Was that her Çeviri Türkçe
20,331 parallel translation
I know it's morbid, but the first thing I thought when I found out she died was, "Well, she always said she'd leave that place feet first."
Korkunç biliyorum, ama öldüğünü öğrendiğimde aklıma gelen ilk şey "Her zaman o yerden ancak ölüsünün çıkacağını söylerdi." oldu.
They both had ties to the building that was supposed to go up.
Her ikisinin de yükselmesi beklenen bir bina ile bağlantısı var.
The problem is, everything we just told you was from us seeing a report that was not acquired in a way that would stand up in court.
Sorun şu ki, size anlattığımız her şey mahkemede kanıt olarak kullanamayacağımız şekilde elde edilen bir rapordan alındı.
Oh, so you're thinking that whatever was embedded inside of Luana, that Yang put it there.
Yani Luana'nın vücudundaki her neyse, onu Yang'in yerleştirdiğini düşünüyorsun.
She killed three people this morning, trying to get her hands on a flash drive that Dalton was trying to smuggle out of the country.
Bu sabah Dalton'un ülkeden kaçırmaya çalıştığı belleği ele geçirmeye çalışırken üç insan öldürdü.
That was never gonna happen, because I told her once we had that information, we had to leave the country.
Bunu asla yapmazdı çünkü bilgileri alır almaz ülkeden kaçmak zorundayız dedim.
It was the gradual loss of blood that caused her to lose consciousness.
Kademeli olarak kan kaybettiği için bilinci kapanmış.
He was telling her the amount of time that he himself had been held in captivity.
Esaret altında ne kadar kaldığını söylüyordu.
No. She died 6 weeks ago of kidney failure, and then when the paperwork started, you know, the paperwork that happens when you die, her real identity was revealed and Patrick was called as her next of kin.
Altı hafta önce böbrek yetmezliğinden ölmüş, sonra da ölünce başlayan işlemler başlamış ve gerçek kimliği anlaşılınca en yakın akrabası olarak Patrick çağırılmış.
I discovered that you convinced them the whole thing was a-a hoax.
I keşfetti. Eğer Her şey bir aldatmaca olduğunu, onları ikna etti.
I was just explaining to Miss Jackson that we might not be able to assist her.
Ben de Bayan Jackson'a ona neden belki yardımcı olamayacağımızı anlatıyordum.
That was the pattern El was trying to trace with her cards.
El'in kartlarıyla izini sürmeye çalıştığı örnek de buydu.
Come on, man, that was her nickname in 10th grade.
Yapma dostum, o onun 10'ncu sınıftaki takma adıydı.
Remember, she said that she was in her house but it wasn't her house - - She was in The Nest.
Dediğini hatırla evde olduğunu ama ev gibi gelmediğini söyledi.
But when I finally found her, I noticed that something was different.
Ama onu bulduğumda, bir şeylerin farklı olduğunu farkettim.
And so I showed up here one night and she was sitting in that stool, again, with my best friend kissing her, and I just shot them both dead.
Bir gece buraya geldim ve gene o taburede oturuyordu. En yakın arkadaşım onu öpüyordu. İkisini de vurdum öldürdüm.
And then he had to get surgery, but that was his fault because- - yeah, yeah, and I had to listen to them talk about how great they are and, like, how they're doing this artist residency
Sonra o ameliyat olmak zorunda kaldı ama bu onun hatasıydı çünkü... Evet ve ben de onların ne kadar harika olduklarını dinlemek zorundaydım ve Barselona'da nasıl sanatçılık eğitimi aldıklarını falan her şeyi dinlemek zorundaydım.
I didn't get that moment, Colleen, where everything was just suddenly okay.
Her şeyin aniden iyi olduğu o anı yakalayamadım Colleen.
The last thing I wanted to do was drag Janey in here and ask her questions in front of everybody, and turn this whole thing into something that it wasn't, okay?
En son isteyeceğim şey, Janey'yi buraya getirip herkesin içinde ona sorular sorarak olayı bambaşka bir boyuta taşımaktı, tamam mı?
I was just thinking it's a relief that we made up.
Her zaman yardım eder hâlâ.
It was him who deceived me and did everything that was truly strange!
