I just think that translate Spanish
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What if someone recognized you? Ugh! I just think that you're under the impression that you're in control.
¿ Qué pasa si alguien te reconoce? Creo que tienes la impresión de que tú estás al mando.
I just think that GW isn't as strong a school.
Creo que la G.W. no es una escuela tan dura.
I just think that it's best if I just do it face to face.
Simplemente creo que es mejor si se hace cara a cara.
And I just think that's going to be brilliant.
Creo que será alucinante.
I-I just think that we're not in the business of judging other cultures.
Creo que nuestro negocio no es juzgar otras culturas.
I used to think that we were like dandelions... like, the part that makes us us would just blow away and land and grow into...
Como, en la parte que simplemente nos dejamos llevar y la tierra y convertirse en...
And, oh, my God, I think I just talked myself into liking this hat because I keep seeing myself in it, and I'm like, "Who is that handsome gentleman?"
Ay, madre, creo que acabo de convencerme de que me gusta este sombrero porque no paro de verme con él puesto y es como, "¿ quién es ese caballero tan guapo?"
I've tried getting in touch with her since then, but it's been a little difficult, just'cause I think she's, like, busy with babysitting and field hockey and all that jazz.
Intenté comunicarme con ella después, pero se complicó, porque creo que está un poco ocupada cuidando niños, jugando al hockey y todo eso.
I just don't want Grant to think that I'm the bad guy here.
Simplemente no quiero que Grant piense que yo soy la mala.
I was really longing for Russia even just 30 seconds ago but looking at you now, I think that maybe Ki Ha Myung was right.
Esto es porque a diario, sin perder, estás mal.
Do you actually think that I'm just going to sit back and let you do that?
¿ Piensas que te dejarán hacerlo?
I was just too focused on exposing the corruption from 14 years ago that I didn't even stop to realize that I was getting inside information and I didn't even think about what that would mean to you.
Solo estaba pensando sobre lo que pasó hace trece años así que estaba inmerso en eso. No me di cuenta que eso te convertiría en una soplona. No pensé en lo que podría pasarte.
No, I'm just saying that I don't think their affairs were significant enough where their lovers were willing to kill for them.
No, solo dijo que no creo que sus aventuras sean los suficientemente relevantes como para que sus amantes estuvieran dispuestos a matar por ellos.
Okay, you just give me another chance, and I think I could be that stupid again.
De acuerdo, tú solo dame otra oportunidad, y creo que podría ser esa estúpida de nuevo.
And if they think that's weird, I'll just tell them, " it's okay.
Y si creen que es raro, solo les diré, " Está bien.
I just think there's certain things that should remain private.
Pienso que hay algunas cosas que deberían permanecer privadas.
And I just think it would be great for our child to have someone of that cultural significance in his life.
Y creo que podría ser bueno para nuestro hijo... tener alguien de esa importancia cultural en su vida.
Yes, I would love to, but I can't. I got to do some work, or Schmidt will put me in the "Think Harder" box, which is basically just a refrigerator box that he hits with a baseball bat.
Tengo que ponerme a trabajar o Schmidt me va a meter en el cubículo "pensador", que viene a ser la caja de una nevera donde me mete y la golpea con un bate.
I think it's just, like, a day for celebration, that's all.
Creo que es solo un día para la celebración, eso es todo.
I don't know how Chief Boden ran this firehouse... whether he kept it loose and casual, or maybe you two are just taking advantage now that the cat's away, but you are making a big mistake if you think you can walk all over me.
Yo no sé como el Jefe Boden manejaba esta estación... o lo mantenemos flojo y casual, o quizás ustedes dos están tomando ventaja ahora que el gato está afuera, pero están cometiendo un gran error si piensan que pueden pasar sobre mi.
People think it's killing that I like, but murder's just an act.
La gente cree que lo que me gusta es matar, pero el asesinato es solo un acto.
Yeah, I'm just starting to think that maybe there's more to it all than I thought.
Sí, comienzo a pensar que... tal vez hay más de todo que lo que pensaba.
I just can't help feeling that you two have something more, and I don't even think that you realize it.
No puedo evitar sentir que hay algo más entre vosotros, y creo que ni siquiera te das cuenta.
I think one of the reasons we were all surprised, I think, when you first started and were immediately brilliant in the Red Bull, is that you just don't look particularly ruthless.
