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And me included translate Spanish

125 parallel translation
You and me included.
Vd. y yo incluidos.
I mean, right now, everyone in this room, Sheldon and me included, have a thousand things going on.
En este momento, todos los que estamos en esta habitación incluyéndonos a Sheldon y a mí, tenemos mil cosas en la cabeza.
And Mr Marshall, I've been instructed to tell you that you're included in the invitations.
Sr. Marshall, me han ordenado decirle que está Vd. invitado.
And Sundays included, and I don't give a damn where you live!
Incluso domingos. ¡ No me importa dónde vivan!
Even without teeth, breakfast at the Beardsleys'included... 5 pounds of bacon... 2 gallons of oatmeal... three dozen eggs... and 40 pieces of toast, unless I missed. And that was only to hold them until lunch.
Dientes o no, desayuno en casa de los Beardsley incluía 2 kilos de tocino 4 litros de avena, 3 docenas de huevos 40 pedazos de tostadas, a menos que se me cayeran y eso es solo para aguantar hasta el almuerzo.
He brought me and Mary back from Italy because we were the only ones... in his department that he could trust, yourself included.
Nos trajo a mí y a Mary de Italia porque éramos los únicos... en su departamento en quienes podía confiar, usted incluido.
I packed everything, children included, and moved in with my sister.
He recogido todo, incluyendo a los niños y me he ido con mi hermana.
He asked if I'd gone mad : Those in green trousers were Czechs, and shouldn't be included in the list of deaths.
Y me preguntó si acaso me había vuelto loco, que la gente de los pantalones verdes eran checos, que no tenía que haberlos puesto en la lista de muertos.
Eighteen months in Ethiopia, malaria and dysentery included.
18 meses en África, me agarré malaria y disentería.
I was feeling lonely in my lodgings in Victoria and I remembered that among the six words I exchanged with a certain delightful Fraulein Bellamy were included the names Schubert and Goethe, who between them produced some of the finest Leider sounds...
Me sentía solo en mi residencia en Victoria... y recordé que entre las seis palabras que intercambié... con cierta encantadora Fraulein Bellamy... se incluían los nombres de Schubert y Goethe... que produjeron algunos de los mejores lieder...
I've been mostly placed in the position of being left alone like a fifth wheel... and not being made to feel like I'm included.
Me has relegado a la condición de persona indeseable... y no me has hecho sentir parte del grupo.
If humidifier and wind tunnel are included in the next model there won't be any point going to Deauville's course.
Como el próximo modelo se perfeccione, en Deauville ya no me ven el pelo.
And as for myself in particular, I suspect that the circumstances of that time were the apprenticeship that... enabled me to make my way so instinctively through the subsequent... chain of events, which included so much violence and so many breaks, and where so many people were treated so badly
En lo que a mí se refiere, supongo que fue a partir de las circunstancias de aquel momento... que fui siguiendo con toda naturalidad el encadenamiento de tantas violencias... y de tantas rupturas, en las que tan mal se trató a tanta gente ;
You've included me in your tight little circle of friends and I appreciate that.
Que me has incluído en tu pequeño círculo de amigos y aprecio eso, Apollo.
- Me and you included.
- Incluyéndonos a ti y a mí.
It included others as well. And this gave me hope.
Aparecían personajes nuevos, y esto me daba un poco de esperanza.
If you quit now, you lose face, and so do all the Saharans, me included!
Si renuncia ahora, quedará en ridículo y Io harán todos en el Sahara, incluso yo.
So I called up again to Fredy and, uh, explained to him that, as far as this transport is concerned, included him,
Al día siguiente la Resistencia me confirmó que los iban a gasear. El comando especial había recibido el carbón para quemarlos, sabían exactamente cuántos y quiénes iban a ser gaseados...
But anyone, me included, could knock on the door of the German Embassy, and when I come out, I could be a rich man if I had these papers?
Contéstenme a esto : ¿ cualquiera, incluido yo podría llamar a la puerta de la embajada alemana y al salir ser un hombre rico en caso de tener ese documento?
My daughter and me had thought of buying new dresses, nightdresses included.
Mi hija y yo ya habíamos pensado comprarnos ropa nueva. Camisones y todo.
And I'm gonna make sure that all of your names are included... so you can all share in the glory.
Y me aseguraré de que incluyan todos sus nombres para que compartan la gloria.
You wanted to be included in the decision, so I include you, and now you're trying to talk me out of something I kind of, sort of, maybe want to do.
Quería ser incluido en la decisión, así que te incluí, y ahora estás tratando de convencerme de no hacer algo que, más o menos, tal vez quiera hacer.
You know, my little toolkit, my genetic toolkit I was given it included a mother and father who were very funny people, could do accents and dialects and tell funny stories about what happened on the bus that morning!
Ya sabes, una caja de herramientas genéticas que me dieron que incluía a mi madre y a mi padre, personas muy graciosas, que sabían imitar acentos y contar historias divertidas sobre lo que les pasó en el autobós esa mañana!
I was once late for this soccer game, and I knew that my mother wouldn't drive me if I didn't clean up my room. And that included cleaning out the bottom of the bird cage.
Y yo... una vez llegaba tarde a un partido, y mi madre no me llevaba si yo no... si no limpiaba mi habitación, incluyendo la jaula de los pájaros.
I am the Deputy Chief Fire Marshal... and every now and then, I like to be included in decisions.
Como subcomisario del cuerpo de bomberos me gusta que me incluyan en las decisiones.
