For how much translate Spanish
5,877 parallel translation
Do you know for how much longer?
¿ Sabes hasta cuándo?
Who to ask for how much longer
"¿ A quién preguntar? ¿ Por cuánto tiempo...?"
Refuel for how much sir?
¿ Cuánto señor?
I can't believe you went out partying with no regard for how much we rely on your face.
No puedo creer que salieras de fiesta sin considerar lo mucho que dependemos de tu cara.
How much for the piano?
¿ Cuánto por el piano?
I guess that shows how much respect he's got for the werewolves.
Pero supongo que eso muestra cuánto respeto tiene por los lobos, ¿ no?
You can tell your niece how much you cared for her mother
Podrás contarle a tu sobrina cuánto te importaba su madre
So sorry, I totally forgot how much room you need for all that hooker makeup you plaster on every day.
Lo siento, había olvidado completamente cuánto espacio necesitas para todo ese maquillaje de puta que te echas cada día.
If I pay for the operation myself, how much?
Si yo pagase la operación, ¿ cuánto?
How much you ask him for, Robbie?
¿ Cuánto le has pedido, Robbie?
Now, how could a city that had suffered so much place its faith in someone so responsible for its suffering?
Ahora, ¿ cómo podría una ciudad que tenía sufrido tanto colocar su fe en alguien tan responsable de su sufrimiento?
Yes, how much for a hundred long-stemmed red roses?
Sí, ¿ cuánto costarían cien rosas rojas de tallo largo?
How much for three?
¿ Cuánto costarían tres?
I love answering questions about penises, even though I have a vagina! Ha ha ha! How much for this shirt?
¡ aunque yo tenga una vagina! - ¿ Cuánto por esta playera?
Josh, do you know how much people charge for a cup of coffee these days?
- Josh ¿ sabes cuánto cobran por un café por estos días?
How much is it gonna cost for you to tell me the truth?
¿ Cuánto va a costarte contarme la verdad?
- There you are. How much can I buy for 20?
- Ahí estás. ¿ Qué tanto puedo comprar con 20 dólares?
We see how much Boyd's gonna pay for his guy.
Comprobar cuánto pagaría Boyd por este tipo.
How much for this?
¿ Cuánto cuesta esto?
- How much do you want for the kitchen table?
- ¿ Cuánto pedís por la mesa de cocina?
Well, how much are you willing to pay for it?
Bueno, ¿ cuánto estarían dispuestos a pagar por ella?
I was wondering how much longer until No. 1 will be ready for us.
Me estaba preguntando cuánto falta para que el número 1 esté listo para nosotras.
How much do you want for this?
¿ Cuánto quieres por esto?
How much is it for?
¿ Cuánto es?
I mean, I know marriage is supposed to be for better or for worse, but how much worse is it going to get?
A ver, sé que el matrimonio es para lo bueno y lo malo, pero ¿ va a ponerse mucho peor?
Pushing back on turf, blood for blood, we all know why we have to do it, but we also know how much it hurts business.
Ampliar el terreno, sangre por sangre, todos sabemos por qué tenemos que hacerlo, pero también sabemos cuánto daña al negocio.
How much do you care for your daughter?
¿ Cuánto te importa tu hija?
Now, if that is the case, how much more would it take for you to sign off on the house sale as well?
Porque si ese fuera el caso, ¿ cuánto más supondría que firmaran a favor de la venta de la casa también?
How much did she dupe you for?
¿ Cuánto le sacó?
As my dealer, how much for an eighth?
Como mi dealer, ¿ cuánto por un octavo?
How much for an Ogre's ear?
¿ Cuánto por la oreja de un ogro?
- Goddamn it! - Oh, for the... How much money did you waste on that little boondoggle?
¿ Cuánto dinero gastaste en esa cosa inútil?
If you're looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want, no matter how much it destroys you, it's love!
Si usted está buscando la palabra eso significa preocuparse por alguien más allá de toda racionalidad y deseando que tengan todo lo que quieren, no importa cuánto lo que destruye, que es el amor!
