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Sergeant hill Çeviri Portekizce

60 parallel translation
- Sergeant Hill.
- Sargento Hill.
I'm Gunnery Sergeant Hill.
Eu sou o Sargento Hill de Artilharia.
Hey, you're gonna need to speak to Sergeant Hill.
Vão ter que falar com o Sargento Hill.
I get it. You need to speak to Sergeant Hill.
Têm que falar com o Sargento Hill.
Sergeant Hill told you.
O Sargento Hill contou-te.
Sergeant Hill was assigned to the Marine Corps Security Force Regiment out of Yorktown.
O Sargento Hill era contratado da Força de Segurança dos Fuzileiros Navais em Yorktown.
I took a look at Sergeant Hill's laptop and found a copy of Ducky's exhumation order.
Olhei para o computador do Sargento Hill e encontrei uma cópia da ordem de exumação do Ducky.
And what's the connection between Sergeant Hill and my cold case?
Qual é a ligação entre o Sargento Hill e o meu antigo caso?
Well, I was just about to tell Agent Gibbs about some nasty ol chemical burns I found on Sergeant Hill, our most recent victim.
Ia dizer ao Agente Gibbs, sobre umas queimaduras químicas que encontrei no Sargento Hill, a vítima mais recente.
Mm-hmm. Sergeant Hill likely got these scars in a makeshift lab while trying to create this poison.
O Sargento Hills arranjou estas cicatrizes num laboratório improvisado, enquanto tentava criar o veneno.
What do you got? Well, presuming that Sergeant Hill was indeed the killer, that would explain why he was running.
Presumindo que o Sargento Hills era mesmo o assassino, isso explicaria porque é que ele estava a fugir.
We now suspect that Roberts was killed 12 years ago by Sergeant Hill, then Private Hill,
Agora, suspeitamos que o Roberts foi morto, há 12 anos atrás, pelo Sargento Hill, na época, Soldado Hill. este recentemente morto.
Well, I figured out how Sergeant Hill's smoke detector malfunctioned.
- Descobri o problema no detector do Sargento Hill.
I think Commander Roberts was the buyer and Sergeant Hill was the seller.
Penso que o Comandante Roberts era o comprador e o Sargento Hill, o vendedor.
Yeah, maybe Sergeant Hill was part of some WMD smuggling ring.
- Talvez o Sargento Hill fosse parte de um grupo contrabandista, de armas de destruição em massa.
What worries me is that Sergeant Hill was just killed two days ago, so is this smuggling ring still active?
O que me preocupa é, se o Sargento Hill foi morto há dois dias atrás, esse contrabando ainda está activo?
Abby dug up an old e-mail from Sergeant Hill
Abby encontrou um e-mail antigo do Sargento Hill
Did you learn what Sergeant Hill was selling? Yeah.
Descobriu o que o Sargento Hill vendia?
Sergeant Hill.
O Sargento Hill.
Duck? Sergeant Hill was running a con.
- O Sargento Hill estava a aplicar uma vigarice.
No. No, our con man, Sergeant Hill- - we still don't know why he was killed. Oh.
Victim is Sergeant Hill.
A vítima é a Sargento Hill.
Did you see Sergeant Hill this morning?
Viu a Sargento Hill esta manhã? Não.
You're here because of Sergeant Hill.
Está aqui por causa da Sargento Hill.
How long have you been treating Sergeant Hill?
Há quanto tempo tratava dela?
For "disregarding her own safety, Sergeant Hill shielded " the casualties with her own body as large chunks of shrapnel began flying through the air from the burning vehicle. "
Por "ignorar a sua própria segurança protegeu as vítimas com o corpo quando os estilhaços voaram pelo ar do veículo em chamas".
Well, Sergeant Hill was presently stationed at Quantico.
Sargento Hill estava em Quântico.
Okay. Let's respect Sergeant Hill's privacy.
Vamos respeitar a privacidade da Sargento Hill.
When Sergeant Hill first reported in, I was impressed.
Quando ela se apresentou, estava impressionado.
I've isolated the cameras that show Sergeant Hill going to the rooftop.
Isolei as câmaras que mostram a Sargento a ir até ao telhado.
Sergeant Hill received a phone call from Afghanistan minutes before she fell.
A Sargento Hill recebeu uma chamada do Afeganistão minutos antes de cair.
Sergeant Hill had an accident minutes after your call.
A Sargento Hill sofreu um acidente minutos depois da sua chamada.
Well, Sergeant Hill was seeing a shrink, who hinted that there might be something else, but ethically couldn't divulge anything else to him.
A Sargento Hill estava a ir a uma psicóloga, que lhe deu ideias que podia haver alguma coisa a mais, mas que eticamente não lhe podia revelar nada.
Well, Sergeant Hill was very well-liked.
A Sargento Hill era muito bem aceite.
While we were at the hospital, Sergeant Hill went into cardiac arrest.
Estávamos no hospital, a Sargento teve uma paragem cardíaca.
Just got off the phone with the leasing agent from the apartment at Sergeant Hill's building.
Acabei de falar com o corretor do apartamento do prédio da Sargento Hill.
So... what I couldn't tell you before was Sergeant Hill was involved in the cover-up of a murder.
Por isso, o que não pude contar-te antes é que a Sargento Hill estava envolvida no encobrimento de um assassínio.
Sergeant Hill was ordered by her commanding officer to have therapy. She was seeing me under duress.
Foi ordenado à Sargento Hill para fazer terapia, pelo comandante.
- Gibbs, what about the defense contractor that offered Sergeant Hill a job?
- Não sei. Gibbs, e o fornecedor militar que ofereceu um trabalho para a Hill?
What exactly did Sergeant Hill tell you?
O que é que exactamente disse a Sargento Hill?
Oh, uh, heard Sergeant Hill died.
Soube que a Sargento Hill morreu.
Well, yesterday, when I was at the hospital with Sergeant Hill, you know, she was obscured with all this life-support equipment, and I-I really couldn't make a connection.
Ontem, quando estive no hospital com a Sargento Hill, ela estava oculta com todos aqueles equipamentos, e eu realmente não fiz uma ligação.
Sergeant, put two good men on that hill.
Sargento, ponha dois bons homens naquela colina.
Worldwide joy at the Soviet-US Disarmament Treaty continued today, but on Capitol Hill, a more sombre mood as Sergeant John Gallagher went before the House Intelligence Committee to tell what he knows about the plot to kill the Soviet general secretary
Continuou hoje o júbilo mundial pelo Tratado de Desarmamento, mas em Capitol Hill, há um estado mais sombrio dado o Sargento J. Gallagher ter de depor perante uma Comissão para relatar o que sabe sobre o plano para matar o secretário-geral
Sergeant Marinez to the hill tower, Sergeant Marinez to the hill tower,
So the gunnery sergeant doesn't have to bury you in the hill.
Para que o sargento não tenha que enterrá-lo nessas colinas.
Sergeant rise of the hill Ran for an hour Let's quickly
- Sargento. - Subam a colina. Correm uma hora.
Uh, boss, meet Sergeant Raymond Hill.
- Apresento-lhe o Sargento Raymond Hill.
But what it doesn't say is your name is Master Sergeant Farell from Science Hill, Kentucky.
Mas não diz aí que é o Primeiro-sargento Farell de Science Hill, no Kentucky.
- Sergeant Erin Kendall Hill was born and raised in Falls Church, Virginia.
Sargento Erin Kendall Hill nascida e criada em Falls Church, Virgínia.
Yesterday you made a phone call to Sergeant Erin Hill.
Ontem ligou para a Sargento Erin Hill.

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