And here i was Çeviri Türkçe
4,707 parallel translation
And here I was thinking that you called this meeting begrudgingly.
Bende bu toplantıya istemediğini düşündüğüm için gelmiştim zaten.
And here I was thinking that you'd called this meeting begrudgingly. What?
Bende sanmıştım ki...
And here I was thinking, this is a strange problem man... I hope Disha doesn't find out that I was a bad man once,... and I hope that Bhaiyaji doesn't find out that I'm a good man now!
Ve burada düşünüyordum, bu çok tuhaf bir sorun adamım. Umarım Disha daha önce benim kötü biri olduğumu öğrenmez. Ve umarım Bhaiyaji de benim artık iyi biri olduğumu öğrenmez.
And here I was thinking, this is a strange problem man... I hope Disha doesn't find out that I was a bad man once and I hope that Bhaiyaji doesn't find out that I'm a good man now!
Ve burada düşünüyordum, bu çok tuhaf bir sorun adamım. Umarım Disha daha önce benim kötü biri olduğumu öğrenmez. Ve umarım Bhaiyaji de benim artık iyi biri olduğumu öğrenmez.
So judging by the angle and the depth of the wound, I would guess that it was you that stabbed Tyler in the back to stop him from throttling Barry here.
Bu açıdan ve yaranın da derinliğine bakılırsa Barry'yi boğmaya çalışan Tyler'ı durdurmak için arkasından kılıcı saplayan sendin.
Angela, my girlfriend, she used to live in this house, and we'd come up here and make out, and I really thought she was gonna be the one.
Angela, kız arkadaşım bu evde yaşardı ve buraya çıkıp oynaşırdık ve benim için özel kişi olduğunu düşünmüştüm gerçekten de.
There were some odd circumstances surrounding his death, and I don't mean to put you on the spot, but I was hoping right here in front of all these people, you could maybe tell me exactly what happened the night that he died.
Ölümünü kuşatan bazı garip durumlar vardı ve sizi zor durumda bırakmak istemem ama hemen burada, bu insanların önünde, belki bana öldüğü gece tam olarak ne olduğunu anlatabilirsiniz diye umuyorum.
And I guess part of me was mad at you for siding with her, so I thought you moving in here was some kind of moral victory. What?
Sanırım bir parçam ondan yana olmana sinirlendi bu yüzden buraya taşınmanı bir tür ahlaki zafer olarak gördüm.
As I was sailing the realms, a seagull landed on my ship's wheel with a note instructing me to retrieve Emma and bring her back here.
Krallıktan krallığa yelken açarken bir martı, içinde Emma'nın hafızasını geri getirip onu buraya getirmemi söyleyen bir notla güverteme kondu.
I see you every day, but there's always people around, and I was so happy just now, seeing you in here alone.
Seni her gün görüyorum ama etrafta her daim insanlar oluyor, ve şu an çok mutluyum, burada seni yanlız gördüğüm için.
But then I was sitting here, and I realized...
Fakat sonra burada otururken farkettim.
And here I thought our biggest problem was hiding our relationship so the Trags and Red Hawks don't go ballistic.
Ben de en büyük problemimizin Traglar ve Kızıl Şahinler zıvanadan çıkmasın diye ilişkimizi gizlemek olduğunu sanıyordum.
I was going to, but they're, like, here now, and I didn't think it was important.
Söyleyecektim ama birden geliverdiler ve önemli olduğunu da düşünmemiştim.
Well, someone broke into your office, which is in the next room, and what if I was here?
Biri yan odamızdaki ofisine girdiğinde ya ben de orada olsaydım? Ama orada değildin.
Well, I was gonna sit here and obsess over all the shit I've done wrong the last few years, and then probably fall asleep watching Bravo.
Burda oturup son bir kaç yıldır neyi yanlış yaptığımı düşüneceğim ve büyük ihtimalle Bravo'yu izlerken uyuyakalırım.
