But not with you translate Spanish
6,165 parallel translation
~ But not with you. ~ What?
- Pero no contigo. - ¿ Qué?
But not with you, Cynthia.
Pero no contigo, Cynthia.
But we weren't together when you did it, So I can't exactly hold it against you. I mean, it's not like it was with someone I know.
Pero no estábamos juntos cuando lo hiciste, así que no puedo echártelo en cara. O sea, no es como si lo hicieras con alguien que conozco.
See, you may be able to keep David away from Emily, but that's obviously not gonna work with me.
Mira, quizá seas capaz de mantener a David alejado de Emily, pero obviamente eso no va a funcionar conmigo.
We've established joint cooperation with the locals, as well as standing extradition orders for any suspects charged, but while you are in-country, you do not have the power to make arrests, and you will, of course, be unarmed.
Hemos pedido cooperación conjunta con los locales y adelantamos pedidos de extradición para cualquier sospechoso acusado pero mientras estén en el país, no tienen potestad de hacer arrestos y estarán, por supuesto, desarmados.
Look, you might get off on being Mr. Cancer Boy, bald poster child legless man, but the one thing I'm not okay with is being pitied.
Mira, es posible bajar de ser el niño señor Cáncer, a calvo caso emblemático del hombre sin piernas, pero la única cosa con la que no estoy de acuerdo, es en que me compadezcan.
Now, I don't mean no disrespect, but I did not come here to talk smack with you thirsty ratchets.
Ahora, no quiero faltar al respeto, pero no he venido aquí para hablar con vosotras creídas.
I get it, but if you're not honest with us, more people are going to get hurt.
Lo entiendo, pero si no eres honesta con nosotros, más gente va a resultar herida.
I'm not questioning your judgment here, but what exactly are you hoping to accomplish with this?
No estoy cuestionando tu decisión, ¿ pero qué esperas conseguir con esto?
I mean, I eat with her, I sleep with her... but I know you are not her.
O sea, como con ella, duermo con ella... pero sé que no es usted.
like, i really love that you like, i really love that you guys get along with all the guys Guys get along with all the guys and stuff, but they do not care And stuff, but they do not care about you guys.
- Me encanta que ustedes se estén relacionando con los otros chicos y esas cosas, pero a ellos no les importáis.
I'm sorry, but the truth is, as long as you live with me, you're not gonna meet a normal guy.
Lo siento, pero la verdad es que mientras vivas conmigo, no vas a conocer a nadie normal.
But I'm going to try really hard, not with the telly, you know, I'm going to try harder with everything, with us and everything.
Pero me voy a esforzar de verdad, no con la tele, me voy a esforzar con todo, con nosotros y lo demás.
And I'm not here to kill you, but from the looks of your conversation with rowan, that'd probably be my best move.
Y no estoy aquí para matarte, pero por lo que parece de tu conversación con Rowan, probablemente sea mi mejor movimiento.
But I will not put up with whatever righteous history-rewriting Mellie you have going on right here, right now.
Pero no soportaré la Mellie justa reescritora de historia que estás tramando justo aquí, justo ahora.
Well, that's not gonna happen, but I can assure you That the baby is going to be just fine... With me.
Bueno, eso no va a ocurrir, pero puedo asegurarte que el bebé va a estar bien... conmigo.
I don't love being the person who hides in her garage with her secret crib turkey, but it's not always fun being the backstop. You're telling me.
No me gusta ser la persona... que se esconde en el garaje con su pavo secreto... pero no siempre es divertido ser la que se encargue de todo.
But you're not gonna distract me with some bogus warning.
Pero no me distraerás con una falsa alarma.
You are clearly in an abusive relationship- - with your cat, but it's an abusive relationship, though. I'm not in an abusive relationship.
No es una relación abusiva.
I'm not dissing my partner, but, you know, you'd think Alvarez would want someone with a little more weight on it.
