Talk me through it Çeviri Portekizce
95 parallel translation
You're going to talk me through it.
Vai-me dizendo o que fazer. Sente-se.
If you talk me through it, I'll go out there.
Se me derem instruções, vou lá. - Só tem de...
Just talk me through it.
Vai-me explicando.
Talk me through it.
Diz-me o que fazer.
Then talk me through it.
Explique-me como.
You will talk me through it.
Você me guiará.
You can talk me through it.
Pode-me ir dizendo o que fazer.
You're gonna talk me through it.
Vai ensinar-me a fazê-lo.
- Yes, yes, yes. - And you're gonna talk me through it.
- Sim, sim, sim.
Talk me through it and tell me what's bothering you,
Vamos revê-lo, diz-me o que te preocupa.
You'll talk me through it.
Explicas-me tudo.
I'm sure the tower can talk me through it.
Eu trato disso. Sigo indicações da Torre.
I need you to talk me through it.
Vai-me dando instruções.
You can talk me through it.
Ainda vai a tempo.
You might have to talk me through it again.
Talvez tenhas que me ensinar isso de novo.
Come on, talk me through it. - Don't. - What do you think?
Vá lá, conta.
Jack wants to watch the surgery, talk me through it.
O Jack quer assistir à cirurgia, dar-me orientações.
All right, talk me through it.
Muito bem. Diz-me.
Okay? Talk me through it.
Explique-me o que aconteceu.
You can talk me through it.
Pode ir-me explicando tudo.
He said that it wouldn't happen, but if it did, That he would talk me through it every step of the way.
Dizia que não ia acontecer, mas caso acontecesse, explicar-me-ia todo o processo.
Get your breath back and talk me through it.
Recupera o fôlego e conta-me o que se passa.
Once the Doc gets through gnawing on me, we'll talk it over.
Assim que o Doc acabar de me torturar, falamos nisso.
Please, uh, look, if you... If they do come through, will you please phone me at this number? It's absolutely urgent that I talk to them.
Se conseguir a ligação contacte-me neste número.
If I make it through the next two days alive, we'll have a nice long talk.
Se eu me mantiver viva nos próximos dois dias, teremos uma longa conversa.
If you're not gonna come over, do you want me to... talk you through it?
Não vais vir. Queres que eu... Vá descrevendo?
You just bit through my fucking lip, and you can't talk about it?
Acabaste de me morder o lábio e não podes falar sobre isso? Está bem, óptimo.
Talk me through it, as they say.
Não é possível imaginar isso.
Let me talk you through it.
Deixe-me explicar-lhe.
Just talk it through with me, will you?
Recapitula-me o caso.
Well, they told me the glass is bulletproof, but I'm betting I could talk you through it.
Disseram-me que o vidro era à prova de bala, mas acho que te posso fazer atravessá-lo.
You call me, I'll be right there to talk you through it, okay?
Eu estarei lá para te ajudar, ok?
Caitlin doesn't look to me for support. She looks right through me, you want to know the truth. Mr Emerson, you may think that this is none of my business, but the one thing that I did find out about Caitlin is that she is very troubled, and she doesn't feel like she can talk to you about it.
Sr. Emerson, pode achar que isso não é da minha conta, mas uma coisa que eu descobri sobre Diane é que ela está com muitos problemas e ela não acha que pode conversar com você.
Tell the guy who's trying to talk to me through that intercom he can give it up!
Diz ao tipo que está a tentar falar comigo através daquele intercomunicador que ele pode desistir!
And... I want to help her through this, but she won't let me talk to her about it.
E eu quero ajudá-la a passar pela situação, mas ela não me deixa falar com ela acerca disso.
You want to talk to me, you do it through my lawyer.
Se querem falar comigo, façam-no através do meu advogado.
I only signed up for the class'cause I thought it'd help me B.S. my way through any med-school interviews when they talk about all that homeopathic, holistic, naturopathic, chiropractic, TCM, unani, ayurveda crap.
Me inscrevi nas aulas porque achei que iria me ajudar a driblar as entrevistas para a faculdade de medicina, aquelas perguntas sobre homeopatia, holística, naturoprática, quiroprática, e todas essas porcarias.
All I'm asking for is that you give me some time and talk me through the surgery you'd like to perform, so that I may visualize it while I do what I do.
Tudo o que peço é que me dê algum tempo e que me fale da cirurgia que gostaria de realizar, assim talvez eu consiga visualizar enquanto faço o que faço.
Can you do that? You want me to talk you through it?
Quer que lhe explique como se faz?
Well, is it something you could talk me through?
Acho que sim.
Yeah, I wanted to talk it through with you first, but... anyway, he saw me today, but he didn't react as I expected.
É, queria conversar com você primeiro, mas... Bem, ele me viu hoje, mas não reagiu como eu esperava.
Can you talk it through with me? Because I can't figure out what it is, and I think best out loud.
Porque não consigo descobrir o que é e penso melhor em voz alta.
Ted, do you want me to find Tanya? You two can talk it through.
Ted, se quer que eu procure a Tanya, podem conversar sobre isto.
Maybe we can arrange a time for me to come back and talk you through it?
Podemos arranjar uma ocasião para falarmos sobre isso?
- Call me on this and I'll talk you through it.
Liga-me e vamos falando.
So, you're gonna make it through this day, then you're going to leave this office, meet me for dinner in the open, wherever I want, and we're gonna talk about anything but work,
Portanto vais aguentar o dia de hoje, vais sair deste escritório, vais jantar comigo, em público, onde eu quiser, e vamos falar de tudo menos de trabalho.
You want me to talk you through it?
Queres que eu te explique?
All right, talk me through it.
I've been going through a rough time, something I can't really talk about, and Caroline's been helping me through it.
- Diz lá. - Ando numa fase complicada. É uma coisa de que nem posso falar, mas a Caroline tem-me ajudado.
It helps me to talk this through.
Isso ia-me ajudar a falar disto.
I'll get as close as I can and talk you through it, okay?
Vou aproximar-me o máximo que poder para poder ajudar-te.
talk me 19
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talk later 61
talk to your father 18
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talk later 61
talk to your father 18