Creo que una de las razones por las que A todos nos sorprendió, creo, cuando empezaste y fueron inmediatamente brillante en el Red Bull, es que usted sólo no se ven particularmente despiadado.
I think I should just leave that up to you.
Pienso que debo dejarte eso a ti.
I mean, do you think that it was just a random thing,
Digo, ¿ creen que fue al azar...
You know, I just didn't think of you as that...
Sabes, no pensé en ti como...
Now he just wants a clean slate, and I think, after everything he's been through, he should get that chance.
Ahora quiere hacer borrón y cuenta nueva y pienso, que después de todo lo que ha pasado, debería tener esa oportunidad.
I think that it was just a weird reaction to the study buddies I took.
Creo que fue solo una reacción rara a los suplementos de estudio que tomé.
- I just didn't think of you as that...
- Simplemente no pensaba de ti que...
I think that it was just a weird reaction to the study buddies.
Creo que fue solo una reacción extraña a los compañeros de estudio.
I think he's just so excited that he's lost control of his bodily functions.
Creo que esta tan emocionado que perdió control de sus funciones corporales.
I know, I'm starting to think that organic just means dirty.
Ya sé, creo que orgánico solo significa sucio.
I think I just got scared that... I couldn't give you a baby, so... I started telling myself I didn't want one.
Creo que me asusta que no pueda darte un bebé y comencé a decirme que no quiero uno.
I think it does, but I think they're just being honest about it cos they're recognising that it's a means of improving the efficiency.
Yo creo que sí, pero creo que están siendo honestos al respecto porque reconocen que es una manera de aumentar la eficiencia.
Manchester, no, you know, this is the BBC, it think it would be idiotic to go to Manchester, I mean, that would be just stupid.
Manchester, no, ya sabes, somos de la BBC, creo que sería estúpido ir a Manchester, sería simplemente una idiotez.
Like, dating and all that? I mean, you never actually said dating, but I think that we all just assumed.
Nunca dijiste saliendo, pero creo que todos lo asumimos.
I just don't think that they appreciated my card playing method, so to speak.
No creo que apreciaran mi método de cartas, por así decirlo.
You think that's what I do, just sit around?
¿ Eso crees que hago, quedarme sentado?
I just think you're better than this, that's all.
Es que creo que eres mejor que esto, eso es todo.
I think that, too, but just take comfort in knowing you got there on your own.
Yo también pienso eso, pero siéntete bien... sabiendo que estás aquí por tu cuenta.
I just - - I don't think that we can get that apartment right now.
No creo que podamos conseguir ese departamento ahora.
I think it's time that we discuss the fact that this whole obedience school thing just isn't working out.
Creo que debemos admitir que esto de la escuela de obediencia no está funcionando.
I mean, I want people to hear us and just think that our version's better than the original version.
O sea, yo quiero que la gente nos oiga y piense que nuestra versión es mejor que la original.
I just think that, at the time...
Pensé en eso, en el momento... yo...
Actually just came down here to say hello to everyone. Um... I-I think we have to get to that briefing now, don't we?
En realidad solo bajé aquí para saludar a todos.
I think that this band--I feel that this band has lost sight completely of what made them so unforgettable starting out, and now they're just hung up on stupid resentments from, like, two decades ago.
Creo que este grupo ha perdido totalmente... de vista lo que los hizo tan inolvidables al principio... y ahora están obsesionados con estúpidos... rencores de hace dos décadas.
I don't know, I think that the band and my dad, I think they think I'm really tough, that nothing really gets to me, but really I'm just freaking out in my head all day.
Creo que el grupo y mi padre, creen que soy muy fuerte... que nada me hace daño, pero en realidad... siempre vivo con miedo en mi cabeza.
I think that they're just curious.
Creo que solo son curiosos.
If you'd just think about that for a second, Liam, you would know that I'm right.
Si solo lo pensaras por un segundo, Liam, sabrías que tengo razón.
I think I've... Can you just go through that again, to make sure I've got it?
Creo que... ¿ Podrías repasarlo todo una vez más, para estar seguro de que lo he entendido?
i just 13298
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just want to talk to you 112
i just did it 38
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just got here 258
i just did 342
i just want to be with you 40
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just want to talk to you 112
i just did it 38
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just got here 258
i just did 342
i just want to be with you 40