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Translate.vc / Türkçe → İngilizce / [ G ] / Gorusecegiz

Gorusecegiz Çeviri İngilizce

9 parallel translation
Buyuk olasilikla tekrar gorusecegiz.
We'll probably see each other again.
Gunde bir kez gorusecegiz.
We meet once a day.
We'll see!
Merak etme tekrar gorusecegiz.
Don't worry, you'll see me again.
Ee, tekrar gorusecegiz.
Er, we'll be in touch.
Tekrar gorusecegiz, kardesim.
I'll see you again, brother.
Kisa bir sure sonra gorusecegiz.
Well, then we'll be seeing each other soon after all.
Haftaya gorusecegiz.
Well, I'll see you next week.
- Aksam yemeginde kimle görusecegiz?
Who's for dinner?

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