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Sergeant brody Çeviri Portekizce

92 parallel translation
You're suggesting that Abu Nazir planted intelligence in his own safe house just so we could recover Sergeant Brody?
Estás a sugerir que o Abu Nazir atraiu-nos para o seu esconderijo para que resgatássemos o Sargt.
And Sergeant Brody's due home from Germany tomorrow morning, which gives us just under 22 hours.
E o Sargt. vai chegar da Alemanha amanhã pela manhã, o que nos dá menos de 22 horas.
We're ready for you, Sergeant Brody.
Estamos prontos para si, Sargt.
As we reported, Sergeant Brody is one of two Marines who went missing in action eight years ago, during a mission into Iraq, near the Syrian border.
Como dissemos, o Sargt. Brody é um dos dois fuzileiros desaparecidos em combate há oito anos, durante uma missão no Iraque, perto da fronteira Síria.
A former Marine Scout sniper, Sergeant Brody was operating in hostile territory when his spotter...
O "Scout Sniper", Sargt. Brody operava em território hostil quando o seu parceiro...
But after the announcement that Sergeant Brody, in fact, survived the eight-year ordeal and was greeted by a wave of enthusiasm from an American public eager to greet a true hero.
Mas após o anúncio que o Sgto Brody, na verdade, sobreviveu ao calvário de oito anos e foi saudado com entusiasmo pelos americanos, ansiosos por receber um verdadeiro herói.
Sergeant Brody, the Vice President's here.
Sargt. Brody, o Vice-Presidente está aqui.
Sergeant Brody.
Sargt. Brody.
Sergeant Brody, on behalf of the President of the United States and a grateful nation, it is my privilege to welcome you home!
Em nome do Presidente dos Estados Unidos e da nação, é meu privilégio dar-lhe as boas-vindas!
Sergeant Brody gets back to his house.
Brody chegar.
More details on Sergeant Brody's captivity are expected to come out.
Mais detalhes sobre o cativeiro do Sargt. Brody.
I need you to get me into Sergeant Brody's debrief tomorrow morning.
Podes colocar-me no "briefing" do Sargt. Brody amanhã?
Then you can have your face time with Sergeant Brody.
Assim podes ter uma conversa com o Sargt.
Sergeant Brody, it's a pleasure.
Sargt. Brody, é um prazer.
Sergeant Brody, my name is Carrie Mathison.
Brody, sou Carrie Mathison.
The point is Sergeant Brody stopped being a source of actionable intelligence fairly quickly, and yet he was kept alive for eight more years.
A questão é, o Sargt. Brody passou informações no início e ainda assim continuou vivo, durante oito anos.
Sergeant Brody you're a man who's endured a terrible ordeal.
Sargt. Brody você é um homem que suportou uma provação terrível.
Even suggesting that Sergeant Brody's what you think he is?
Uma coisa que indique que seja quem pensas que é?
The feed will be live by the time Sergeant Brody gets back to his house.
Vai estar pronto a transmitir quando o sargento Brody chegar.
You've been suggesting that Sergeant Brody's what you think he is.
Tens alguma coisa que indique que ele seja quem pensas que é?
Thought we would stop by for a... for a situation report on Sergeant Brody.
Decidimos visitá-lo para uma atualização sobre o sargento Brody.
I'm putting aside for the moment that Sergeant Brody owes them his life.
E estou a pôr de parte, por agora, que ele lhes deve a vida.
Yeah, just a couple questions, Sergeant Brody.
Sim, apenas algumas perguntas, sargento Brody.
All I need is a few more bodies on Sergeant Brody.
Só preciso de mais elementos a vigiar o Brody.
Just a couple questions, Sergeant Brody.
Apenas algumas perguntas, sargento Brody.
Sergeant Brody, I apologize -
Sargento Brody, peço desculpa por...
I mean, Sergeant Brody?
Quero dizer, o sargento Brody.
Sergeant Brody, your commanders showed us the results of your initial medical exam.
Sargento Brody, tivemos acesso aos resultados dos exames médicos.
A family that put a yellow ribbon on the tree for eight years... while Sergeant Brody was presumed dead in Iraq... when, in fact, he was being held as a prisoner of war... under brutal conditions.
Uma família que pôs uma fita amarela de apoio numa árvore, ao longo de oito anos, enquanto o sargento Brody estava alegadamente morto no Iraque. Na verdade, foi feito prisioneiro de guerra sob condições brutais.
Sergeant Brody to go public with his story. The vice president didn't send his chief political operative here to thank me for delivering Brody.
O vice-presidente não enviou a sua principal assessora política para me agradecer por ter convencido o Brody.
Now, for someone who's been through what he's been through, Sergeant Brody seems remarkably composed.
Tendo passado pelo que passou, ele parece incrivelmente tranquilo.
Any information you could give us on Sergeant Brody would be much appreciated.
Toda a informação que puder facultar-nos sobre o sargento será muito bem-vinda.
And you still haven't produced a single lead connecting Sergeant Brody to this or any plot against America.
E ainda não tens qualquer prova que ligue o sargento Brody a esta ou outra maquinação contra os EUA.
First chance you get, you will remove the cameras and microphones from Sergeant Brody's house, and cover your tracks.
Vais remover câmaras e microfones da casa dele sem deixar vestígio.
It's an honor to meet you, Sergeant Brody.
É uma honra conhecê-lo, sargento Brody.
With the help of Sergeant Brody.
Com a ajuda do Sargt. Brody.
Sergeant Brody?
O Sargt. Brody?
Yes, Carrie, Sergeant Brody, who is in a unique position to establish a baseline on Hamid.
Sim Carrie, o Sargt. Brody, que está numa posição ímpar para nos informar sobre o Hamid.
Assuming we do what you want then- - that is, share your suspicions about Sergeant Brody- - what do you think will happen then?
Consideras compartilhar as tuas suspeitas sobre o Sargt. Brody. - O que achas que vai haver?
Tell him Sergeant Brody's location in Afghanistan was intentionally leaked by Nazir.
Diz-lhe que o Nazir colocou a informação sobre o Brody.
Has it occurred to you if we do our jobs and break Afzal Hamid, he just might give up the whole plot, including Sergeant Brody?
Já pensaste que se dobrarmos o Afzal Hamid ele pode dar-nos toda a preparação, - incluindo o Sargt. Brody?
But Sergeant Greer and Brody just boarded the wreck, sir.
Mas o Sgto. Greer e o Brody acabaram de entrar na nave, Senhor.
Marine Sergeant Nicholas Brody.
Sargt. da Marinha Nicholas Brody.
According to Sergeant Brody,
Segundo o Sargt.
The turnout is overwhelming here at Andrews Air Force Base where Sergeant Nicholas Brody is scheduled to land in just under two hours.
O movimento aqui é grande na base aérea de Andrews, onde o Sargt. Nicholas Brody desembarcará em pouco menos de duas horas.
Sergeant Nicholas Brody.
Nicholas Brody.
Sergeant Brody?
Thank you, Sergeant Brody.
Moving on, Sergeant Brody,
Vamos continuar.
Ready for you, Sergeant Brody, your debriefing.
Estamos prontos, sargento Brody. As suas instruções.
I'm sitting in the home of Marine Sergeant Nicholas Brody... his wife Jessica, and his two children, Chris and Dana.
Estou em casa do sargento dos Marines Nicholas Brody, com a mulher, Jessica, e os dois filhos, Chris e Dana.

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