I'll leave you be translate Spanish
404 parallel translation
Well, I'll I'll leave you two now and be toddling.
Bueno, yo os dejaré ahora y me iré gateando.
If I leave you now, I'll be killed.
Si me marcho, me matarán.
I'll leave it to you. Would any court not be in sympathy with a woman who gave up her best years for your uncle?
Lo dejo a su juicio. ¿ Qué tribunal no compadecerá a la mujer que dio los mejores años de su vida a su tío?
I'll be all right if you would just go away and leave me alone.
Estaría bien si tú te marcharas... y me dejaras sola.
That is, if you'll be up before I leave.
Eso si estás despierta antes de que me vaya.
I'll be sorry to leave you.
Me dará tristeza dejarte.
He'll never marry you. And now, if you'll stop, I'll be takin'my leave.
Jamás se casará con Ud. Y ahora, si nos detenemos, me bajaré.
If you will leave Mr. Mallory in my custody, I'll be responsible for him and go his bail.
Si le deja a mi cuidado, me hago responsable de él y de la fianza.
I'm sorry, I have to leave you, but if you'll make yourself comfortable I'll be back, and we can have a nice visit.
Disculpe, debo salir un instante, pero póngase cómoda enseguida regreso y tendremos una linda charla.
You've nothing to be afraid of. I'll probably leave Walheim this very day.
No tema, tal vez deje Walheim hoy mismo.
Now, if you gentlemen will be so kind as to leave my house, I'll go on with my work.
Ahora, si ustedes, caballeros, son tan amables de dejar mi casa, seguiré con mi trabajo.
I don't know if it's love or force of habit, but if you leave me, I'll be very unhappy, and I don't want to be.
No sé si será amor o pura costumbre, pero si usted me dejara, sería muy infeliz y no quiero serlo.
Leave us alone or I'll tell Madame and you'll be fired!
Déjanos en paz o haré que te echen.
then you'll have to let me see more a distant relative of mine has come to Petersburg, but he'll leave tomorrow and then I'll rush into your arms and will be your Dunja forever
Tendrás que dejarme leer más. " Un pariente mío lejano ha llegado a San Petersburgo, pero se marcha mañana... y volaré a tus brazos... y seré siempre tu Dunia.
Huw, boy, if you should ever leave me, I'll be sorry I ever had babies.
Huw, si tú me dejas algún día, me arrepentiré de haber tenido hijos.
She said as soon as you leave they'll kill me so I called for help. I didn't want you to leave me to be murdered.
Ha dicho que en cuanto se fueran iban a matarme... por eso he pedido socorro. No quería que me asesinaran.
Te dejo en el hotel y, cuando regrese a buscarte seré inmortal o sólo otro lunático que debió seguir dando clases.
If you leave me, I'll be lonely
Si me dejas me sentiré sola
I imagine you'll be sad to leave your students.
Imagino lo que te molestará dejar a tus alumnos.
I'll be right back in them when you leave, harry.
- Volveré a él cuando te vayas, Harry.
To the men who formally served on the Knoxville including those I've just decorated you'll be granted four days'leave, effective immediately.
A quienes sirvieron en el Knoxville... incluyendo los condecorados... se les conceden cuatro días de permiso.
You'll want to talk him and I've asked that no one be allowed to leave this coach.
Que no salga nadie de este coche.
If you don't be quiet now, I'll leave you right here.
Si no se calla,... le dejaré tirado aquí mismo.
"The day you leave me, I'll kill myself, I'll become a nun,.. life for me will be a desert, a desolated land."
"El día que me dejes me mato, me meto monja, la vida para mi será un desierto, una tierra helada"
You can leave that. I hardly think we'll be gone overnight.
Déjelo, no creo que volvamos muy tarde.
You know, I'll be really sorry to leave those poor girls.
Me dará lástima dejar a esas pobres chicas.
Leave me be or I'll cough and I'll tell the doctor you made me cough.
Déjame o le diré al doctor que me has provocado la tos.
Luke, ¿ no me abandonarás?
It would be best if you left now. As soon as I get the leave I'll catch up with you.
Lo mejor será que se vaya usted ahora, cuando me den el permiso iré a buscarla.
Well, I'll leave it up to you Lala. Do you want me for who I am or do you want this chump for the chimp he used to be?