Ted, I can't believe how much trouble you went through to get this for me.
Ted, no puedo creer todos los problemas que pasaste para conseguirlo.
How much is enough whore for you in a woman?
¿ Cuánto es suficiente puta... para ti en una mujer?
I know Travis and Laurie care for each other, but I don't know how much they've seriously considered a future together.
Sé que Travis y Laurie se importan mucho, pero no sé si han considerado seriamente un futuro juntos.
I thought of a subtle way for you to let that Jenny girl know how much you like her.
Pensé en una manera sutil... de hacerle saber a Jenny lo mucho que te gusta.
One morning, sitting there waiting for rushes, we got a dope sheet, which had the name of the cameramen, how much film had been shot.
Una mañana, sentado ahí, esperando por los juncos, nos dieron una hoja de tiro, que tenía el nombre de los camarógrafos, cuánta película habían recibido para filmar.
These last few months, it's all been too much for them, and now their grandfather... I just... I don't know how we can expect two teenagers to manage all of this.
Estos últimos meses, han sido demasiado para ellos, y ahora su abuelo... es solo... no sé como podemos esperar que dos adolescentes manejen todo esto.
How much did you pay my brother for this opportunity?
¿ Cuánto le pagarás a mi hermano por esta oportunidad?
New item up there. How much you guys Wanna pay for me to stick my socks
¿ Cuánto están dispuestos a pagar por meter mis calcetines
You have no idea how much I admired you for all that.
No tienes idea de lo que te admiro por todo eso.
How much... For this?
¿ Cuánto... por eso?
It's as much about how, as who. Lose pursuers. Ride on subway for 1 hour.
Se trata tanto de "cómo", como de "quién".
I don't know how much longer I can hold on to his stuff for him.
No sé cuánto tiempo más puedo guardarle sus cosas.
I already told you she's for another buyer, but her sister, however... how much would you pay for her?
Ya le dije que ella es para otro comprador, pero la hermana, sin embargo... ¿ cuánto pagaría por ella?
Because my biggest fear isn't that I'll spend the rest of my life in prison for a crime I didn't do, it's that I'll die in here without getting the chance to tell you how proud I am of you... and how much you mean to me.
Porque mi mayor miedo no es que me pasaré el resto de mi vida en prisión por un delito que no cometí, es que moriré aquí dentro sin tener la ocasión de decirte cuán orgulloso estoy de ti... y lo mucho que significas para mí.
It shows how much Gisle Eie earned as an inside information for 25 years.
Muestra cuánto ganó Gisle Eie por información confidencial durante 25 años.
How much do I need to change for you to be satisfied?
¿ Cuánto necesito cambiar... para que estés satisfecho?
He was talking to a lawyer's office or something. And he was saying that he needed to come in and make arrangements for his estate and will because he was Hep-V-positive and he didn't know how much time he had.
Estaba hablando a la oficina de un abogado o algo y le decía que necesitaba ir y hacer unos arreglos por sus bienes y su testamento porque era Hep-V positivo y no sabía cuánto tiempo le quedaba.
Since you're not gonna let me talk you out of it, I'm gonna tell you how much dough I'm gonna give you for your pro bono project.
Como no vas a dejar de hablar de eso, voy a decirte cuánto dinero voy a darte para tu proyecto gratuito.
for how long 637
how much is that 99
how much 2482
how much money have you got 16
how much are they 24
how much money do you have 19
how much do you need 113
how much do you weigh 35
how much does it cost 46
how much time 156
how much is that 99
how much 2482
how much money have you got 16
how much are they 24
how much money do you have 19
how much do you need 113
how much do you weigh 35
how much does it cost 46
how much time 156
how much do you have 55
how much do you know 28
how much money 63
how much is it 323
how much is there 30
how much have you got 24
how much do you want 172
how much time do you have 23
how much time do i have 33
how much do i owe you 184
how much do you know 28
how much money 63
how much is it 323
how much is there 30
how much have you got 24
how much do you want 172
how much time do you have 23
how much time do i have 33
how much do i owe you 184