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I really tried translate Spanish

772 parallel translation
I really tried to.
En serio que lo intenté.
I really tried everything.
Lo he intentado todo.
I tried. I really tried, but I couldn't change any more than you could.
Lo intenté, lo intenté de verdad,... pero no sería capaz de semejante cambio.
I really tried to, I wanted to tell her.
Lo intenté, quería decírselo.
I really tried.
Lo intenté.
" Believe me, I really tried.
" Créame que de veras lo intenté.
I really tried to hang on.
Intenté retenerlo.
I really tried to steal some money, but it just fell out of my hands!
Traté de robarle algunas monedas y me quedé con toda la cartera en mis manos.
I really tried, for a whole year, but... That life is just not for me.
Traté realmente, Por todo un año, solamente... que esa vida no lo es para mí.
I really tried to kill myself!
¡ Intenté suicidarme de verdad!
I really tried to kill myself!
¡ Intenté matarme de verdad!
I mean, I really tried.
Yo me esforzaba de veras.
I really tried, to tell her... to come back in two or three days.
Intenté decirle... que volviese en dos o tres días.
I really tried.
De veras que traté.
I tried, I really tried.
Lo intenté, de verdad.
No, no, I mean I really tried.
Lo intenté de verdad.
And I really tried to kill you?
- ¿ Realmente intenté matarte?
I really tried.
Hice lo que pude.
I was really only thinking of myself when I tried to leave.
Realmente pensaba en mí misma cuando me iba.
- I felt like I tried my best, but it just didn't work out. So I just got really frustrated.
Intente hacer lo mejor pero aun asi no fue suficiente, quede frustrada.
- I really tried to get over you. - So I can see!
Me olvidó una!
I wonder how long a guy could stay drunk if he really tried.
¿ Cuánto tiempo se podrá estar borracho si uno se lo propone?
I've tried so hard to make you really mine.
He intentado tanto que fueras mía.
- I never tried before. - Really?
- Nunca lo había hecho antes.
I could have gotten away with it if I'd really tried.
No me lo habrías notado si me hubiera esforzado.
If I tried to show the world I'm really hep?
¿ Si yo tratara de mostrarle al mundo Que estoy realmente a la moda?
I really have tried, Mr Nicholls.
Lo he intentado con todas mis fuerzas, Sr. Nicholls.
I've really tried, but their booze is too watered down.
Lo he intentado. Pero lo cierto es ponen demasiada agua en su alcohol.
I really tried to figure out what makes you tick, Max.
He intentado averiguar cómo eres, Max.
- I tried, I really did, but I just couldn't make it.
- Lo intenté, pero no lo logré.
I've tried, really, I have.
Lo he intentado, de veras.
I don't really expect you to understand, but when we drove off the other night, all we did was kiss, because he never tried anything more.
Realmente no espero que lo comprendas, pero cuando nos fuimos la otra noche, todo lo que hicimos fue besarnos, porque él en ningún momento intentó otra cosa.
I really tried.
Me esforcé mucho.
I bet if you really tried you could learn how to do the laundry too.
Si lo intentas, podrías aprender a hacer la colada.
I'll bet you could if you really tried.
Apuesto a que podría si lo intentara.
- I don't know, I've never really tried.
- No sé, no he probado.
I tried, I tried, I really have.
Probé, traté, realmente lo hice.
What I meant to say... was that if you really tried... you might perhaps go a bit further back than the field you were telling me about...
Quería decirle que si ponía mucha voluntad tal vez podría llegar un poco más allá del campo del que me hablaba.
But the rest of the guys, I don't think they really tried to look for a job.
Pero el resto de los chicos, no creo que buscaran trabajo de verdad.
- I've tried to make it work, really I have, but -
He intentado que todo fuese bien, pero... Pero, ¿ qué?
But I tried. Really I did, my dear. I...
Y lo intenté de veras.
I've tried to help her - really, i have - but the doctors say it's hopeless.
He intentado ayudarla, de veras, pero los médicos dicen que es inútil.
I'm Milos Hrma, I've tried to commit suicide because apparently I'm suffering from premature ejaculation, but that's really not so, even though all the time
Me llamo Milos Hrma, me corte las venas porque... estoy enfermo, tengo la eyaculación precoz. pero me estoy curando, aquella vez se me quedo arrugadita y no pude.
Well, perhaps I've never tried, really.
Quizá nunca lo intenté realmente.
Mr. Corcoran doesn't really care for fancy food, though I imagine you've tried just about every kind of exotic dish in New York.
Al Sr. Corcoran no le gusta la comida extravagante, la verdad, aunque imagino que tú habrás probado toda clase de platos exóticos en New York.
- And I tried to tell him that I wasn't really Sergeant Pinback, but I couldn't figure out how to make the helmet radio work.
... Traté de decirles que yo no era el Sargento Pinback pero no logré sacarme el casco.
I tried really synthesize, deputies... spirit of these calls.
Trataba verdaderamente de sintetizar, Diputados... el espíritu de estas llamadas.
I... tried to keep an eye on him... but I didnt really think he would...
Yo... traté de cuidarlo... pero nunca pensé que él...
- I never really tried one before.
- Es la primera vez que tomo uno.
And it was really hot, I tried to show this with...
Y tomé esta fotografía.
It didn't really surprise me because I've been a... a dance fan myself for many years and I've probably tried most types of dancing.
no me sorprendio porque yo fui... un fan del baile durante años y probé muchos tipos de baile.

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