Bueno debes elegir, me quieres a mi por lo que soy o quieres a este chimpancé por lo que era.
Again you leave and who knows when you'll be back. I'll miss you.
Una vez más te vas y quien sabe cuando volverás.
Because I'm going to get some money - so much money that you'll be able to leave that woman... and then never have to worry about that part of it again.
Voy a conseguir dinero. Tanto dinero que podrás dejar a esa mujer... y nunca tendrás que preocuparte por eso de nuevo.
We'll be together forever now. I'll never let you leave my side
Mi corazón está alegre porque volveré a estar contigo.
I'll be happy to leave my tickets for you at the box office.
Le dejaré un par en la taquilla cuando desee.
- Just leave it right there and I'll be happy to sign it and send it to you.
- Déjelo ahí y con gusto lo firmaré y se lo enviaré.
I'll make it up to you, kid. Now, you just be a good girl and leave me alone.
Ya te compensaré, sé buena chica y déjame solo.
I'll be back and when I get back, you two be ready to leave.
Volveré, y cuando lo haga, estad listos para irnos.
Certainly, Mr. Bolton. If you will be so good as to leave it with me... I'll see that you have your supplies as usual... when you return from your holidays.
Si tiene la bondad de dejármela... tendrá su pedido como de costumbre... a su regreso de las vacaciones.
I'll be quite lonely when you leave
Estaré bastante solo cuando se vaya
All exits will be covered forfive minutes after we leave, so I hope you'll all behave sensibly, but just to impress upon you the need for caution...
Todas las salidas estarán vigiladas durante cinco minutos cuando nos vayamos. Espero que se comporten prudentemente. Pero para que les quede clara la necesidad de prudencia...
This will be the last time I'll leave you.
Esta será la última vez que te abandone.
- You wanna be alone. I'll leave you alone.
- Quizás prefieras estar sola.
Commissioner, excuse me... but if you don't allow me to leave, I'll be in big trouble, believe me!
Comisario, discúlpeme... pero si no me deja marcharme, tendré problemas, créame.
Now, if you'll just leave me alone, I'll be fine. Just fine.
Si me deja sola, estaré bien.
I'll admit the furnishings do leave something to be desired... but it has a lived-in quality, don't you think?
Admito que los muebles no son muy bonitos... pero tienen cierta calidad a pesar de ser usados, ¿ no cree?
I'm telling you, We'll be safe! They'll leave us alone!
Te digo que estaríamos a salvo. ¡ Nos dejarán en paz!
I'll be all alone if you leave.
Me quedaré muy solo si te vas.
I mean, if he loves you, he'll be hurt if you leave him.
Él te quiere, se sentirá mal si le abandonas.
I don't want to know who you are but if you leave you'll be arrested and so will I and my staff.
I no quieren saber quién es usted, pero si le permitirá ser detenido y por lo tanto, I y mi personal.
But I'll be awfully sorry to see you leave.
Pero me apenará verla marchar.
I must leave you, but I'll be right back.
Tengo que irme pero vuelvo en seguida.
i'll leave you alone 85
i'll leave you 68
i'll leave you now 17
i'll leave you two alone 60
i'll leave you two 18
i'll leave you to it 227
i'll leave 187
i'll leave it to you 30
i'll leave you here 20
i'll leave now 37
i'll leave you 68
i'll leave you now 17
i'll leave you two alone 60
i'll leave you two 18
i'll leave you to it 227
i'll leave 187
i'll leave it to you 30
i'll leave you here 20
i'll leave now 37
you better 280
you bet 1064
you better watch out 49
you betrayed me 168
you belong here 47
you better stop 19
you belong with me 25
you better be ready 19
you beauty 36
you believed in me 17
you bet 1064
you better watch out 49
you betrayed me 168
you belong here 47
you better stop 19
you belong with me 25
you better be ready 19
you beauty 36
you believed in me 17
you better believe it 88
you betcha 185
you better watch yourself 22
you better hope so 16
you better watch your back 18
you better be 71
you better not be 16
you been 17
you been here before 24
you beast 57
you betcha 185
you better watch yourself 22
you better hope so 16
you better watch your back 18
you better be 71
you better not be 16
you been 17
you been here before 24
you beast 57