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I told translate Spanish

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You should've trimmed those trees last fall when I told you to.
Debiste podar esos árboles en otoño, cuando te dije que lo hicieras.
I told him I was gonna hire my good friend Dale Rivers to be my vet, if they didn't like it, to go ahead and fire me.
Insistí en contratar a mi buen amigo Dale como veterinario. No les gustó y me echaron.
I told my dad, " No, I'm a vet.
Le dije a mi padre : " No, soy veterinario.
I told Heather I'd help out with medical bills.
Le dije a Heather que ayudaría con los gastos médicos.
I told you not to ask Rooster.
Te dije que no se lo pidieras a Rooster.
I told the bartender my name was Cindy.
Le he dicho al camarero que me llamo Cindy.
See, I told you, nobody's here.
Mira, te lo dije, nadie está aquí.
Remember I told you that he sent letters to the newspapers in code?
¿ Recuerdas que él enviaba cartas con codigos a los periódicos?
I told you.
Os lo dije.
I told The Riddler about your cell phone cases, and he's having us steal them so he can use them to build a tank to attack Arkham Asylum.
Le conté a Enigma lo de tus carcasas de móvil y nos ha mandado a robarlas para construir un tanque para atacar el sanatorio de Arkham.
I told you she was smart.
Te dije que era lista.
And I told him to blend in.
Y le dije que se mimetizara.
Ow, ow, ow, ow. I told you Arnie's big toe is sensitive.
Te dije que mi dedo gordo es sensible.
It's the third time I told you.
Es la tercera vez que te lo digo.
I told you I couldn't do this!
Te dije que no podía hacerlo.
Man, I told you this is stupid.
Esto es una estupidez.
Well, I told you I love pharmacies.
Te dije que adoro las farmacias.
I told you.
Te lo dije.
I told you. Aren't you glad you expanded your culinary horizons beyond Italian?
Te lo dije. ¿ No te alegra haber expandido tus horizontes culinarios?
Yeah, I told you this was a terrible idea.
Te dije que era una pésima idea.
I told you. You didn't believe me.
- No me creías.
What if I told you I met someone like that... but they're engaged?
¿ Y si te dijera que conocí a alguien así, pero está comprometida?
I told you, King Ecbert offered our father up like a sacrifice, so we'll do the same thing to him.
Se los dije, el rey Ecbert ofreció a nuestro padre como sacrificio, así que le haremos lo mismo a él.
I told her that I've always loved her.
Le dije que siempre la he amado.
And have I told you how glad I am that you've chosen to move in with me?
¿ Te he dicho ya cuán aliviado estoy de que escogieras mudarte conmigo?
But I told you even in death there is life to be drawn.
Pero te dije que hay vida aún tras la muerte.
I know what I saw. And I told you, plain and simple.
Yo sé lo que vi y lo he transmitido con toda claridad.
Me... I told Rainer I love his favorite show, "Game of Thrones," so now he's taking me to Comic-Con.
Le dije a Rainer que me encantaba su serie preferida, Juego de tronos, y ahora va a llevarme a la Comic-Con.
I told you, she's in a meeting right now.
Os digo que está reunida ahora mismo.
I told him to take it down.
Le dije que lo bajara.
We had a big fight about him hiding this, and I told him if he wasn't ready to trust me, that... that we shouldn't talk for a while, so I guess he wasn't ready,
Tuvimos una gran pelea porque ocultó esto, y le dije que si no estaba listo para confiar en mí... entonces no deberíamos hablar por un tiempo, así que supongo que no estaba listo, porque Leroy lo vio en los muelles,
- Pregnant? I told him.
Se lo he dicho.
- Maria told me I was cut off.
- María se negó a servirme.
I thought Tina told you that this lady was loaded?
¿ Pensé que Tina te habia dicho que esta dama estaba registrada?
I've told off a lot of crappy men.
He echado la bronca a muchos hombres desagradables.
'Cause I just got a call from the real consultant, and he asked when we could reschedule because he was told I had "pink eyes."
Que acaba de llamarme el verdadero asesor, y me preguntaba que para cuándo podríamos quedar porque le dijeron que tenía "conjuntivitis".
Told him I wasn't going to settle.
Le dije que no iba a conformarme.
He told me I was the one who would act for him, who would make sure he was revenged.
Me dijo que yo era el que actuaría en su nombre, quien se aseguraría de que fuera vengado.
When I pitched you my travel show, you told me you couldn't do it'cause I'm too much of a new face.
Cuando te propuse mi programa de viajes, dijiste que no porque soy una cara nueva.
He's the king, I told you.
Es el rey.
You know, my... my producer talked to me during the break, and he told me some very interesting breaking news that I would be remiss if I didn't bring up right now, Jeff.
Hablé con mi productor durante el corte. Me contó una primicia muy interesante que debo compartir con todos, Jeff.
I did not come back here to be told what to do.
No regresé para que me digan qué hacer.
But the point is... You told me you would wait and marry me when I become very... Important.
Pero la cuestión es... que me dijiste que me esperarías y te casarías conmigo cuando me convirtiese en alguien muy... importante.
I've been told your god is a carpenter.
Me han dicho que vuestro dios es un carpintero.
I've told you this too many times, brothers. I was here!
Se los he dicho muchas veces, hermanos. ¡ Yo estuve aquí!
I've told you lots of things.
A través de los años te he contado cosas que no debía contar.
- I think you know where he is. - I don't. I've told you.
- Creo que sabes dónde está él, Marit.
I don't know if I ever told you this, but when I was kid, I fell into a well.
No sé si te he contado esto, pero cuando era niño me caí en un pozo.
Sheldon, I knew your mother was fine with us living together because I already told her we were.
Sheldon, sabía que tu madre estaba de acuerdo con que nosotros viviéramos juntos porque yo ya se lo había dicho.
I've been told the sound of my voice puts people to sleep.
Me han dicho que el sonido de mi voz pone a la gente a dormir.
I should have told you the whole story, and I'm sorry.
Debería haberte contado toda la historia y lo siento.

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