I just didn't know translate Spanish
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Just, you know, with the children gone, I guess I didn't think we had much in common anymore.
Al irse los niños, pensé que ya no teníamos mucho en común.
I just wanted to say that I didn't know Thresh.
Yo sólo quería decir que no conocía a Thresh.
I just had no idea you were that talented. I just didn't know.
No tenía la menor idea de que fueras tan talentosa.
Just one day I woke up, and I don't know how I didn't see it before.
Un día desperté y no entendí cómo no lo había visto antes.
Like I said, he was bringing when they first got out there, they didn't have like apartment stuff, so it was just kind of like an Irish flop house, you know.
Como he dicho, él traía la primera vez que llegaron allí, que no tenían como cosas apartamento, así era sólo una especie de una casa flop de Irlanda, sabes.
I just didn't know what to do with it.
Es que no sé qué hacer con él.
All right? I didn't just leave to go play baseball, you know?
No sólo me marché para jugar baseball.
Just didn't want you to know I smoked weed. You didn't come back.
Solo no quería que supieras que fumaba hierba.
I didn't invent it, I just know how to use it.
No lo inventé. Sólo sé cómo usarlo.
Well, it was your mother's idea to call you George Michael, you know, and I think it was just so that we didn't confuse you with your Uncle George or your Grandfather George.
Bueno, fue idea de tu madre la de llamarte George Michael, sabes, y creo que solo fue para que no te confundiéramos con tu tío George o tu abuelo George.
I just didn't know what to wear.
No sabía qué ponerme.
I know you said you didn't want one but the cups are so small and I was just worried that one wouldn't be enough so I got myself two.
Sé que dijiste que no querías una... Pero las copas son tan pequeñas... y me preocupaba que una no sea suficiente... así que traje dos para mi.
I know you said you didn't want one, but the cups are so small, and i-i was just worried th-that one wouldn't be enough, so i got myself two.
Sé que dijiste que no querías una pero las tazas son tan pequeñas y yo estaba tan solo preocupado en si una sería suficiente así que cogí dos.
Look, I know you want to find Hattie, but saying you saw something when you didn't see it, it... it just doesn't help anyone.
Mira, sé que quieres encontrar a Hattie, pero decir que viste algo cuando no lo viste, no ayuda a nadie.
Well just so you know, I didn't come here to lose.
Bueno solo para que lo sepa, Yo no vine aquí a perder.
I just didn't know you.
Eso sí, no te conozco.
I just... I didn't know where else to go.
Yo, no sabía a dónde más ir.
I didn't know a dream. I'm just like the animal headed person of the ancient braves. Their protection gave courage.
En su sueño... me gustan los animales, los protectores de los ancestros, que les dan el coraje.
Yeah. I just didn't know that.
Sí, no lo sabía.
I don't know, I guess I just didn't know why I was there anymore.
No sé, me parece que ya no sabía muy bien qué hacía allí.
Look, I just didn't know how you were gonna react, or, you know, what- - and I didn't wanna phone, but then I though, yeah, I mean, should I phone... how do you explain away fifty years of a life over the phone, right?
Mira, yo no sabía cómo eras y va a reaccionar, o, ya sabes, lo que... y yo no quiero teléfono, pero luego sin embargo, sí, quiero decir, ¿ debería tener teléfono... ¿ cómo explicas lejos cincuenta años de una vida a través del teléfono, ¿ verdad?
I just didn't... I didn't know what... I didn't know what to say.
Solo qué... solo qué no sabía qué solo qué no sabía que decir.
I know you just didn't scream on me, dawg.
¿ Por qué me gritas, viejo?
Not of you- - I just didn't know what to say, exactly.
No de ti... solo que no sabía qué decir, exactamente.
I just-I just didn't- - I didn't know you were lookin'at me.
No sabía que me estabas mirando.
I don't know. Um,'cause I just-I just- - I didn't know you were lookin'at me.
Porque no sabía que me estabas mirando.
And, you know, I-I was just planning on taking bath, and I didn't expect you to come in on me like this.
Y, ya sabes, estaba planeando bañarme, y no esperaba que entraras así.
When I was your age, and I felt confused or like I didn't know what to believe or what to think, I would just go like this.
