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Buy more translate Spanish

1,827 parallel translation
So we're gonna have to settle this the Buy More way.
Así que lo resolveremos a la manera de Buy More.
After they took over the Buy More.
Después que tomaron el Buy More.
We gotta buy more time.
Debemos conseguir más tiempo.
They're making up a SODDI defense so they can buy more time.
Se inventan una defensa "Soddi" para comprar más tiempo.
Farmers have been pushed to buy more seed, have more tractors, been pushed into the loan economy.
Los agricultores son presionados para comprar más semillas, tienen más tractores, son empujados un ahorro de préstamo.
No. I told you to buy more " Proactiv'.
No, te dije que compraras más Proactiv.
There was way too much traffic, which is a good thing, but- - we had to dip in the reserve fund and buy more server space.
Había muchísimo tráfico, que significa que es algo bueno. Pero- - hemos tenido que ir al fondo de nuestras reservas y comprar más espacio en un servidor.
Buy more for other people in your family.
Compra más para todos en tu familia.
To get there, they create incentives and insatiable desire to buy more and more stuff.
para llegar alli, crearon incentivos y deseo insaciable para comprar mas y mas cosas.
From now on, it's a whole new Buy More.
Porque de ahora en adelante, ¡ será una tienda nueva!
It's obvious that our rotund leader is channeling his sexual energies into the Buy More.
Es obvio que nuestro dirigente está desviando su energía sexual en el Buy More.
Uh, manager at the Buy More?
¿ Gerente de Buy More?
I'm a manager at the Buy More, Bolonia.
Soy el administrador de Buy More, Bolognia.
You said you'd work at the Buy More temporarily.
Dijiste que estarías en Buy More temporalmente.
May I present to you the Buy More babe.
Te presento la muñeca de Buy More.
Chuck, just go back to the Buy More.
Chuck, vuelve al Buy More.
What happens in the Buy More... stays in the Buy More.
Lo que pasa en Buy More... se queda en Buy More.
That's the Buy More way.
Ese es el modo Buy More.
Or, actually, he found me about ten minutes ago in the Buy More.
O, en realidad, me encontró a mí hace unos 10 minutos en el "Buy More"
Buy More.
Buy More.
Please don't say Buy More.
Por favor, no digas Buy More.
That's the Beverly Hills Buy More.
Ese es el Buy More de Beverly Hills.
rob the Buy More.
Robar el Buy More.
Is it a Buy More store?
¿ Es un almacén de Buy More?
It's a Buy More, Casey.
Es un Buy More, Casey. Relájate.
Nobody messes with this Buy More.
Nadie se mete con este Buy More.
Viva la Buy More!
"Viva la" Buy More!
If we give you more gold, we'll have no money to buy seeds for our crops.
Si te damos más oro, no tendremos dinero para comprar semillas para nuestros cultivos.
- Are you gonna buy any more...?
- Va a comprar algún otro- -?
Even if you have good credit history, it would be more difficult for you to get the loans you need to buy a car or send your children to college.
Aunque tenga buen historial crediticio, le resultaría más difícil conseguir los préstamos que necesita para comprar un auto o enviar a sus hijos a la universidad.
I buy that lame-ass story more than I buy he had anything to do with shooting Tuco, man.
Acerca de la historia del dinero creo que todo se relaciona con el asalto a Tuco.
But it'll only buy you a couple more hours.
Pero sólo te dará unas horas.
More than anything else they wanna buy stuff.
Más que nada, quieren comprar cosas.
There's a company that's writing a check. And what the company wants is new SKU's, they want more stuff, and they want more people to buy it.
Hay una compañía que paga el cheque, y lo que ellos quieren son nuevas unidades, quieren más cosas y más gente comprándolas.
Maybe you can go buy yourself some more honor, honey.
Tal vez puedas comprar más honor, querido.
Like getting up to £ 75,000 home contents cover free when you buy More Than buildings insurance.
¡ No la necesitamos!
Why don't we just buy some more magazines?
¿ Por qué no compramos más revistas?
Nate has already a select number of investors, but with your contribution he can buy up even more policies.
Nate ya tiene un buen número de inversores, pero con tu contribución, podría comprar aún más pólizas.
I'll buy you some more.
Voy a comprarte mas
Telling us we'll be happier, more atracttive with better skin, if only we buy their product.
diciendonos que seremos que seremos mas felices, mas atractivos, con mejor piel, si solo compramos su producto.
The best way you can help is by rationing yourselves, I'm sure that all of you will buy your fair share and no more.
la mejor forma de ayudar es racionandose asi mismo, estoy seguro que compraras todo lo que tu cuota te permita y no mas.
You have to buy Sophie a little more time to maneuver.
Tienes que conseguir algo más de tiempo para Sophie.
- The intention was that people do not run out of milk implying buy some more, and that will be used for nonagricultural
– La intención, fue que la gente no se quedara sin leche lo cual implicaba comprar un poco más, y que se usara para no agriarse
Oh, no. you didn't buy any more survival kits, did you?
No habrás comprado más packs de supervivencia ¿ no?
Or more importantly, who do you think is going to buy it?
O más importante, ¿ quién crees que vaya a comprarlo?
And believe it or not, being married to Allison, I'm learning to buy into this miracle thing more and more.
Y créelo o no, estar casado con Allison estoy empezando a creer aún más en esto de los milagros.
What are you doing? Well, if we can't be absolutely positive that Mitchell Slocumb won't get into your head again, at least we can make sure that you don't have the means to buy any more fertilizer for him.
Bueno, si no podemos estar absolutamente seguros de que Mitchell Slocumb no se meterá en tu cabeza de nuevo al menos podemos asegurarnos de que no tengas los medios para comprar más fertilizante para él.
If I catch anybody having a beer again, I will buy him three more pints and make him drink them all down in one.
Si pesco a alguien tomando de nuevo una cerveza, le voy a comprar tres pintas más y lo voy a obligar a beberlas todas juntas.
But let me know if you want some more lessons, because if you buy five you get an amazing discount, all right?
Pero avísame si quieres más clases porque si pagas cinco, tienes un descuento increíble.
So what happens to the people who take all the buy-outs and can't afford to live in the area any more?
Entonces, ¿ qué pasa con la gente que acepta vender su contrato y ya no puede costear vivir en la zona?
We only left the hotel was to buy more cigarettes and chocolate.
Sólo dejábamos el cuarto de hotel para comprar chocolates y cigarrillos.

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