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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You've had it

You've had it Çeviri Portekizce

1,603 parallel translation
I have something for Jim! I've had a really good look at his face, since our little chat And you're right, it does possess an artist's sensitivity
tenho algo para o Jim, dei uma olhada no rosto dele você está certa, ele tem um lado artista
I expect so, it's that time ofyear See, I had a Iittle game with a young man who came to see me and I knew he come from here so I've made my humble return Don't you think that you've just might have been wrong about me?
- Acho que sim numa certa hora tive uma partida com um jovem sei que ele veio daqui o filho a casa retorna não acha que estava errada sobre mim?
I've had it up to here with you!
Estou por aqui contigo!
Hold on! You've had it. You have tons of money!
Mas agora estás lixado, desta estás fodido e bem fodido!
It's not like I don't know you've had this crush on me, like, uh... forever.
Não é que não saiba que tiveste um fraco por mim desde sempre.
But you've got to know it had some real consequences.
Mas precisa saber que levou às consequências de verdade.
I can't help it if you parade around... fulfilling every working-girl fantasy I've ever had.
Tenho lá culpa que personifiques todas as fantasias que já tive!
look, lady, l`ve just about had it with you.
Já não a posso aturar, senhora.
I've had it with all of you!
Estou farta de vocês!
"This world would've meant nothing had you not been part of it"
"E este mundo não teria significado algum se não fizesses parte dele!"
* I know it's too bad * * I thought you were sweet and nice, but I think we've been had * * If you were to go on a terror run *
DEIA corrigidas para português por ralha
With it, every fear you've ever had would melt away.
- Oh, Deus.
If you had stolen it, it would've been the first time... you were taking a proactive interest in your therapy.
Se a chega a roubar, teria sido a primeira vez... que mostrava algum interesse na sua recuperação.
I've got to say, it looks like you've had a really rough trip.
E parece que a viagem foi difícil.
You've had it out for me since day one.
Tem me molestado desde o primeiro dia.
And, well, you're paying, so that makes it the best offer that I've had today.
Vocês pagam, por isso, a vossa oferta foi a melhor que tive hoje.
My God, it seems like you've had this whole thing checked out by some psychiatrist.
Parece que você falou sobre isso com um psiquiatra.
If anybody had done this to you when you were a kid, we never would've heard the end of it.
Se alguém tivesse feito isto a ti quando eras criança, teria sido uma tragédia do outro mundo.
You've had it.
Já foste. O 3C é meu.
I've had it with you. I've tried to be nice, but now you're outta here!
Tentei ser compreensivo, mas agora vai mesmo sair daqui!
You know, it's been over two months since we've had sex.
Há mais de dois meses que não temos sexo.
You pay me or else you've fucking had it!
Tu pagas-me senão levas.
You see, what I've gathered so far, it seems that Evelyn had become upset with her son Jeremiah's business situation.
Pelo que juntei até agora, parece que a Evelyn ficara preocupada com a situação financeira do filho Jeremiah.
If you had I probably would've thought about it too much and wouldn't have come at all. So, what I'm essentially trying to say is... that I'm really glad that I could be here to share your and Dave's...
Então, o que estou a querer dizer... é... que eu estou muito contente por poder estar aqui para partilhar o teu e o do Dave...
You've had way too many great people tell it.
Já tivemos demasiadas pessoas importantes a contá-la.
It's for the most wonderful night we've ever had and you can't put a price on that.
É pela noite maravilhosa que tivémos... e isso não tem preço.
It's obvious that someone as well informed as you knows we've had capital problems- -
É óbvio que alguém bem informado como você... sabe que tivemos problemas de capital...
I've had it with you, binary brains!
Já estou farto dos teus bits e bytes!
Come on, you've had it all to yourself, didn't you?
Anda lá, já o tens todo para ti, não é?
If true, had never previously been in a boat Like this. Is it true you've never been in combat With a man or a pirate. I really do not know is the sea But you have a dream and that is stronger than any Wisdom or experience.
Sim é verdade, nunca havias estado num navio antes mas tens um sonho e isso é mais forte que qualquer conhecimento ou experiencia.
You see, i had my suspicion, And now you've just confirmed it.
Compreende, eu suspeitava, e agora confirmou-a.
And now that I've had a chance to compare their route... to your ship's logs... it's quite clear that they been following you.
Agora que tive hipótese de comparar a rota deles com os vossos registos, é bastante claro que eles vos têm perseguido.
Did that ever occur to you? It would've been one thing had you had a neanderthal reaction and swung back.
Uma coisa era teres reagido à homem das cavernas e teres-te virado a ele.
I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. Oh, yeah, it's a girl I've been dating a couple months, Tina.
É uma rapariga com quem ando há dois meses, chama-se Tina.
It says "Fragile", I've had enough of you ruining my boxes.
Estou farto de você estragar as minhas caixas. Pois, pois.
I know how long it's been since you've had any.
Sei que há muito tempo que não comes.
I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it.
Estiveste a choramingar a noite toda, pobrezinho, agora cala-te.
You've had it all flattened until there's nothing left.
Foi tão cortada, esticada e puxada que não sobrou nada.
You know, i bet it's been a while since you've had a home-cooked meal.
Você sabe, aposto que faz um tempo... desde que você teve uma refeição com comida feita em casa.
I'm telling you that when a spirit comes to me looking like you do, it usually means that they've had a sudden or very violent death.
Estou dizendo que quando um espírito vem até mim da maneira que você parece, geralmente significa que eles tiveram uma morte repentina ou violenta.
And you've had it a long time.
E já a tem há muito tempo.
Look, it's the one chance you've had all day to help someone in need.
É a hipótese que não tiveste durante o dia de hoje de ajudar alguém necessitado.
- I've had it up to here with you.
- Já chega.
- It might be the best idea you've ever had, but... Listen. Listen.
Pode ser a melhor ideia, mas...
I guess I should've told you about Spencer... ... but I thought that you knew that what you and I had... ... that it could never be that serious.
Eu devia ter-te contado sobre o Spencer mas pensava que sabias que o que existe entre tu e eu nunca poderia ser muito sério.
You wanna know how long it's been since we've had sex?
Queres saber há quanto tempo é que não fazemos sexo?
Are you saying that it would've been okay if Candace had a better job? - It's not our business.
O que estás a dizer, que ficaria tudo bem se a Candace tivesse um emprego melhor?
Oh, and by the way, Carlos, if you've had the X-ray and found my watch, please do return it to me.
A propósito, Carlos, se já fizeste o Raio-X e encontraste o meu relógio, por favor, devolve-me.
You know... ever since I won the lottery, it's like... we've had nothing but bad luck.
Sabes... desde que ganhei a lotaria, é como... só temos tido azar.
You've done this before, Kate, and if I remember it right, you made out with him, and he never even had what you said you could get.
Tu já fizeste isso antes, Kate, e se bem me lembro, tu curtiste com ele, e ele nem sequer tinha aquilo que disseste que ias conseguir.
You've had a really rough year, Christian, but you shouldn't be taking it out on her.
Passaste um mau ano, Christian, mas não devias descarregar nela.

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