I'd just like to say thank you to the men and women of Southport For recognizing me with this honour, I feel flattered to be included
Quería dar las gracias a la gente de Southport porconcederme este honor.
Uh, if I may... you mentioned, Father Hubley, that I was not included in that book, and that is a very astute observation.
Si me permiten... Ud. mencionó, Padre Hubley que yo no estaba incluido en ese libro y ésa es una observación muy astuta.
Thank you for the book. And I will never forget that day when you saved my life. But while my helping the poor through the Catholic meetings is a part of the happiness I pursue, breaking tradition and customs by exchanging letters with you is not included in my idea of seeking happiness.
gracias por el libro nunca olvidaré aquel dia cuando salvaste mi vida mientras me ayudas con los pobres en las reuniones catolicas es parte de la felicidad que estaba buscando, romper la tradición y las costumbres al intercambiar cartas contigo
- While this White House your office included, allowed equal pay to be pushed off the agenda marriage incentives to be put in welfare reform buried a surgeon general's report on birth control and allowed the global gag rule in the first place. You hired me to put a professional face on your office.
Me contrató para que su oficina tuviera apariencia profesional.
[Asher] Shirley Chisholm came to me... and it was all over a candidate debate... among Democratic candidates in California... and she had asked to be included... and, uh, was turned down.
Shirley Chisholm acudió a mí... y todo fue por un debate entre candidatos... demócratas en California. FUNDADOR DEL PROYECTO MEDIÁTICO y le dijeron que no.
I asked him if impermanence also included destiny, and he confirmed it to be so.
yo le pregunte .. ¿ La impermanencia también incluye al destino? , y El me confirmo que esto era así.
When you invited your father and me for the weekend... you said it included a lunch with you and Rory.
Cuando nos invitaste a pasar el fin de semana... dijiste que incluía un almuerzo contigo y Rory.
But would my name and address be included in the article... just in case anyone should try and contact me?
¿ Se incluirán mi nombre y dirección en el artículo? ¿ En caso de que alguien quiera localizarme?
All of these played a part upon shaping the world that the crimes happened in and it seemed to me to be important to investigate all of those possibilities, to try and create a map of this event that included all of those strange foreign areas that aren't generally included when one considers a murder.
Todas estas áreas tenían su efecto al formar el mundo en el que los crímenes ocurrieron y me parecía importante investigar todas estas posibilidades, para intentar crear un mapa de este evento que incluyese todas estas áreas extrañas que generalmente no son incluidas cuando se estudia un homicidio.
Doesn't it bother you that people make you out to be a joke and I'll be included in that?
¿ Que la gente te tome a broma y me metan en el mismo saco?
One thing that many people, me included, fear is that when this happens we will simply go and take by force of arms the oil that we need.
Lo que muchos tememos, incluido yo, es que cuando eso ocurra simplemente nos dediquemos a ir por las armas a robar lo que necesitemos.
You know, I actually took the liberty of doing some research into your past, and I included that as well.
Sabes, en realidad me tomé la libertad de hacer alguna investigación sobre tu pasado y también las incluí.
And let me tell you, the cage better be included in the price.
Y déjeme decirle, mejor que la jaula esté incluida en el precio.
And this is the first thing they've included me in where I haven't been the victim, so...
Y esta es la primera vez en que me incluyen... en la que no seré la víctima, así que- -
I've included a picture of me and my son, Sohrab.
" Aquí te envío una foto mía y de mi hijo, Sohrab.
As they said, it was included on the Howard appeared to chimney, and then it was gone.
Ella me dijo que estaba aquí hasta que apareció el señor Howard. Y después de eso desapareció.
Cos this, people reckon, and me included is why pubs or drugs were kindly invented, to calm us all down, stop us going mental.
Porqué esto? la gente... yo me incluyo...
- No one - except me, which is why I've included copies of my department performance reviews, medical records, and psych-evals.
- Ninguno. - A excepción de mí motivo por el cual incluí copias de mis revisiones de rendimiento informes médicos y evaluaciones psíquicas.
Cos this, people reckon - me included - is why pubs and drugs were kindly invented...
chicos necesitados de dinero o esposas pidiendo en la cara? Porqué esto? la gente...
Cos this, people reckon - me included - is why pubs and drugs were kindly invented...
Porqué esto? la gente... yo me incluyo...
I've got a goddamn firehouse full of men over there, my chief included, who keep on asking me what the hell is up with that crazy bitch across the street who wants to talk to me, and i don't have a goddamn answer,
Tengo una estacion enfrente llena de hombres, jefe incluido que no paran de preguntarme que demonios quiere la zorra loca de enfrente que quiere hablarme, cuando yo no tengo ni una respuesta entonces quieres hablarme?
And if there is some divine plan,'m certainly not included.
Y si lo hizo, con toda seguridad no me lo avisó.
Cos this, people reckon - and me included - is why pubs and drugs were kindly invented - to calm us all down, to stop us going mental.
Porqué esto? la gente... yo me incluyo...
We all spend the night on cots, Sarah and myself included. They say she can hear me.
Ellos dicen que puede oírme.
Cos this, people reckon, and me included, is why pubs and drugs were kindly invented to calm us all down and stop us going mental.
Porqué esto? la gente... yo me incluyo...
Cos this, people reckon, and me included, is why pubs and drugs were kindly invented, to calm us all down and stop us going mental.
Porqué esto? la gente... yo me incluyo...

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