Comandante e a agarrá-la aqui no quartel, ou o Pridgem irá destruí-lo.
Actually, the procedure is to bring your gun and badge down to the equipment room on the second floor, fill out form 452-underscore-J, hand said form in to the inventory clerk, and then receive a claim check through interoffice mail. The system stinks!
- O procedimento é levá-los ao 2.o andar preencher o formulário 452-J, entregá-lo ao funcionário e receber um comprovativo pelo correio.
Look, I gotta get this model off the floor, the new one on display, and these two knobs lost the keys. - All right, well, let's push it.
Tenho de tirar este modelo, pôr o novo na montra, e estes palonços perderam as chaves.
He got out on the 12th floor and texted his girlfriend.
Ele saiu no 12º andar e mandou uma mensagem à namorada.
The guy was so drunk, he slips on the wet floor and hits his head on the toilet.
Ele estava tão bêbado que escorregou no chão molhado e bateu com a cabeça na sanita.
Yeah, based on the motels they favored on the way up, they like places that offer ground floor units, have minimal surveillance, and don't ask a lot of questions.
Sim, baseada nos motéis eles preferiram subir, eles gostam de lugares que ofereçam andares térreos, tenham o mínimo de vigilância, e não façam muitas perguntas.
Said they saw Toussaint being thrown out of the V.I.P. area up on the second floor around midnight.
Elas viram o Toussaint a ser expulso da área VIP no segundo andar por volta da meia-noite.
It's definitely on the fifth floor. Let's go.
Foi, definitivamente, no 5º andar.
On the fucking floor?
Que andar é?
Come on, patrols on every floor, infrared on the elevator, motion sensors in this corridor, 128-bit encryption on the main door.
Patrulhas em cada andar, infravermelhos no elevador, sensores de movimento neste corredor, criptografia de 128 bits na porta principal.
DuPont Investments dropped through the floor today, and you sold short based on something that I told you in confidence.
A Dupont Investments caiu para os mínimos, hoje, e tu vendeste mesmo antes, com base numa coisa que te disse em confidência.
The tracker says the case is on this floor.
O localizador diz que a mala está neste andar.
There's an apartment on the third floor...
Há um apartamento no terceiro andar...
Now the original storefront on the ground floor used to keep inventory upstairs in apartment 3C, which they used to move merchandise with a private elevator.
Agora a loja original no rés-do-chão, guardava o inventario no andar de cima no apartamento 3C para onde levavam a mercadoria por um elevador privado.
On the third floor!
No 3º andar!
Now she's on the floor.
Agora ela está no chão.
You see anybody on the 20th floor didn't belong there?
Viu alguém no 20º piso que não pertencesse lá?
I told them- - it was my Lhasa apso who piddled on the kitchen floor, but they didn't believe me.
Eu disse-lhes que o meu cão tinha urinado no chão da cozinha, mas não acreditaram.
No. No, I was just exploring the new renovation on the seventh floor and got lost in the hallways for two days.
Não, estava apenas a explorar a remodelação no 7º andar e perdi-me nos corredores durante 2 dias.
# Glasses of champagne out on the dance floor... # You'd only find me.
Tu encontras-me sempre.
And were you up on the second floor at all?
- Subiste ao segundo andar?
on the whole 55
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the roof 79
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the roof 79
on the contrary 1002
on the bench 17
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the other 48
on the surface 75
on the dot 66
on the record 70
on the bench 17
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the other 48
on the surface 75
on the dot 66
on the record 70
on the house 231
on there 23
on the sidewalk 17
on the side 64
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28
on the phone 192
on there 23
on the sidewalk 17
on the side 64
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28
on the phone 192