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Yapamayiz Çeviri İngilizce

39 parallel translation
Tanriçamiz oldugunu bize kanitlayan bir tanriçaya saygisizlik yapamayiz.
We must not be ungrateful... ... to a goddess who has proved herself our goddess.
Kusura bakma ªerif, yapamayiz.
Sorry, Sheriff, can't do that.
Bunu yapamayiz.
We can't do this.
- Hayir, yapamayiz.
- No, we couldn't.
Yapamayiz biliyorsun.
You know that we can't...
Bunu tekrar yapamayiz.
We can't do it again soon.
Uzgunum birsey yapamayiz.
Well I'm sorry about that but nothing can be done.
Sizler için hiçbir sey yapamayiz.
We can't do anything for you anymore.
Lanet olsun yapamayiz.
The hell we can't.
Pedro, bunu yapamayiz.
Pedro, we can not do that.
Takimdakiler yapamayiz diye düsünüyor ama adamimiz yapabilir dedim.
The guys at the network don't think we can do it but I told them we got the guy that can.
Hatirlar misin, baslarken ikinize de söylemistim, bu çift terapilerinde üçüncü kisi bunu kabul etmedigi müddetçe yalniz görüsme yapamayiz.
Remember, I told you both... at the beginning that in couples therapy... we don't meet alone, unless the third party agrees.
Dur, bunu yapamayiz.
We can't do this.
Sizinle isbirligi yapamayiz.
We cannot cooperate with you.
Bunlarin kopyasini yapamayiz.
We can't duplicate them.
Kefalet önerisi Babu'nun arkadaslari tarafindan mahkemeye tasindi eger durum böyle ise onlar kesinlikle serbest kalirlar biz hicbirsey yapamayiz - ne yapalim?
the bail application of babu salt and his people have moved in the court. If the situation is like this, they will come out absolutely free. we can`t do anything.
Sanirim hepimiz adina konusabilirim ki hepimiz geçmise geri dönüp yaptiklarimizi degistirmek isterdik ama yapamayiz.
Okay, I think I speak for all of us when we say we wish we could go back and change history, but we can't.
Yapamayacagimizi soylemistim size, yapamayiz.
I told you we can't do it, and we can't do it.
Bir sey yapamayiz.
We wouldn't have a shot.
Dean, yapamayiz.
Dean, we can't.
yapamayiz, hayir- - bu, bu cok fazla bastan cikartici!
We can't, no- - It's - it's, it's too much, it's too tempting!
Biz yapamayiz.
We can't.
Laura, we can not do anything for her now.
We can not possibly do.
We can not do anything.
Bunu yapamayiz, oglum. Eger kabul etmiyorlarsa, onlari zorlayamam.
We can't do all that, son lf they don't agree, I can't force them
Elena, yapamayiz.
Elena, we can't.
- Hey, biz yapamayiz be!
We can not.
I cannot...
- Yapamayiz efendim.
- Can't do that, sir.
Bunu sen söylemistin Sayin Baskan, onlara benzesek de benzemesek de bunu vampirler olmadan yapamayiz.
'Cause you said it yourself, Mr. Mayor, whether we like it or not, we can't do it without the vampires.
Her hayat kurtardigimizda basin açiklamasi yapmiyoruz. Yapamayiz da.
We don't send out a press release every time we save lives, we can't.
Bunu hepimiz yapamayiz
Not all of us can make that.
Hepmiz yapamayiz ama
Not all of us.
We can't.
We can't.

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