And sooner or later translate Spanish
751 parallel translation
And sooner or later, that old devil, she swallow them up.
Y tarde o temprano, el endemoniado mar, se los traga.
And sooner or later it had to happen that the spirit of evil from taking over Saul.
Y tarde o temprano tenía que ocurrir que el espíritu del mal se apoderara de Saul.
and for $ 113,33 you throw away your jobs, lose your homes be hunted by coppers and sooner or later be sent to prison. Some of you are two-time losers.
Y por 113 dólares y 33 centavos ibais a perder vuestros trabajos vuestras casas, huir de la policía y al final terminar en la cárcel.
Otherwise, the shadow of sudden death will be forever hanging over his head, and sooner or later...
Si no, la sombra de una muerte súbita siempre amenazará sobre su cabeza, y tarde o temprano...
And sooner or later, I will.
Y tarde o temprano, lo haré.
They'll watch him, and sooner or later he'll lead them here.
Lo vigilarán, y tarde o temprano, los conducirá hasta aquí.
And sooner or later, Nana, people have to grow up.
Y un día, Nana... los niños crecen.
And sooner or later, there'd be a deputation of landladies and lodgers... who would step forward to testify to your character.
Muy pronto un montón de caseros testificarán en tu contra.
You keep crowding and sooner or later, they will fight.
Si les aprietas, pelearán.
As smart as they might be, these people always make mistakes.. and sooner or later we catch'em all.
Es gente que, por muy buena que sea, siempre comete algún error... y antes o después, los pillamos a todos.
Like, slowly he's being built up, but sooner or later, the foundation is gonna crumble and he's gonna take a big fall.
D. 33. Juve knows that Fantômas sooner or later escapes and resumes his crime series.
Juve sabe que Fantômas terminará escapandose, reemprendiendo sus crímenes.
And I'm going to do it sooner or later.
lo conseguiré tarde o temprano.
He's gotta know it sooner or later and this is good a time as any.
Lo tiene que saber tarde o temprano. Cualquier momento es bueno.
And it's a cinch she's gonna get the dope on me sooner or later.
Pero algo me dice que lo sabrá antes o después.
- If you're trying to hoodwink us... we are certain to find it out sooner or later... and if such is the case... there is nothing left for us to do but mourn for you.
- Si intenta engañarnos... lo acabaremos sabiendo antes o después... y si es así... lo único que nos queda por hacer es guardar luto por Ud.
So I went to the address I heard that girl give you and rented a room there. Feeling sure I'd run into you sooner or later.
Fui a Ia dirección que Ie dio esa chica y alquilé una habitación allí, pensando que Ie vería tarde o temprano.
Sooner or later the man will come to me and confess because he wants peace.
Tarde o temprano, eI culpable vendrá a mí y confesará porque necesitará paz.
Sooner or later it falls, and I'd hear myself saying to him :
Tarde o temprano pasaría, y yo me oiría diciéndole :
Now look here. Sooner or later you've got to be sensible and take my advice.
Mire, antes o después será sensata y seguirá mi consejo.
We looked for you at the theater and the rehearsal was over - we knew sooner or later we'd find you here.
Estamos en un lío, no es el lugar adecuado para hacer negocios. Venga, vamos al despacho. ¡ Para el carro!
And they always get on to us sooner or later.
Y siempre se juntan con nosotros tarde o temprano.
We see the lives of young people destroyed Marriages ruined, children infected, all condemned to die a horrible death, sooner or later. And we are powerless to help it.
Vemos jóvenes vidas destruidas, arruinadas, niños infectados, todos ellos condenados a morir atrozmente tarde o temprano, y nos sentimos totalmente impotentes.
She'd find out sooner or later from strangers, and that'd be worse.
Lo averiguará antes o después, y será aún peor.
Mr. Undershaft, I am in many ways a weak, timid, ineffectual person... and my health is far from satisfactory... but whenever I feel I must have anything... I get it sooner or later.
Señor Undershaft, en muchos sentidos, soy una persona blanda, tímida e inútil, y mi salud está lejos de ser satisfactoria, pero cuando me empeño en conseguir algo, lo consigo, tarde o temprano.
You are doomed, captain of murderers, and one day, sooner or later, you will remember my words.
Están condenados, capitán de asesinos. Algún día, tarde o temprano recordará mis palabras.
And everybody rates that sooner or later.
Como todos tarde o temprano.
A second sooner or a second later, The shot would have been heard And our assassin seized.
Un segundo antes o después, y se hubiera oído el disparo, y el asesino hubiera sido capturado.
