Give it to them translate Spanish
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If they want it so badly, perhaps we should give it to them.
Si lo quieren por las malas, quizás deberíamos dárselo.
Give it to them.
I say give it to them.
Hay que dárselo.
Will you give it to them as soon as you're sure we're gone?
¿ Se la daría después de que partamos?
It's carried on all the networks and CNN. I give it to them 1 0 hours before.
Transmitirán todas las cadenas con 1 0 horas de preparación.
The fax is for the Press Office. Give it to them.
El fax es para Prensa, llévaselo.
Can I give it to them?
- ¿ Lo puedo compartir? - No.
You know me, there must be somebody to give it to them. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Si eso les podemos dar no veo que tiene de malo.
Could I trust to leave my key with you so when they get here, you could give it to them?
¿ Puedo confiarle las llaves y se las entrega cuando lleguen?
If you've got the thing, give it to them.
Si lo tienes, dáselo.
- And if your performance enhancers have not had a successful human trial by that date I'm gonna pull your funding. I'm going to give it to them.
- Y si sus optimizadores de desempeño no han demostrado servir en humanos para entonces les retiraré los subsidios.
You don't have to be the one to give it to them.
Tu no tienes que ser quien se lo de
They give it to me, I give it to them, they give it to me.
Me la dan, se las devuelvo, ellos me la dan.
They used to see us coming "Give it to them, they're damaged people"!
dicen cuando nos ven venir : "daselo a ellos, son gente retardada"!
And then the Russians they come and fuck up and the French judge went, "How lifelike, they fucked up, I give it to them, eh"?
y luego los rusos ellos vinieron y la cagaron y el juez frances : "la cagaron, se lo doy a ellos"
You not give it to them!
¡ No se lo darás a ellos!
You open that can of worms, victims advocates will want your blood, and I will give it to them.
Si destapas esa olla los defensores de las víctimas irán por ti y te tendrán.
Y voy a tener que devolvérselo a menos que empieces a hacer algo.
They don't have Christmas there, guys. We have to give it to them.
Ellos no tienen Navidad, chicos, debemos llevárselas.
There's an hour left to retrieve the eggs. It's a 10-minute procedure but it'll give them a nice financial cushion.
Solo queda una hora para extraer los óvulos y les dará un buen respiro.
I'm sure he didn't give them to her. Stop it.
Estoy segura de que él no se las dio.
It's just, it might give them the ammunition they need to plead innocent.
Pero eso puede servirle de argumento para declararse inocente.
It'll give us the rare opportunity to strike against all of them at once.
Así tendremos la gran oportunidad de atacarles a todos a la vez.
- The reason is you give in, and it gives them incentive to keep terrorizing.
- La razón es que si cedes, les animas a seguir aterrorizando.
No, we'reabout to give them clips to beat it.
No, les daremos cosas más sorprendentes.
It looks like you want to give them real ammunition to use on you.
Parece que quiere darle bastantes municiones para que usen con Ud.
But, uh, I figure if the rest of them can do it, I can, too, so I'm going to give it a shot.
pero supongo que si los demás puede también yo puedo.
If she had it, they can give it to chet or tracy, and then if we vote them, it bounces back to us, and we're screwed.
Permanece. Tengo éste. Natalie toma un collar para los Fans.
We don't want the opposition to win the picnic because we have a big immunity challenge tomorrow and, uh, if they win, it could... it could give them that little boost, uh, and we don't want them to have that.
No queremos que la oposición gane el día de campo. Porque mañana es el gran reto por la inmunidad y si ganan podría, Podría darle el empujoncito y no queremos que eso pase.
I'm going to give it to them.
Se los daré a ellos.
I hint at what I'm gonna tell them, then I give them a while to get used to it.
Insinúo lo que les voy a decir y dejo que lo asimilen.
And the paste will be on the shelves where it always is, and not one of them will give a moment's thought as to how it got there.
Y lo que busquen estará en su lugar de siempre y ninguno va a pensar en cómo llego allí.
Our intervention will give them a cause over which to unite when it is in our interest to deepen the breach between them.
Nuestra intervención sólo les unirá... cuando nuestro interés es potenciar su distanciamiento.
Vampires believe it can give them the power to walk in daylight.