Cuando tenía tu edad, y me sentía confundida o no sabía en qué creer o en qué pensar, solo iba y hacia esto.
You know what? I'm sorry I didn't get my body back with no strings attached, but that's just how it goes.
Lo siento, no he recibido mi cuerpo de vuelta sin condiciones, pero eso es solo como va.
No, I just... I didn't know that he would want that.
No, solo... no sabía que él quisiera esto.
I just wanted to make sure you guys didn't... you know, miss anything.
Quería asegurarme de que vosotros no... ya sabes, pasabais nada por alto.
I just didn't know there was an official term for it.
No sabía que había un término oficial para ello.
I just didn't know what else to do.
Simplemente no sabía donde ir.
Maybe... he was with her, and if she was, then... maybe she could tell me... just... I need to know my dad didn't die hating me.
Quizá... estaba con ella, y si ella estaba ahí, entonces... quizá podría decirme... simplemente necesito saber que mi padre no murió odiándome.
It's just that your 6 months pregnant so I didn't know...
Es solo que estás embarazada de seis meses y no sé si...
I just didn't trust him, you know?
Es que no confiaba en él. ¿ Sabes?
I know you're upset, and I should've told you. I just... I didn't know how.
¡ Sé que estás enojado, debí decirte, pero no sabía cómo!
I know you warned me about Mona, but we kind of poked the bear today, and I just wanna make sure she didn't take it out on you.
Sé que me avisaste con lo de Mona, pero hoy hemos echado un poco más de leña al fuego y quería asegurarme de que no la ha tomado contigo.
And I know you told me to put them on my computer, but I just didn't do it.
Me dijiste que las pase a la computadora, pero no lo hice.
It's just that I felt that I didn't know who was writing them.
Es solo que yo sentia que no sabia que estaba escribiendo ellos.
I guess you just didn't need to know.
Supongo que simplemente no necesitaba saberlo.
Oh, I knew they'd hit on you sometime, I just didn't know what you'd do.
Sabía que te iban a seducir, pero no sabía qué harías tú.
Sorry for not stopping by, I just didn't know if I should...
Perdón por no pasar, no sabía si tenía que...
Let me just say this, Elliot, if I didn't know you better,
Permítanme decir esto, Elliot, si no te conociera bien,
Okay, I-I just wanna let you know that, you know, you've been in there quite a while, in case you didn't know how expensive hot water is.
Vale, solo... quería decirte que, bueno, ya llevas aquí un tiempito, por si no sabes lo cara que es el agua.
I just wanted to call and let you know... uh, that I'm thinking of you and everything that you're going through, and, uh... well, I just didn't want you to feel all alone.
Sólo quería llamarte para decirte... que estoy pensando en ti y en todo por lo que tienes que estar pasando y... bueno, no quiero que te sientas sola.
Before you go, I just thought you should know I didn't get an offer tonight.
Antes de que te vayas, pensé que deberías saber que no conseguí una oferta esta noche.
Sally and I broke up. We just had the most horrible fight, and I-I, um, I didn't--I didn't know where else to go.
Sally y yo rompimos tubimos la pele mas horrible y yo... um no tenia otro lugar al cual acudir lo siento.
Just in case you didn't know, I'm your local Member.
En caso de que no lo sabía, Soy su miembro local.
Adam, I just wanted to let you know that... I didn't tell Russo about you.
Adam, solo quería que supieses que... no le hablé a Russo sobre ti.
I don't know how I didn't see it. You're just like her.
No sé como no he podido verlo Eres como ella.
i just 13298
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just want to talk to you 112
i just did it 38
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just got here 258
i just did 342
i just want to be with you 40
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just want to talk to you 112
i just did it 38
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just got here 258
i just did 342
i just want to be with you 40
i just don't 165
i just wanted to check in 19
i just wanted you to know that 44
i just wanted to let you know 58
i just want to say thank you 23
i just can't 470
i just wanted to introduce myself 20
i just need 116
i just want you to know 198
i just told you 195
i just wanted to check in 19
i just wanted you to know that 44
i just wanted to let you know 58
i just want to say thank you 23
i just can't 470
i just wanted to introduce myself 20
i just need 116
i just want you to know 198
i just told you 195