And you will be... sooner or later.
Y tarde o temprano, lo harán.
And anybody with a guilty conscience will make a mistake sooner or later.
Alguien con remordimientos cometerá algún error, antes o después.
You can change the scenery but sooner or later, you'll get a whiff of perfume or somebody will say a certain phrase, or maybe hum something and you're licked again.
Puedes cambiar de lugar pero tarde o temprano, te viene un perfume o alguien dice cierta frase, o tararea algo ¡ y te hundes de nuevo!
But can't you see that sooner or later we will be found out, and Eduardo won't see who you really are?
¿ Pero no ves que antes o después se descubrirá todo y quedarás mal ante Eduardo?
But the answer to that is persistence... and the hope that sooner or later something will turn up... some tiny lead that can grow into a warm trail... and point to the cracking of a tough case.
Pero la respuesta a eso es la persistencia... y la esperanza de que tarde o temprano se descubrirá algo... una pequeña pista que puede transformarse en una prueba... que lleve a resolver un caso difícil.
Darling, I don't want to offend you, but... you know, you're really not dressed for company, and we're bound to have some sooner or later.
Cariño, no quiero ofenderte, pero... realmente no estás vestida para tener visita... y vamos a recibir alguna antes o después.
Sooner or later its not enough for them just to live and paint and have enough, or maybe enough to eat.
Tarde o temprano no les basta con vivir, pintar y lo suficiente, o casi lo suficiente, para comer.
Sooner or later, you and all the rest of them will come crying to me like a pack of dogs.
¡ Antes o después acudiréis a mí arrastrándoos como perros!
Sooner or later, the cops will pick up those guys or they won't, and that'll be the end of it.
Tarde o temprano, la pasma pillará a los culpables... o no.
Sooner or later must be so, because, she is young, and you are handsome.
Tarde o temprano será porque ella es joven... y tú eres guapo.
We make mistakes and we pay for them One way or another, sooner or later.
Cometemos errores y pagamos por ellos... de alguna forma u otra, más tarde o más temprano.
Sooner or later, Rienzi'll get to you, And you'll wind up in the morgue beside Sally.
Antes o después Rienzi lo encontrará y acabará en el depósito con Sally.
They're welcome to me. We all get taken, sooner or later. First, there's a matter you and I have got to settle.
A todos nos cogen, más pronto o más tarde, pero antes, tú y yo tenemos un asunto que resolver.
And anyhow, we were always on the move, and I knew you had to leave them sooner or later.
Y además íbamos de un lado para otro y sabría que tarde o temprano tendrías que dejarlas.
After all, one can't leave his shadow lying about and not miss it sooner or later.
Después de todo, nadie pierde su sombra sin darse cuenta.
I was hoping that sooner or later I might catch you at something... and be able to, uh....
Esperaba que tarde o temprano te sorprendería y podría- -
Taking pictures of it all to be developed sooner or later and printed
Y tomando fotografías, que tarde o temprano serán reveladas e impresas.
Naturally I must marry sooner or later and then must live
Tarde o temprano tendré que casarme.
Sooner or later I leave all : house, family and work and I go away.
Tarde o temprano, planto casa, familia y trabajo y me voy.
And if I know his maniacal mind, sooner or later, he'll come out after the bait.
Si conozco su mente enfermiza, tarde o temprano saldrá y picará el anzuelo.
The smart ones wake up sooner or later and go back to their trade of making a fast buck.
Los listos caen de la burra antes o después y vuelven al trabajo para ganar dinero rápido.
It ended the way it had to sooner or later, and - and no one could have prevented it.
Tenía que acabar así tarde o temprano. Nadie podía impedirlo.
If he's smuggling heroin, sooner or later, he's going to have to try and make contact with his connection here.
Si está traficando con heroína, tarde o temprano tendrá que establecer contacto con su enlace.
sooner or later 669
or later 18
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so have you 26
and so are we 42
or later 18
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so have you 26
and so are we 42
and so on and so on 22
and see 72
and so do you 187
and so was i 23
and so were you 23
and still 144
and so will i 38
and somehow 99
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and see 72
and so do you 187
and so was i 23
and so were you 23
and still 144
and so will i 38
and somehow 99
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and so on 257
and she said yes 23
and so i 33
and she goes 33
and so far 102
and so do we 31
and soon 235
and so did you 29
and sometimes 297
and so did i 52
and she said yes 23
and so i 33
and she goes 33
and so far 102
and so do we 31
and soon 235
and so did you 29
and sometimes 297
and so did i 52