Aren't they translate Spanish
9,590 parallel translation
" Those people are all friends of mine, aren't they amazing?
¿ Todas estas personas son mis amigos, no son increíbles?
Now, although the reports aren't frequent, they are consistent, which rules out the possibility of a freak accident or a misunderstanding.
Ahora bien, aunque los informes no son frecuentes, que sean coherentes, que descarta la posibilidad de un extraño accidente o un malentendido
Now I'm having heart palpitations all the time. And contrary to what the doctors keep saying, I just know they aren't panic attacks.
Ahora tengo palpitaciones todo el tiempo y, contrario a lo que dicen los médicos, sé que no son ataques de pánico.
Since we aren't eligible until sophomore year, they don't care how much the varsity pounds us.
Puesto que no son elegibles hasta el segundo año, Que no les importa cuánto del equipo universitario nos golpea.
- If my kids catch me, I'll die. - Aren't they working?
Como me pillen mis hijos me muero.
Dog biscuits aren't for dogs, they're for dogs and kids.
¿ A los niños se les da...? Es que las galletas para perros son para perros y para niños. Son para todos.
- Except you just said they aren't.
Excepto que tu dijiste que ellas no estaban.
They're... they're dead, aren't they?
Están... Están muertos ¿ verdad?
Flowers are a bit much, aren't they?
Las flores son demasiado, ¿ verdad?
They aren't police issue.
No son de la policia.
Why aren't they here?
¿ Por qué no están aquí?
Everybody's been eating the apples, why aren't they sick?
Todos comieron manzanas, ¿ por qué no están enfermos?
Aren't they the same thing, boss?
¿ Que no son la misma cosa, patrón?
They aren't my bosses, Val.
No son mis jefes, Val.
They aren't even ours.
No son ni nuestros.
They aren't done filling her with their poison.
No han acabado de llenarla con su veneno.
Aren't they a bit small?
¿ No son un poco pequeñas?
Oh nonsense... people aren't relaxed in their own homes with their own families but they don't mind spending on a train or a plane ticket just to get to some far away hotel and using some e | se's used beddings... to feel relaxed and these travel companies are to blamed for it... it's all in the mind... lam telling you.. find a nice boy.. and..
Ah tonterías, la gente no se relaja en sus propias casas.. ... con sus propias familias, pero no les molesta el gasto en un tren o un billete de avión para llegar a algún muy lejano hotel y el uso de ropa de cama utilizadas de alguna otra persona para sentirse relajada.. ... y estas empresas de viajes están para ocuparse por eso.
Aren't they, though?
¿ No son, sin embargo?
If their brains aren't completely destroyed, they won't die.
Si sus cerebros no son completamente destruidos, ellos no morirán.
Even if they were citizens before they aren't humans anymore now.
Inclusos si antes eran ciudadanos ya no son humanos.
They really are just making it up as they're going along, aren't they?
Realmente están comportándose... como si fueran a salirse con la suya, ¿ verdad?
And they're the only ones that matter to her, aren't they?
Y son los únicos que la importan, ¿ verdad?
Foul baubles of our vanity, aren't they?
Viles fruslerías de nuestra vanidad, ¿ verdad?
Handsome bits of the craft, aren't they?
Pequeños fragmentos de artesanía, ¿ no lo son?
Who says they aren't mine?
¿ Quién dice que no son míos?
Pretty little things, aren't they?
Son bonitas, ¿ no?
'So it all started 150 years ago when a Victorian guy bequeathed a house to the people of The Fields, '.. that's when they were fields,'now the Fields is a housing estate, and some people in Pagford aren't that thrilled with everyone'from the estate coming into the village and using this old building'covered in graffiti when it could be some fancy hotel and spa instead.
Todo comenzó hace cincuenta años cuando un tipo Victoriano heredó una mansión a los habitantes de los Prados, entonces todavía eran prados, ahora los Prados es un complejo residencial, y algunos de los habitantes no están contentos de que todos los del estado vengan a la villa a usar este viejo
Colin, people are going to respect you for standing up, aren't they?
Colin, las personas van a respetarte porque sigues en pie.
Why? The animals aren't sleeping with us, are they?
Los animales no duermen con nosotros ¿ o sí?
Yeah, bullshit sentences for minor drug crimes just aren't enforced like they used to be.
Sí, las condenas bobas por delitos menores de drogas ya no se aplican como antes.
So, if Sunflower or... anyone... felt that way... I'd want them to know that... they aren't alone.
Así que, si Girasol o... alguien más... siente de esa manera... me gustaría que supieran que... no están solas.
The Queen's Rangers are provincial forces, aren't they?
¿ No son acaso los Rangers de la Reina una fuerza provincial?
- Take a risk they aren't what they seem or protect the child?
¿ Tomar un riesgo que son lo que parecen o proteger al niño?
Your thoughts about your husband are almost entirely negative, aren't they?
Tus pensamientos sobre tu marido son completamente negativos, ¿ no?
Pensioners mainly, though, aren't they?
Mayormente jubilados, ¿ cierto?
Malcolm, Jib and Diggy don't play sports and they aren't in a gang.
Malcolm, Jib y Diggy no juegan deportivo y no están en una pandilla.
Anyway, eanna's aske everyone to give you your space so they aren't all coming at you at once.
Como sea, Deanna nos pidió a todos que les demos su espacio y por eso no están todos viniendo aquí contigo.
But they aren't here.
Pero no están aquí.
These nightmares are really getting to you, aren't they?
¿ Esas pesadillas realmente te están afectando, no?
As a result, the women aren't getting out as much as they should.
Como resultado, las mujeres no salen tanto como deberían.
They aren't here.
No están aquí.
Yes. Aren't they always?
Sí. ¿ No es siempre así?
They're nasty little shits, and nasty little shits aren't worth crying over.
Esas pequeñas sucias mierdas, no vale la pena llorar por pequeñas sucias mierdas.
They're amazing flats, aren't they?
Son unos pisos increíbles, ¿ a que sí?
These aren't even real, are they?
Estos ni siquiera son reales, ¿ verdad?
Things are about to get very weird, aren't they?
Las cosas se van a poner muy raras, ¿ verdad?
They aren't welcome anywhere, and nobody cares.
Son expulsados de todos lados, y a nadie le importan.
Whoever they are, they aren't helping you.
Quienquiera que fuera, no te está ayudando.
They aren't happy.
No están contentos.
TV's rules aren't based on common sense. They're based on the studio wanting to milk their properties dry.
Las reglas de la TV no se basan en el sentido común, sino en empresas que exprimen sus propiedades.
aren't they cute 23
aren't they beautiful 39
aren't they all 24
aren't they lovely 16
aren't they great 18
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they can't see you 17
they are my friends 21
aren't they beautiful 39
aren't they all 24
aren't they lovely 16
aren't they great 18
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they can't see you 17
they are my friends 21
they aren't 58
they're 1306
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they come 53
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they're 1306
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they come 53
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they don't like me 19
they did 777
they told me 111
they are good 26
they don't work 32
they're not happy 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they don't like me 19
they did 777
they told me 111
they are good 26
they don't work 32
they're not happy 17