, lo lógico hubiera sido que Álvarez quisiera a alguien con un poco más de peso.
And so you learned to live with those little things that might have not been perfect, but the performance...
Y entonces aprendías a vivir con esas pequeñas cosas que quizás no eran perfectas, pero la actuación...
The only thing that's really clear is that you're not just a liar, but you're a liar with secrets, so you can tell me the truth, or I can figure this out on my own.
La única cosa que está muy clara es que no solo eres una mentirosa, sino que eres una mentirosa con secretos, así que me puedes decir la verdad, o la puedo descubrir por mi cuenta.
You're not just a liar, but you're a liar with secrets.
No solo eres una mentirosa, sino una mentirosa con secretos.
You can file a petition with the judge to waive it, But if you do, they usually take it as a sign That you're not ready for adulthood.
Puedes solicitar una petición para que el juez lo ignore, pero si haces eso, normalmente lo toman como una señal de que no estás preparado para la vida adulta.
I bet you do, but I'm not making out with you just so you can make Hunter jealous.
Apuesto a que lo necesitas, pero no voy a liarme contigo solo para que puedas poner a Hunter celoso.
You know, like I would with doctors without borders, which is fine in Senegal, but it does not make me administration material.
Ya sabes, como lo haría con los médicos sin fronteras, lo cual está bien en Senegal, pero no me hace material administrativo
That is amazing, but with all due respect, the last time you saw her, it did not seem like a good situation.
Es increíble, pero con todo el respeto, la última vez que la vio, no parecía como una buena situación.
Well, as I'm sure you remember, there was not a lot of Captain Holland left to examine, but his brain tissue did present vasogenic edema, capillary leakage and spongiosis of the white matter, and those are all consistent with HACE.
Bueno, como seguro que recuerdas no quedo mucho del capitán Holland para examinar pero su tejido cerebral presentaba un edema vasogénico, hemorragia capilar y espongiosis en la materia blanca, y todo eso concuerda con un ECPA.
Oh, hey, I hope this is cool with you, but since we're not technically on duty till tomorrow morning, I invited Sophia to join me upstate.
Oh, oye, espero que esto no te moleste, pero ya que no estamos técnicamente de servicio hasta mañana por la mañana, he invitado a Sophia a venir al norte.
I know you said not to disturb you with your new toy, but mommy thought maybe you needed to eat.
Sé que me dijiste que no te molestara con tu nuevo juguete, pero mami ha pensado que quizás querías comer.
But I'm not concerned with you.
Pero no estoy preocupada por ti.
You know, I tried to convince Dalton not to go with you, but the old boys in the party thought it was your turn.
Mira, intenté convencer a Dalton para que no te eligiera, pero los viejos barones del partido pensaron que era tu turno.
Um, you know, well, now's not a... Not a great time, but, uh... But, you know, maybe I could catch up with you in the morning or we could grab coffee.
Sabes, bueno, ahora no es un... no es un buen momento, pero... pero, sabes, quizá podría hablar contigo por la mañana o podríamos tomar café.
I don't want to fight with you, but I'm not gonna compromise myself, Meredith, just because you think I...
No quiero discutir contigo. pero no voy a comprometerme, Meredith, solo porque tú pienses que yo...
And I don't think that is anything that we should look upon with dread, but with joy, because it means we're not alone and, you know, they're there with us.
No podría pensar en algo que deberíamos mirar como un juego de palabras al leer, pero con alegría, porque significa que no estamos solos. Y, ya saben... están allí con nosotros.
Not with you. Fine, we'll go, but we're sticking to the 15-minute rule.
Muy bien, vamos a ir, pero estamos apegarse a la regla de los 15 minutos.
Hey, if you wanna embarrass yourselves up there on those pushed-together cafeteria tables, go for it, but I am not gonna risk my reputation with a group of people who don't respect the craft and draw dogs on my script pages!
