Took off Çeviri Portekizce
5,648 parallel translation
- She just took off.
- Ela tinha acabado de sair.
He took off like he was scared for his life.
Ele fugiu, temendo pela sua vida.
The reindeer took off with your sleigh.
As renas partiram com o seu trenó
They pull over to see if they could help, that's when the prisoners jacked their car and took off.
Pararam para ver se podiam ajudar, foi quando os prisioneiros pegaram no carro e fugiram.
I'm sorry I took off.
Desculpa ter-te abandonado.
The founders'council was restarted, and Stefan took off, left Mystic Falls for about 15 years.
O conselho foi reactivado, e Stefan partiu, deixando Mystic Falls por 15 anos.
He's been working on cloaking since before Simmons took off.
Já trabalhava na ocultação antes de a Simmons partir.
Then he took off.
E depois ele fugiu.
About a few months after you... she took off.
Uns meses depois de ti, ela foi-se embora.
Maybe she came with a friend, and that friend took off.
Talvez tenha vindo com algum amigo, e ele saltou fora.
- This is a list of every commercial airliner private jet, sea plane, hot air balloon that took off from Corto Maltese this past year.
Isto é uma lista de todas as linhas aéreas comerciais, jactos privados, hidroaviões e balões de ar quente que saíram de Corto Maltese no último ano.
And then you warned Trey that Bishop was coming after him, and that's why he took off.
Então, avisaste o Trey que o Bishop viria atrás dele, e foi por isso que ele fugiu.
Grabbed the cash box and took off.
Pegou na caixa do dinheiro e fugiu.
Wu took off.
O Wu foi-se embora.
He took off with some older chick.
Eu vi. Pirou-se com uma cota.
She took off her shoes, turns on the light, walks past the dark living room into the bedroom.
Ela tirou os sapatos, acendeu a luz, atravessou a sala escura em direcção ao quarto.
Well, gotta be something them girls took off Nathan Wagner.
Deve ser algo que as raparigas roubaram ao Nathan Wagner.
Soon as they were done, I bet they stopped flying that bird and just took off.
Depois da entrega, largaram o drone e fugiram.
He just took off, and I know a coyote is gonna swallow him whole.
Ele acabou de fugir, e sei que um coiote o vai engolir.
Said somebody was stalking her, but she took off before I could get her whole story.
Disse que alguém a andava a perseguir, mas, foi-se embora antes de me contar tudo.
You just... took off for two months, all alone?
Tu... Desapareceste durante dois meses, sozinha?
When you took off your suit, in what order did you remove your items?
Quando tirou o seu fato, em que ordem removeu os seus itens?
He took off because he was scared of Lemond Bishop.
Fugiu porque estava com medo do Lemond Bishop.
Any idea where it took off from?
- Tens ideia de onde veio? - Ainda não.
I say he's a coward. I happen to know that he took a beating last night and ran off like a little girl.
- Eu digo que é um cobarde e sei que levou porrada ontem e fugiu como uma menina.
It took all of 10 seconds to scrape his name off the wall.
Em dez segundos o nome dele foi apagado do vidro.
He unwound the Wexler shares after I specifically told him not to, and to top it all off, he took a million-dollar payout to commit tax fraud that could've landed you 10 years in jail.
Desfez as ações da Wexler, após ter-lhe dito para não o fazer. E, para piorar, aceitou um pagamento de um milhão de dólares para cometer fraude fiscal que podia ter-te dado dez anos de cadeia.
Took off his damn leg.
Tirámos-lhe a perna.
We took the leg off.
Tirámos-lhe a perna.
I took a photograph of Mr Bates, and Miss Baxter and I, we've spent our days off walking around the city,
Levei uma fotografia do Sr. Bates, e nós, eu e a Srta. Baxter, passámos as nossas folgas a andar ela cidade e
She faked being crazy to get into medical and she took off.
Ela fingiu estar maluca para ir para a clínica e fugiu.
Mm-hmm. And yet you took time off work to get dressed up and go to Ralph's party.
E mesmo assim, gastaste algum tempo a fantasiar-te para... ires à festa do Ralph.
You know, I took my eye off the ball, and she knew it.
Tu sabes, eu distraí-me e ela sabia disso.
Abbottabad presented far fewer challenges. That took half a year to pull off.
Abbottabad apresentava muito menos desafios e demorou meio ano a organizar.
Any reason for that? He took off about a month ago.
Algum motivo para isso?
They never took'em off.
Nunca as tiravam.
You said they took it off to make a video.
Sempre não, disse que lhe tiraram o capuz para fazerem um vídeo.
No way! We took money off the guys.
Nem pensar, ficámos com o dinheiro!
I took perspiration off the arrows that killed Sara.
Recolhi transpiração das flechas que mataram a Sara.
By the time we got to the convention, it stopped bleeding, so I took it off, I threw it in the trash.
Quando chegamos à convenção, parou de sangrar, então tirei-o e deitei-o ao lixo.
We think the copilot killed the captain, turned off the transponders and then took over the plane.
Achamos que o co-piloto matou o capitão, desligou os transponders e depois assumiu o avião.
We don't know if he was in Physanto because he's too curious for his own good, or whether he has a plan to sell off what he took.
Não sabemos se o fez por ser demasiado curioso ou se tenciona vender o que roubou.
'They took off fast.
Arrancaram depressa.
I think the killer took this to throw the HPD off and make them think it was robbery.
Acho que o assassino levou isto para iludir a Polícia e os fazer pensar que se tratou de um assalto.
Someone took it off.
Alguém o apanhou.
When our field hospital came under fire, we took the patients off their bunks and covered them with their mattresses.
Quando o nosso hospital de campo ficou sob fogo, pegamos nos nossos pacientes dos beliches e cobrimo-los com os colchões.
Took the training wheels off, is letting me fly solo on this one. Well...!
Deu-me alguma liberdade e, deixou-me trabalhar sozinha neste caso.
- He's doubling the child support payments, Covering violet's tuition at the latin school, And he took the house off the market.
Ele vai duplicar a pensão de alimentos, vai pagar as mensalidades da Violet na Escola Latina e já não vai vender a casa.
As long as you were killing off the competition you took the opportunity to clear out your own deadwood.
Já que estavas a matar os rivais, aproveitaste para limpar a casa.
I took the suit off after my shift.
- Tirei o fato depois do turno.
And then took the victim's phone and cash to throw us off track.
E depois, levou o telemóvel e o dinheiro da vítima para nos despistar.
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28