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Give it a minute translate Spanish

289 parallel translation
Give it a minute.
Dale un minuto.
- I don't know. All right, give it a minute.
Bien, dale un minuto.
Give it a minute.
- Dale un minuto.
Why don't you give it a minute and stop by my office?
¿ Por qué no tomas un minuto? Pasa a mi oficina.
Give it a minute, then transfer it to the car phone.
Dame un minuto y pásala a mi coche.
They're watchir us from the window. Give it a minute.
- Nos están observando desde la ventana.
- Give it a minute.
Dale un minuto.
It's downloading. Give it a minute.
- Está bajando la información, dale un minuto.
Just give it a minute, OK?
Dame un minuto.
Just give it a minute.
Esperemos un momento.
- Give it a minute.
- Dale un momento.
Just give it a minute.
Sólo espera un minuto.
"Could you give me a minute to - to get used to it, Bill?"
"¿ Me concedes un minuto para... hacerme a la idea, Bill?"
Te la daré en un minuto.
It would give you a bad minute, wouldn't it to know that there are a lot of men that don't look at things the way you do.
¿ Te haría sufrir un instante saber que hay muchos hombres que no ven las cosas como tú?
You can tell the general for me that if it came to a choice between him and this lady I'd give up the regiment in a minute.
Dile al general que si me da a elegir entre él y esa dama dejaré el regimiento en un minuto.
I knew you'd give Lucy up in a minute if it came to a question of your mother's reputation.
- Porque tú... - ¡ Espera! ¿ Qué dices?
I'll give you a minute to talk it over.
Os dejo discutirlo.
You'd give Lucy up in a minute if it came to a question of your mother's reputation.
Renunciarías a Lucy en un minuto si se cuestionará la reputación de tu mamá.
Just a bum eye. I give it a 10 minute workout twice a day.
Tengo mal un ojo, lo ejercito diez minutos dos veces al día.
Give me a minute and I'll prove it to you.
Deme un minuto y se lo demostraré.
Chef, if a guest orders a three-minute egg, give it to him in two minutes.
Chef, si piden un huevo pasado 3 minutos, lo pasaremos 2.
If he orders a one-minute egg, give him a chicken and let him work it out himself.
Si lo quieren de un minuto, les damos la gallina y que ellos hagan el trabajo.
Ought to give that fella morgan a talking to i could fix it in a minute if i had a new distributor.
Debería darle un buen rapapolvo a Morgan. Funcionaría si tuviera un distribuidor.
Doctor, it's Millie's leg. ─ Please, give me a minute, will you.
Doctor, es la pierna de Minnie.
Did it ever strike you that days die pretty much the way people do... fighting for every last minute of light before they give up to the dark?
¿ Nunca ha pensado que los días mueren igual que las personas... luchando por cada último rayo de luz antes de entregarse a la oscuridad?
Give us a half-minute to talk it over.
Denos medio minuto para hablarlo.
I hate to ask you to travel the minute you get here... but it'll give you a chance to see something of Bar S.
Odio pedirte que salgas de viaje nada más llegar, pero te permitirá visitar Bar S.
It'll only be a minute's wait, if some of you able-bodied men will give a hand to hitch on another chariot.
Tardaremos un minuto si alguno de estos caballeros ayuda a enganchar otro vagón.
I'm gonna give you guys just one more minute, then I'm gonna let you have it.
Les voy a dar un minuto mas, despues lo deja como esta.
If it ain't good news, sir, I can give you the exact hour, the minute, the second, I got here to Korea.
Si no lo son, mi teniente, puedo decirle la hora y el minuto exactos en que llegué a Corea.
After you get all this piled against that building all of it, then give them a 10-minute rest.
Después de acomodar todo eso junto al edificio... Entonces, puedes darles un descanso de 10 minutos.
It'll give me someone to talk to when Maurice drags you off for one of his ten minute chats for six hours.
Tendré alguien con quién hablar cuando Maurice te arrastre a una de sus charlas de 10 minutos que duran 6 horas.
All right, fellows. Give it to me for a minute. I'll give it back to you.
Dejenme un minuto.
Give it to me a minute.
Dámela un momento.
It didn't give me a minute's rest.
No me daba un minuto de descanso.
Give me a minute to get out back. Taylor, what is it?
- Dame un minuto para salir por detrás.
- It's not that it's hard. It's just that I'd like you to give me a minute so I can... catch up.
No es que sea dificil, es que me gustaría que me dieses tiempo para hacerme a la idea.
I'll give it to you. Just a minute here.
Espera un minuto y te la doy.
- Just give it a minute.
- Dale un minuto.
I'll give you a minute to think about it, OK?
Le doy un rato para que lo piense, ¿ eh?
I know it's a lot to give you at the last minute, Bela, but...
Es mucho para aprenderse a última hora...
Just give me a minute to find a ladder, and we'll hash it out face to face.
Dame un minuto para buscar una escalera, y lo discutimos cara a cara.
Hong Kong becomes a free nation, if we give it more than a minute... ... women flip to see whether Madonna has bleached her roots.
Hong Kong es libre, y si es más de un minuto cambian para ver si Madonna se ha teñido.
Won't do much good, but it might give you a minute.
No servirá de mucho pero puede darte un minuto.
Give me a minute to get my bearings. It's been a while.
Deme un momento para orientarme.
Gentlemen, let me give you a minute to think it over.
Caballeros, les daré un momento para pensarlo.
You have to give me a minute to put it in a box for you, okay?
Tienes que darme un minuto para ponerlo en una caja para tí, ¿ Okay?
Give me a minute to get it stable.
Denme un minuto para estabilizarlo.
Just give it a minute to absorb.
Espere un momento a que se absorba.
It's not ready yet. Just give me a minute.
Aún no está listo, lo limpiaré...

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