According to his file Çeviri Rusça
30 parallel translation
All right, now, according to his file, Sheridan's a good tactical thinker.
По файлу видно, что Шеридан - отличный стратег.
According to his file, Kaplan left D.C. two days before Lyndi Evans was killed.
Согласно его досье, Каплан покинул Вашингтон за 2 дня до убийства Линды Эванс.
Mother. According to his file, his only living relative.
Согласно его досье, единственный живой родственник.
According to his file, he dropped off a suit To have it dry-cleaned for an event this tuesday night.
Судя по его файлу, он отдал костюм в химчистку для банкета во вторник.
According to his file, his phosphorus levels are ideal.
Если верить его файлу, то его уровень фосфора идеален.
According to his file, he's a grad student at Hudson University.
Судя по досье, он аспирант в университете Хадсона.
According to his file, Adams comes from a highly decorated Marine family.
Согласно досье Адамс входит в династию пехотинцев, получавших высшие награды.
According to his file, he worked for O-CID for three years, including the Russian Mob.
Согласно его делу, он три года расследовал дела, связанные с оргпреступностью, включаю сферу влияния русской мафии.
According to his file, he's a freelancer now.
Согласно его делу, сейчас он на вольных хлебах.
But according to his file,
Но согласно его делу,
According to his file, he's some kind of anti-science nut job.
Согласно отчету, он какой-то антинаучный чокнутый.
According to his file from O.N.I., Lieutenant Kit Jones was a loyal and hardworking cyber specialist.
Согласно данным разведуправления ВМС, лейтенант Кит Джонс был лояльным и трудолюбивым киберспециалистом.
According to his file, he was in the hospital after a car accident in 2004.
Согласно записям в его досье, он находился в больнице После автомобильной аварии в 2004 году.
Well, according to his file, he was laid off two months ago.
Согласно досье он был отстранён от работы 2 месяца назад.
According to his file,
Согласно его досье,
According to his file,
Согласно досье,
With flying colors, according to his file.
Согласно его мед.карте, весьма успешно.
I mean, according to his file, he failed his psychological exam due to anger issues.
Согласно его делу, он завалил психологический тест. Проблемы с управлением гневом.
According to his personnel file, he's a loner, a quiet guy.
Судя по его файлу - холостяк, тихий парень.
He had access, opportunity, and according to his arrest file, the same signature.
У него был доступ, возможность,... и, судя по делу об его аресте, тот же почерк. - Так значит, Арти просто уйдет?
According to the file, his pockets were filled with coins and tokens.
В отчете написано, что в его карманах было полно мелочи.
According to the DJK file, Joel Steiner and his fianc \ e went missing after attending that concert back in'97.
В деле "ДиД" указано, что Джоэль Стейнер и его невеста пропали после концерта в 97-м.
According to his Immigration file, he's originally from Uganda.
Согласно его иммиграционным документам, он из Уганды.
According his file, Dorit fractured his ankle twice trying to complete an entry-level obacle course during CIA training.
Согласно его делу, Дорит сломал лодыжку дважды. Пытаясь сдать вступительные экзамены в рамках подготовки в ЦРУ
And according to his case file, he told police he had never been to Reno.
А согласно его делу, он сказал полиции, что никогда не был в Рино.
According to his personnel file, he's very familiar with the area.
Судя по его личному делу, ему прекрасно знаком этот район.
According to the victim's medical file, two weeks ago, he got a prescription for codeine, claiming to his doctor that he hurt his hand during a fall.
Согласно медицинскому файлу жертвы, две недели назад ему выписали кодеин - он сказал доктору, что повредил руку при падении.
According to his case file, did five months for robbery, then he was found on a tennis court in the valley stabbed to death and rolled in a plastic couch cover two days after he was released from County jail.
Согласно досье, отсидел пять месяцев за ограбление, потом найден на теннисном поле в долине, заколотым и свернутым в полиэтиленовый чехол для дивана через два дня после выхода из тюрьмы.
According to the case file, Logan's mom either had the bad sense to let Enver stash his cocaine at her apartment or she was in on the whole drug operation.
Согласно материалам дела, либо мать Логана была не в себе, позволив Анверу хранить кокаин у нее в квартире, либо она была с ним заодно.
According to the file, Dr. Lin recommended his discharge.
Согласно делу, доктор Лин рекомендовал уволить его.
according to her 66
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to you 115
according to the police 21
according to the records 17
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to you 115
according to the police 21
according to the records 17