I came out here to do some jumping jacks, and while I got the jumping part right, when it came to the jacks, my coordination was a little off, and I bumped into the fireplace, and mom's royal baby goblet fell and broke.
Atlama kısmına geldiğimde koordinasyonda biraz sıkıntı yaşadım ve annemin kraliyet bebeği kadehi şömineye çarpınca düşüp kırıldı.
What do we have here, Morty? Looks like I was right and you were wrong, huh?
Görünüşe göre ben haklıyım ve sen haksızsın, ha?
I run past here every morning, and this time, Sammy was going nuts.
Her sabah buradan geçerim. Bu sefer Sammy bir anda çıldırdı.
But it's just that, see, I have something here that I was gonna use to spice up the "faces and places" part of our newsletter this month.
Fakat burada görmek isteyeceğin bir şey var. Bu ayki bültenimizin "Personelimiz ve Yerleri" kısmına biraz heyecan katmak istiyorum.
And here, I always thought a hero was defined by Awesome powers and a cool name...
Ve ben bir kahramanın her zaman müthiş güçlere ve havalı bir isme ihtiyacı var derim.
I heard about Monroe... That he was executed here. And that Dr. Gene Porter and Rachel Matheson did the honors.
Monroe'nun burada Dr. Gene Porter ve Rachel Matheson tarafından infaz edildiğini duydum.
I was drinking with my buddies, making fun of all the losers in here, and I realized... I'd rather be a loser inside with you.
Arkadaşlarımla içip, içerideki ezikleri konuşarak eğleniyorduk sonra da içeride seninle birlikte bir ezik olmayı istediğimi fark ettim.
I'm just gonna jump in here for a quick second and say that the rate I quoted you earlier was for couples'counseling.
Çok yakınlaştık. Tam bu noktada hızlıca araya girmem gerekiyor.
Dana and her husband, Sam, moved here from the Philippines because I told'em it was a great city... beautiful, safe.
Dana ve kocası Sam Filipinler'den buraya taşındı. Ben buranın harika, güzel ve güvenli bir şehir olduğunu söylediğim için.
But I called up the Dean of the history department anyway, and I told him I was, and he's coming here to interview me today. - Great. So, what's the problem?
Dr. Foster.
And my dog was euthanized today, but I managed to get here on time.
Onları görmediğinde bile.
So I worked the program here at Girls United really hard, and was able to go back to my current home.
Kızlar Birleştirildi programına çok çalıştım ve şimdiki evime geri dönebildim.
Last night when we was bringing folks in here... -... I looked out the window and saw a dog.
İşte, dün gece buraya milleti getirirken camdan dışarı baktım ve bir köpek gördüm.
If it makes any difference, your work here was a real inspiration to me, and I am going to do my best to continue your legacy.
Eğer bir fark yaratacaksa söyleyeyim, yaptıkların benim için ilham kaynağıydı. Mirasını devam ettirmek için elimden gelen her şeyi yapacağım.
I came here to fight with her and then you told me that she was dead and...
Buraya onunla kavga etmeye gelmiştim ve bana onun öldüğünü söylediğinde çok kızdım.
The only reason why I'm here is because 25 years ago I was stuck in a dessert and extracted by another maniac.
Buraya gelmemin tek sebebi 25 yıl önce çölde mahsur kaldım ve başka bir manyak tarafında kurtarıldım.
I was, um... I was leaving, and I came here to say good-bye, but, uh I decided to fight.
Ben gidiyordum ve buraya elveda demek için geldim ama savaşmaya karar verdim.
My family would vacation here when I was little and I would see these old men sitting here.
Ailem ben daha küçükken buraya tatile gelirdi ve ben burada oturan yaşlı adamları görürdüm.
I was visiting your mom and dad, and they said you were up here.
Annenle babanı ziyaret ediyordum burada olduğunu söylediler.
She was in and out of here so fast, I didn't even seen her.
Çok hızlı gelip gitti buradan. Göremedim bile onu.
Gary Blauman is here, and I had no idea he was coming.
Gary Blauman burada ve geleceğini hiç bilmiyordum.
