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Shoot on sight Çeviri Portekizce

167 parallel translation
I'll shoot on sight every Abolitionist who dares defile the soil of old Virginia.
Vou disparar a todo abolicionista que ouse a desonrar o solo de Virginia.
Turn out the lights, lock the doors and shoot on sight.
Apaguem a luz, fechem as portas e disparem a matar.
Now my men have orders to shoot on sight.
Os meus homens têm ordem para atirar a matar.
Then we'll put him on our 101 list- - "Shoot on sight."
Então coloque-o na nossa lista dos 101 mais, "Atire à vista".
Then shoot on sight.
Atirem a matar.
If I see any of you at all, I will shoot on sight.
Se eu voltar a ver, eu vou atirar.
And someone the police won't shoot on sight.
E alguém que a Polícia não alveje logo.
If you send a bunch of cops after a trained commando like him, they better be fully armed and prepared to shoot on sight.
Se mandarem a polícia atrás de um fuzileiro como ele... é melhor que estejam preparados para atirar.
And shoot on sight.
E atirem para valer.
- Shoot on sight.
- Disparem assim que o virem.
Shoot on sight.
Atirem à vontade.
I say again - shoot on sight.
Repito : atirem à vontade!
shoot on sight.
Repito : atirem à vontade!
When those doors open, they'll shoot on sight.
Quando aquelas portas se abrirem, eles disparam sem aviso.
Shoot on sight.
Atirem ao vê-lo.
This is a terrorist attack, shoot on sight.
É um ataque terrorista, atirem ao avistar.
Repeat, shoot on sight.
Repito, atirem ao avistar.
Your symptoms will greatly mimic... the uncontrolled disorders associated with space madness a disease they shoot on sight for.
Seus sintomas simularão... as desordens descontroladas associadas com loucura espacial. Uma doença que os fazem atirar.
- Shoot on sight.
- Atirar a matar.
He'll shoot you on sight.
Dá-te um tiro mal te veja.
There's a squad of cavalry on every corner and they'd shoot you down on sight.
Ha um pelotão de cavalaria em cada esquina prontos para disparar.
All you can do is shoot and kill and prey on women... with your beastly senses slobbering at the sight of anything fine.
Só disparar e matar as mulheres...
They'll shoot you on sight if they see you.
Eles vão atirar mal o virem.
Got the three Hanley brothers looking for him in one direction, promising to shoot him on sight, got half the Yankee Army looking for him in the other direction, making the same promise.
Ter os três irmãos Hanley procurando por ele numa direção, prometendo atirar nele assim que o vir. Ter metade do exército ianque procurando, por ele na outra direção, fazendo a mesma promessa.
And I say we should shoot him on sight!
Devemos matá-lo assim que o virmos!
Waldo and Lew will shoot you on sight.
Waldo e Lew matam-te mal te vejam.
I know my rights. The law says that I can shoot trespassers on sight.
A lei diz que posso disparar contra intrusos ao vê-los.
Be a shame if the Cartwrights should shoot him down on sight, wouldn't it?
Era uma pena se os Cartwright o abatessem à vista, não era?
Their own people shoot'em on sight.
- Sua própria gente atirou. - De qualquer forma estamos em dívida.
But, in a democracy, we do not shoot unarmed suspects on sight for a murder in which their participation is still unproven.
Mas, numa democracia, não atiramos sobre suspeitos desarmados por uma morte em que a sua participação ainda não foi provada.
But you try to take it on the lam, and we'll shoot you down on sight.
Mas se tentas fugir, acabamos contigo.
Douvier would shoot me on sight. Not if he doesn't recognize you.
- Se não a reconhecer, não.
We don't shoot people on sight, Colonel Briggs, but the men must me alerted.
Não atiramos nas pessoas sem aviso Coronel Briggs. Mas o homens estão em alerta.
They shoot'em on sight. The law.
Atiram a matar.
A salmon fisherman would shoot them on sight.
Um pescador de salmão matá-las-ia assim que as visse.
I can't walk in. They're gonna shoot me on sight.
Não posso ir, matam-me.
They will shoot you on sight!
Atirarão a matar!
You escape, they'll shoot you on sight.
Se escapar, te matarão.
Shoot him on sight!
Shoot on sight. I say again...
Atirem à vontade.
Airman Cooper said you gave him orders to shoot Jariabek on sight.
O piloto Cooper disse que você deu-lhe ordens para abater o Jariabek mal o visse.
Has it occurred to you that maybe Kudrow would shoot you on sight?
Já te ocorreu que talvez o Kudrow te possa matar a qualquer altura?
- Can we shoot this bastard on sight?
Podemos abater esse miserável?
Did you know that there are worlds where they shoot Nightsiders on sight?
Sabe que há mundos onde matam Nightsiders à primeira vista?
I said, if you see the kids, just shoot them on sight!
Disse que se vires o miúdo, dispara a matar.
You're assuming the Jaffa won't shoot you on sight.
Os Jaffa disparam mal te vejam.
[MAN WHlMPERlNG] You see Ray-Ray, you shoot him on sight.
Vês o Ray-Ray, e disparas.
You come after me, I will shoot you on sight.
Se vierem atrás de mim, disparo sem perguntas.
But the cops are hostile towards us. They shoot us on sight.
Mas os polícias são hostis.
- We have orders to shoot you on sight.
- Temos ordens para disparar à vista.
There's a shoot-on-sight sanction on foreigner operatives. - If he's seen, he's dead.
Se houve merda na secção interna com todos os operacionais se ele for visto, está morto.

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