Beni kandıran ve yaptığı her iş garip olan kişi oydu!
I know she was so admired by King Henry that he cast aside his first wife to make her his queen.
Kral Henry tarafından çok beğenildiğini..... onu kraliçesi yapmak için ilk karısını bir kenara attığını biliyorum.
It was always more than that.
Her zaman bundan fazlasıydı.
And he has issues with my brother, and he was trying to find him, and he told me that if I didn't help him that he would tell you all of this,
Abimle sorunlar olmuş ve onu bulmaya çalışıyordu. Bana dedi ki onu bulmasına yardım etmezsem her şeyi sana söyler ve tüm kasabaya yayar seni küçük düşürürmüş.
He's real handy, Glen's not handy, so Roger would come over and tend to stuff around the little house,'cause I think he never really let go of the feeling that that was still his to care for.
Elinden her iş gelir, Glen öyle değil o yüzden Roger gelir evde bir şeylerle meşgul olurdu. Bence bunun sebebi hâlâ eve kendisinin bakması gerektiği hissinden kurtulamaması.
I mean, you're doing something that- - I was doing something that was the end of absolutely everything and I kept-
Yaptığın şey - Ben bir şey yapıyordum ve bu tamamen her şeyin sonuydu.
- Okay, so that's when I first met her, was at that dinner, and I-
Peki, onunla o yemekte tanıştım.
A woman who risked everything for me, and the last promise I made her was that I would move on from this place, and I can't do that... not while she's still in danger.
Benim için her şeyini ortaya koyan bir kadın ve ona verdiğim son söz, bu yerden gidip yoluma devam edeceğimdi. Ama o tehlikedeyken bunu yapamam.
That was all Logan and Rios.
Her şeyi Logan ve Rios yaptı.
Kyoko, in her fever... She was murmuring about a green mist that came in the night.
Kyoko ateşliyken gece vakti gelen yeşil sisten bahsediyordu.
It was absolutely clear that this piece of code was attacking an array of six different groups of, let's just say, thingies, physical objects, and in those six groups, there were 164 elements.
Bu saldırı kodunun 6 farklı diziden,... oluşan birşeye saldırmak istediği,... ki bunlar birer varlık yada fiziksel şeyler de olabilir,... ve her bir grubun 164 element içerdiği kesindi.
Iran has gone through "a" to "x" of every chorus of policy that the U.S., Israel, and those who ally with them have placed on Iran, and they have actually made Iran's nuclear program more advanced today than it was ever before.
İran, her türlü kısıtlama ve saldırıya maruz kalmış,... ancak ABD, İsrail ve bunların müttefikleri karşısında,... tüm bu düşmanlıklara rağmen yenilmemiştir.
I told her it was your idea that I come see her.
- Bunun senin fikrin olduğunu söyledim.
"It was lovely meeting you," and we send her off and we laugh, and we have tea, and we buy a rocking chair that may or may not have been Benjamin Franklin's barber's cousin's proctologist's, and we pat ourselves on the back for a job well done, and we go home and we forget all about her.
Sonra da Benjamin Franklin'in berberinin kuzeninin proktoloğuna ait olma ihtimali olan bir sallanan sandalye alır, güzel bir iş çıkardığımız için birbirimizi över, evimize döner ve kızı tamamen unuturuz.
But that's not her name. There was no character named Kinky Boots.
Ama adı bu değil, Müstehcen Çizmeler diye bir karakter yok.
That person you knew in your youth, who was smart and together, she's been chewed up and spit out. You'll never see her again...
Gençliğinde tanıdığın o zeki, aklı başında kişi hayat tarafından çiğnenip tükürüldü ve onu bir daha asla göremeyeceksin.
And when I reached a marriageable age, that was it.
Evlilik çağına geldiğimde ise her şey bitmişti.
But there was about a two-and-a-half-hour window that night when your girlfriend and her family went to a movie without you.
Kız arkadaşınız ve ailesi sinemaya sizsiz gittiğinde yaklaşık iki buçuk saatlik bir boşluk oluştu.
She was drinking a latte and she smiled at me, unaware that the foam remained right over her lip.
Sütlü kahve içiyordu ve bana gülümsedi dudağının üstünde kalmış köpüğün farkında değildi.
