His leg Çeviri Rusça
977 parallel translation
His leg will be in a cast and he'll be on crutches, which generally makes life quite exciting for small boys.
Его нога пока в гипсе, и ему понадобятся костыли, и обычно для мальчишек это очень увлекательно.
They had to amputate his leg.
Бедный мальчик. Ему ампутировали ногу.
It's for a kid out near the railroad tracks. A train ran over his leg.
Это для нашего друга, поезд переехал ему ногу.
And his leg looks kind of funny.
И его нога выглядит так странно.
But he bust his leg snap in two doing it.
Но только ногу сломал.
Pa's got ulcers on his leg.
У папы язвы на ноге.
- His leg?
- Ногу?
He had a fall-down at the well. Broke his leg. It's in a cast.
— Он упал на буровой и сломал ногу.
Broke his leg?
— Сломал ногу?
I kept telling myself that maybe those Fates they say watch over you... had gotten together and broken his leg to give me a way out.
Я говорил себе, что это волею судьбы он сломал ногу,.. ... чтобы дать мне спасение.
Very unlikely with his leg in a cast, unless he has a very strong reason.
Это неудобно с ногой в гипсе, разве что у него есть на то веская причина.
Then he broke his leg, didn't he?
— Затем он сломал ногу. — И что?
Did a doctor look at his leg?
Доктор смотрел его ногу?
By the way, I've been wanting to ask you, for an old soldier who lost his leg serving his fatherland.
Тем более я хотел бы попросить у вас для одного отставного солдата, потерявшему ногу на службе родине.
His leg shot full of holes, fever going up, no place to go, no place to sleep just run, run, until he can't run any more.
Нога изрешечена, лихорадка, идти некуда, спать негде остается бежать, бежать, пока есть силы.
That black colt I was telling you about, he broke his leg and had to be shot.
Черный жеребец сломал ногу, его пристрелили.
Because his leg was injured in the war.
Потому что его ранило в ногу на войне.
Last week Rizq broke his leg. Now he's broke.
На прошлой неделе Ризек руку сломал, теперь вот он...
He says his leg's a wreck, but he can walk, I tell you.
ќн говорит, что его нога сломана, но он может ходить, говорю тебе.
His leg in the trap is beginning to rot.
У него нога в капкане и гнить начала уже.
His leg is full of maggots.
У него в ране полно личинок.
Ann, look at his leg.
Энн, посмотри его ногу.
Turned out that Boo was sitting in the living room cutting up the paper for his scrapbook, and when his daddy come by, he reached over with his scissors, stabbed him in his leg, pulled them out and went right on cutting the paper.
Оказывается, Бу сидел в гостинной и разрезал газету для своего альбома, и когда вошел его папа, он взмахнул своими ножницами, ранил его в ногу, вытолкнул их наружу и снова сел разрезать газету.
He's replacing Maximilian, who broke his leg.
Он заменяет Максимилиана, того самого, что сломал вчера ногу в карауле.
His leg reacts, it moves
Рефлексы в порядке, нога шевелится.
What do I care if his leg moves?
Мне плевать, шевелится ли у него нога.
Hold his leg. Steady!
Держи его ногу.
Then laid his leg over my thigh and sighed and kissed and then cried :
И, ногу положив Мне на бедро, сказал с тяжелым вздохом :
Every time someone broke his leg or poked his eye.
Каждую минуту кто-то при этом сломал ногу или проткнул глаз.
When he lost his leg he started making violins again.
Он потерял ногу и вновь начал делать скрипки.
My spouse, his leg. Come this way.
Мой муж, его нога.
The married couple reconciled, taking advantage of the recovery of the happy soldier who thanks to the war had lost his leg but in compensation recovered his wife.
Супружеская пара воссоединилась, когда счастливый солдат вернулся домой залечивать раны. Он потерял на войне ногу, но заново обрел жену.
His leg is broken.
Не сжигайте его! вместо Арлекино. Он сломал ногу.
Lewis broke his leg in those rapids there.
Луис сломал нога на тех порогах.
So he said they want to come down and fight our gang, see, but they got a guy with his leg broke bad, and maybe he can't go'round on account of poison.
Эй, это я о тебе говорил. - Привет.
First he said his right leg hurt, then his left. Now it's just shock.
Сначала правая нога, потом левая.Теперь у него шок.
And the cast is on his left leg.
Гипс у него на левой ноге.
Mr Cadell got a bad leg in the war for his courage. You've got your sleeve in the celery.
Мистер Каделл остался с больной ногой за свою храбрость на войне.
- It'd be easier to get him in the leg. - His shoulder.
- Легче попасть в ногу.
His whole, high, broad form... weighed down upon a barbaric white leg carved from the jawbone of a whale.
Его исполинская фигура опиралась на крепкую белую ногу, выточенную из кости кита.
He was dragging his left leg and trying to hide it, because he was ashamed.
Хромал на левую ногу и хотел скрыть это. Ему было стыдно.
Gråvik had lost his left foot and walked with a wooden leg.
Гровик потерял левую ногу и ходил с деревянной ногой.
Werner put a dowel under his shoe, but on the wrong leg.
Он приделал обрезок к ботинку, но перепутал ноги.
- His game leg.
– Что? Его нога.
He really needs it for that game leg of his.
Он без нее может погибнуть.
- No, his bad leg.
– Больную ногу.
What's the name of his other leg?
А как зовут вторую ногу?
And there was a second chap, and the second chap says, "What's the name of his other leg?"
А там был второй человек, и он спросил : - "А как зовут его другую ногу?"
What's the name of his other leg? "
А как зовут другую ногу? "
His sister seemed to know more about it than me but I tore up her statement because it said something about four fillings and two missing teeth and an old break of the lower left leg, that no one knew about
Его сестра кажется знала их лучше, чем я, но я порвала ее заявление, потому что оно говорило о четырех пломбах и двух отсутствующих зубах, и о старом переломе внизу на левой ноге, о котором никто не знал,
The bears'journey led across the highest peaks... and down past melting snow patches... on the opposite side of the mountains. As the days and the miles passed by... the cubs grew in strength and size... and nothing does a better job of growing... than a bear cub - especially a little grizzly. Wahb and his sister had weighed about ten ounces each... at the time of their mid-winter birth... they had reached... a well-rounded forty pounds apiece... the she-bear was heading... toward the last leg of her long journey.
через высокие перевалы мимо тающих снежников на противоположной стороне гор. особенно маленький гризли. каждый весом почти в 16 килограмм.
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