Got away translate Spanish
10,382 parallel translation
That usually means the bad guys got away.
Eso suele significar que los malos se han ido.
My mother got away from her carers.
Mi madre escapó de sus cuidadores.
I got away.
Yo logré huir.
So the widow got away.
Así que la Viuda ha huido.
We're lucky we got away with our lives.
Tenemos suerte de estar vivos.
Garza got away in the confusion.
Garza se escapó en la confusión.
All right, look, when I was a kid, my dad was involved in a shootout, and the guy got away.
De acuerdo, mira, cuando era un niño, mi padre estuvo involucrado en un tiroteo y el tipo se escapó.
But this one killed two members of the security team, - And the other one got away.
Pero este mató a dos miembros del equipo de seguridad.
Helena got away, didn't she?
Helena se escapó, ¿ no?
He got away.
Shooter got away.
El tirador ha huido.
I was supposed to get him to the office, but he got away.
Tendría que haberlo llevado a dirección pero se me ha escapado.
I mean, I think we got away with it PR-wise.
Quiero decir, creo que llegamos lejos con él PR-sabio.
He got away.
Se ha escapado.
He's got away!
Tiene distancia!
He was here, but he got away.
Estaba aquí pero se fue.
It's right on the edge of our range, so there's a good chance that's where the killer held Freeman before he got away.
Está justo en el límite de nuestra zona, así que es probable que sea donde el asesino retuvo a Freeman antes de huir.
Admit it. You got away with murder.
Admítelo, te saliste con la tuya.
The man who did it had me locked in a room for three days before I got away.
El hombre que lo hizo me tuvo encerrada en una... habitación tres días, antes que lograra escapar.
Or perhaps he's just stuck on the one that got away.
O quizá se ha quedado obsesionado con la única que se le escapó.
You got away.
Te escapaste.
Word gets out that Ames is dead, Roman's gonna assume that Dekker got away.
Si se difunde la noticia de que Ames está muerto, Roman supondrá que Dekker huyó.
All right, what about the fourth guy in the house, the one who got away?
Vale, ¿ qué sabe del cuarto hombre que había en la casa, el que huyó?
He got away!
¡ Se ha escapado!
Some got away.
Algunos lograron escapar.
He got away with murder.
Él se salió con la suya con el asesinato.
But one of them got away.
Pero una de ellas escapó.
She really got him to drift away from the church,
Ella realmente le consiguió a la deriva lejos de la Iglesia,
I mean, you got $ 9 million stashed away.
Quiero decir, tienes $ 9,000,000 escondido lejos.
After Kellogg took away your legacy, you've got a lifetime of humiliation ahead of you.
Después de Kellogg llevó su legado, tienes toda una vida de humillación delante de usted.
Maybe I got carried away, you know?
Tal vez se dejó llevar, ¿ sabes?
We've got a BOLO out on his vehicle, we've tracked his credit cards, but he could be three states away by now.
Hemos emitido una orden de búsqueda para su coche, estamos rastreando su tarjetas de crédito, pero ya podría haber cruzado tres estados.
You know, you got that one vein, in your neck, just working overtime, pumping away.
¿ Sabes? esa vena de tu cuello está trabajando en exceso, bombeando.
Listen, you got to get over to Maggie's clinic and get Rachael away from there.
Escucha, tienes que ir a la clínica de Maggie y llevarte a Rachel lejos de ahí.
You know, we just got to find her before she does something nobody can walk away from.
Ya sabes, solo tenemos que encontrarla antes de que haga algo de lo que nadie pueda dar marcha atrás.
Mary got him away?
¿ María se lo llevó?
Yeah, he got called away.
Sí, le han llamado a otro sitio.
Now it is tucked away behind reference books in a part of your store that gets very little foot traffic and has only got three copies.
Ahora que esta escondido detras de los libros de referencia en una parte de su tienda que se pone muy poco trafico peatonal y solo tiene tres copias.
She has an infant with a babysitter who can't keep out of the liquor cabinet, she's got a teenager suspended for cutting class, and she's got a son fighting in a war 8,000 miles away.
Ella tiene un bebe con una niñera que no se puede mantener fuera del gabinete de licor, ella tiene un adolescente suspendida para el corte de la clase, y ella tiene un hijo luchando en una guerra de 8,000 millas de distancia.
Look, I've got some allowance stashed away.
Mira, tengo algo ahorrado escondido lejos.
Uh, h-he was there... right before we got dragged away.
Estaba ahí... justo antes de que nos arrastraran fuera.
Look, I know you're nervous'cause it's your first time away from the office, but you've got a great staff.
Mira, sé que estás nervioso Porque es tu primera vez fuera de la oficina, pero usted tiene un gran personal.
"Got out" or ran away from you?
¿ "Se salió" o se escapó de ti?
Walk away! ♪ I can give it to you all the time ♪ ♪ She got a booty like a Cadillac ♪
¡ Vete! Bueno.
And I absolutely loved it because we'd go there, train, for, like, 40 minutes, or whatever, and then we got to play on the Saturday or the Sunday for the boys club and go away with them,
Y me encantó porque nos gustaría ir allí, tren, para, como, 40 minutos, o lo que sea, y entonces llegamos a jugar en el Sábado o el Domingo para el club de niños y se van con ellos,
Then you got 10 minutes to row away before it goes boom.
Luego tienes 10 minutos para salir antes de que explote.
Still got shot, but he managed to get the gun away, and then,
Recibió un disparo, pero se las arregló para hacerse con el arma y, entonces,
Tess, you got to get JT as far away from Alton as possible.
Tess, lleva a JT tan lejos de Alton como sea posible.
I could have got in a car, used it to lead the walkers away.
Pude haberme subido al auto, usarlo para alejar a los caminantes.
We got to jump in that motorcar and peel away.
Subamos al vehículo y salgamos pitando.
I suppose I got carried away, didn't I?
Supongo que me deje llevar, ¿ no?
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from you 37
away party 43
got any 17
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from you 37
away party 43
got any 17
got a sec 45
got a girlfriend 17
got a pen 27
got a problem 61
got a gun 16
got a match 36
got a secret 29
got a smoke 21
got a 73
got anything 42
got a girlfriend 17
got a pen 27
got a problem 61
got a gun 16
got a match 36
got a secret 29
got a smoke 21
got a 73
got anything 42
got an address 30
got any money 37
got a minute 191
got a hit 26
got a problem with that 18
got any ideas 31
got a better idea 23
got a light 111
got a cigarette 66
got another one 25
got any money 37
got a minute 191
got a hit 26
got a problem with that 18
got any ideas 31
got a better idea 23
got a light 111
got a cigarette 66
got another one 25
got a name 45
got a date 26
got an i 29
got a warrant 16
got an idea 17
got a job 23
got about 16
got a second 42
got a date 26
got an i 29
got a warrant 16
got an idea 17
got a job 23
got about 16
got a second 42