And I was throwing the ball for Mojo for old time's sake in the backyard, but when it was time to go, she just sat there with that ratty old ball in her mouth, waiting for me to throw it again.
Gitmeden önce eski günlerdeki gibi bahçede Mojo'ya top fırlatıyordum. Gitme vakti geldiği zaman ağzında eski topuyla beraber çimenlerin üzerine oturdu ve tekrar fırlatmamı bekledi.
Oh, yeah. When he was 11, his mother was in a car accident that completely mutilated her face.
Var. 11 yaşındayken annesi trafik kazası geçirmiş ve yüzü parçalanmış.
This other guy that got her Social Security number... when was that?
Sosyal güvenlik numarasını alan diğer adam ne zaman almıştı?
I know it was a very difficult time for her, and I know that it probably meant a great deal for her to have a friend there.
Onun için zor bir süreç oldu ve eminim yanında bir dostu bulunması onu çok rahatlatmıştır.
But I will always remember that you helped my mother at a time that she was so confused and so vulnerable.
Ama annemin çok kafası karışık ve hassas olduğu bir dönemde ona yardım etmiş olduğunu her zaman hatırlayacağım.
I'll sign your release. Certain things can never change, but I will always remember that you helped my mother at a time that she was so confused.
Bazı şeyler hiç değişmez ama annemin kafası karışık ve hassas olduğu bir dönemde ona yardım etmiş olduğunu her zaman hatırlayacağım.
That the one person in my life who has seen me, all of me... the imperfections, ambitions, scars... And still loves me, in spite of them, maybe even because of my terrible talents was you.
Beni hayatımda tek tanıyan insan her şeyimi ; kusurlarımı, hırslarımı, yaralarımı bilen ve bunlara rağmen, belki o berbat yeteneklerime rağmen bile tek seven kişi sendin.
Told her she was my boss, we would do only what she wanted, and... and that's when it clicked for her.
Onun patronum olduğunu ve sadece onun istediklerini yapacağımızı söyledim ve bu onun hoşuna gitti. Kontrolü eline aldı.
Virginia, you were the one who was adamant that you and I wouldn't continue the day-to-day work together.
Virginia, burada bu konuda son derece sert olan sendin ve her gün birlikte çalışmayacaktık.
We got each other right. Not that everything was all daffodils, but there was never a sliver of a doubt that... that we really loved each other.
Her şey güllük gülistanlık değildi ancak birbirimizi sevdiğimize dair tek bir şüphemiz bile yoktu.
She was all dressed up, something about a, uh, lecture on impressionism at the library, but it didn't take long for her to, uh, admit that she was coming to see you.
Kütüphanedeki empresyonizm dersi için mi ne giyinip kuşanmış ama seni görmeye gideceğini anlamam çok uzun sürmedi.
I know that before we got married, I was the one who insisted on this setup, but I didn't know that when you wake up with someone every morning, pour each other coffee, split the-the newspaper, that you want to go to bed with that person every night too.
Evlenmeden önce bu düzeni kurmakta ısrar eden bendim, biliyorum ancak her sabah biriyle uyandığında her birine kahve koyduğunda, gazeteleri bölüştüğünde her gece yine o kişiyle yatağa girmek isteyeceğini bilmiyordum.
was that really necessary 35
was that so hard 56
was that necessary 32
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that wrong 21
was that okay 22
was that me 23
was that so hard 56
was that necessary 32
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that wrong 21
was that okay 22
was that me 23
was that you 135
was that a joke 26
was that true 17
was that good 22
was that him 35
was that a lie 17
that her 20
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
was that a joke 26
was that true 17
was that good 22
was that him 35
was that a lie 17
that her 20
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
hero 275
here you go 5858
heroine 19
hers 94
herpes 52
herman 232
herald 31
hermano 85
heroes 83
hero 275
here you go 5858
heroine 19
hers 94
herpes 52
herman 232
herald 31
herb 224
hershey 18
hercules 220
heroin 209
herself 49
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
heroic 33
here we go again 374
hershey 18
hercules 220
heroin 209
herself 49
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
heroic 33
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
hermann 78
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here goes nothing 99
hermann 78
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366