I moved here for this on-air reporter job at Metro News One thinking it was my big break only to find out that our viewership mostly consists of DMV waiting rooms and people plugging in their TV for the first time.
Metro Haberleri 1'de canlı yayın muhabirliği işi için taşındım buraya. Büyük çıkış yapacağımı sanırken izleyenlerimizin çoğunlukla motorlu araçlar bölümü bekleme salonundakilerden ve televizyonunu ilk kez fişe takanlardan oluştuğunu öğrendim.
And I was thinking, maybe I just should bring a broom down here for you if you wanted to sweep up some of the skeletons.
Ve düşünüyordum da, belki buradaki iskeletlerin birazını süpürmek istersin diye sana bir süpürge getirmeliyim.
Then I came here to find out if Jodi had any information about where he was, and when I arrived, Zane was already here.
Jodi, Zane'in yerini biliyor mu diye buraya geliyorum ve geldiğimde Zane'in çoktan buraya geldiğini görüyorum.
I didn't know what I was doing, but as horrible as it was, I-I wouldn't trade it for anything, because you're here now, and you're beautiful, and you're a miracle, that someone like you
Cahildim. Ama ne kadar kötü olursa olsun senin için dünyaları değiş etmem çünkü sen karşımdasın ve çok güzelsin ve böyle biri olman Tanrı'nın bir mucizesi.
Well, yeah, I was gone for a while and things are a little different around here, but this is still my house.
Evet, bir süredir yoktum ve işler burada biraz değişmiş, ama burası hala benim evim.
Was he down here the whole time, and I just didn't notice him?
- Basindan beri orada miydi ve onu fark etmedim mi yani?
First, we're dragged out of our beds at some godforsaken hour and then told Trevorrow's taken a fall down the stairs and now your bloke here wants to know what I was doing last night.
Önce, gecenin ıssız bir saatinde yataklarımızdan kaldırıldık, sonra Trevorrow'un merdivenlerden düştüğü söylendi, şimdi de adamınız dün gece ne yaptığımı soruyor.
It was here, and then when I did my last round, it was gone.
Buradaydı, sonra son turumu attığımda yok olmuştu.
I was on patrol and found Cadet Stansbury here trying to use your phone.
Devriyedeydim ve öğrenci Stansbury'i telefonunuzu kullanmaya çalışırken gördüm.
So, I have to do a volunteer project for school, and I was thinking that maybe I can do an internship for you here.
Okul için bir gönüllü proje yapmam gerekiyor. Ben de belki yanında stajyerlik yapabilirim diye düşünüyordum.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! I don't know what that was, bud, but I'm glad we're up here, and it's down there.
Bunların ne olduğunu bilmiyorum dostum fakat onların aşağıda ve bizim burada olduğumuza sevindim.
I heard your mind was going to be wiped and that you would be reassigned here and placed on sanitation detail.
Hafızanın silineceğini, yeniden buraya tayin edileceğini ve sıhhi temizlik bölümüne yerleştirileceğini duydum.
Yeah, but, you know, Nicki was bummed'cause her mom isn't doing great health-wise, and she feels guilty about moving here, so I just held her all weekend.
Evet ama annesinin durumu iyi olmadığı için Nicki'nin canı sıkkındı. Ve buraya taşınacağı için kendini suçlu hissediyordu. Bu yüzden tüm hafta sonu ona destek oldum.
And here I thought I was gonna get to play bad cop.
Ben de kötü polisi benim oynayacağımı sanmıştım.
Look, look, anyway, that was... that was six years ago, and every day I thank God that I'm here instead of back there.
Bak, bak, her neyse, bu- - bu altı yıl önceydi, ve her gün orada değil, burada olduğum için Tanrıya şükrettim.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here i was 27
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here i was 27
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i was born with it 17
i was just leaving 200
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i was born with it 17
i was just leaving 200
i wasn't looking 38
i wasn't there 230
i was so scared 191
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181
i wasn't there 230
i was so scared 191
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181