Oye, si quieren pasar vergüenza arriba de esas mesas de cafetería vayan, pero yo no voy a arriesgar mi reputación con un grupo de personas que no aprecian el oficio y dibujan perros en mis páginas del guion.
Kathryn : I have news for you : Bay may win a gold medal, but that does not change the fact that you were one-and-out with the Royals.
Tengo noticias para Bay puede ganar una medalla de oro, pero eso no cambia el hecho que tu eras uno-y-fuera con los Royals.
you might not want to think you might not want to think who you want to go to the three Who you want to go to the three with but you better start With but you better start thinking.
Podrías no querer pensar con quién querrías ir a la final de tres, pero es mejor que comiences a pensarlo.
Fine, but I hope you can live with the fact that you're forcing people to spend time together who would rather not.
Bien, pero espero que usted pueda vivir con el hecho que está forzando a personas a pasar tiempo juntas que preferirían no pasar.
Yeah, she's not that great with saying "hello" either, but... [Laughs]... You had her all turned around.
Sí, tampoco es tan buena diciendo hola, pero la tienes siempre revoloteando.
I do not want to die any more than you, but if we are to escape with our lives, you have to trust me.
Quiero sobrevivir tanto como ustedes... pero si quieren escapar, confíen en mí.
You may not believe this, but I tried with Ariadne.
Puede que no me creas, pero lo intenté con Ariadna.
I know you're comfortable with your body, but I'm not.
Sé que está cómoda con su cuerpo, pero yo no.
I was going to cut off all ties and not even call or get in touch with you like you're doing with us... But I didn't want to become a rude and heartless bastard like you so that's why I'm here.
Yo, como tú, quería terminar todo contacto y vivir desconectado de todo, pero vine hasta aquí porque no quiero ser un bribón grosero como tú.
Having access to that information which is there, that is not written, but it... somehow you have to be able to be in tune with that frequency in order to obtain that.
Teniendo acceso a la información que está ahí, que no está escrita, pero... de alguna forma tienes que ser capaz de estar sintonizado con esa frecuencia para poder obtenerla.
And we will absolutely have time for that, Martin, but it would be remiss of me not to begin the interview with a bit of background on what's been happening to you in the last 12 months.
-... que vimos en el techo. - Tendremos tiempo para eso, Martin pero sería negligente de mi parte si no comenzara la entrevista contando un poco lo que te pasó estos últimos 12 meses.
Look, before, I thought that you were some sort of, you know, not manageable policy problem, but now you're like... a girl with a nail in her head, and that's... very interesting and very human.
Mira, antes, pensé que eras una especie de, ya sabes, no problema de política manejable, pero ahora eres como... una chica con un clavo en la cabeza, y eso es... muy interesante y muy humano.
I'm not very familiar with them, but the man at the store said that he thought that was the right one for you.
No estoy muy familiarizada con ellas, pero el vendedor de la tienda dijo que él pensaba que era la adecuada para ti.
But you know, me, I had to learn the hard way not to take chances with this kind of thing.
Pero sabes, yo, tuve que aprender por las malas a no arriesgarme con esta clase de cosas.
Wow, Uncle Stone, I may not agree with your politics... - but that doesn't mean I don't admire you.
Tío Stone, no comparto tus ideas políticas pero igualmente te admiro.
but not today 139
but not for me 77
but not impossible 44
but not 178
but not right now 44
but not now 180
but not too much 51
but not least 20
but nothing serious 18
but not yours 20
but not for me 77
but not impossible 44
but not 178
but not right now 44
but not now 180
but not too much 51
but not least 20
but nothing serious 18
but not yours 20
but not me 232
but not here 204
but not to worry 48
but not for you 55
but not yet 76
but not always 35
but not tonight 84
but not anymore 183
but nothing 143
but not that 37
but not here 204
but not to worry 48
but not for you 55
but not yet 76
but not always 35
but not tonight 84
but not anymore 183
but nothing 143
but not that 37