Los vampiros creen que les da el poder de caminar a la luz del día.
If we are going to give a future to the children of this city, the young lads up there, rioting, they do it every day, if we're to give them a future, we have to show them that non-violence works.
Si queremos darles un futuro a los niños de esta ciudad a los chicos que están allá, batiéndose como todos los días. Si queremos darles un futuro, debemos mostrarles que la no violencia es posible.
It's our duty to give them faith.
Es nuestro deber darles fe
I'll give them a chance to prove it
Les daré la oportunidad de probarlo.
I have to tell them I was wrong. Give it!
Tengo que decirles que yo estaba equivocado. ¡ Dámelo!
The Panthers, you got to give it up to them... Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson... and you got to give it up to Rosa Parks, period.
Las Panteras, tienes que renunciar a ellos Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson y tienes que renunciar a Rosa Parks, punto.
And if you give them medicine, they forget to take it.
Y si alguien les da un remedio, se olvidan de tomarlo.
The idea that one might ask people what they themselves felt and desired... and then give it to them was seen as alien to the ruling elites... and to challenge their belief that they knew was best for the public.
Como parte del operativo de guerra, el gobierno USA anunció la creación de una comisión pública de información
y tu decidiste que estaba bien darles goma de mazcar bueno, eso fue algo gracioso quiero decir, parecía que estaba hablando en camara lenta.
Then it will be my job not to give them that excuse.
Entonces será mi trabajo no darles esa excusa.
I told him to let them have it, but he wouldn't give it up.
le dije que se lo diera, pero el no quiso.
All I have to do is get the recipe from Susie, Cheryl would bake them, put it in, we'd just give her the brownie.
Sólo tengo que conseguir la receta de Susie Cheryl los haría, se lo pondríamos, y le daríamos el brownie.
You think it's hard to get someone to give you a sugar shot just try asking them to clip these puppies.
Vale, mira. ¿ Te parece difícil que alguien te ponga una inyección de azúcar? Pues prueba a pedir que te corten esas uñas.
If we show them to the shuttlepod... bring the General up to Enterprise... give him the grand tour... top it off with dinner in the Captain's Mess...
Si les mostramos el transbordador llevando al General al Enterprise darle la gran visita con una cena en el comedor del capitán.
Bueno, pues diles que se lo den a alguien que necesite su aprobación.
You know, when somebody's sleeping you put your finger up your butt and then wipe it on their upper lip to give them a little Hitler mustache.
Pero el modo en como perdi tanto peso... Es porque tengo aides.
No, I mean, it's okay, I'll give them to him.
No, es decir, está bien, yo se los daré.
They were all so worried to give a kid a room, but it didn't seem to bother them to send that same kid onto the street with no place to go.
Les preocupaba darle la habitación a un niño, Pero no les molestaba mandar a ese mismo niño a la calle,
give it a go 47
give it up 548
give it a try 140
give it a rest 256
give it to me 2083
give it here 315
give it a shot 99
give it time 124
give it to her 65
give it 437
give it up 548
give it a try 140
give it a rest 256
give it to me 2083
give it here 315
give it a shot 99
give it time 124
give it to her 65
give it 437
give it back 737
give it to me now 42
give it a chance 31
give it your best shot 38
give it to him 192
give it a whirl 16
give it to me straight 42
give it a break 17
give it some time 30
give it back to me 74
give it to me now 42
give it a chance 31
give it your best shot 38
give it to him 192
give it a whirl 16
give it to me straight 42
give it a break 17
give it some time 30
give it back to me 74
give it to us 27
give it a second 28
give it some gas 17
give it a minute 32
to them 177
give me strength 86
give me a hug 258
give me a sign 41
give me a kiss 294
give me some sugar 34
give it a second 28
give it some gas 17
give it a minute 32
to them 177
give me strength 86
give me a hug 258
give me a sign 41
give me a kiss 294
give me some sugar 34
give me 926
give up 237
give me a break 856
give me your hand 884
give me that 1626
give me the money 165
give me a fucking break 45
give me a minute 453
give me a second 352
give me your phone 245
give up 237
give me a break 856
give me your hand 884
give me that 1626
give me the money 165
give me a fucking break 45
give me a minute 453
give me a second 352
give me your phone 245