I told you already translate Spanish
3,663 parallel translation
I told you already.
Ya se lo he dicho.
I told you already, there's no point.
Te dije already, no tiene sentido.
I've already told you, I have absolutely no comment to make whatsoever.
Ya se lo he dicho, no tengo ningún comentario que hacer.
Well, I already told you about the one with the big dog.
Bien, ya te conté sobre aquel cachorro grande.
I've already told you last time I couldn't give you any more money.
Ya te dije la última vez que no puedo darte más dinero.
Dad, I already told you there's nothing going on between me and Jordan.
Papá, ya te lo dije no hay nada entre Jordan y yo.
Look, I already told you.
Mira, ya te lo dije.
I already told you, I don't really have a problem with it.
Ya te lo dije, realmente no tengo problema con eso.
I already told you it's good, okay?
Ya te dije que es bueno, ¿ de acuerdo?
I told you guys about this like three times already.
Ya van como tres veces que les hablé sobre esto.
I already told you.
Ya se los dije.
I've already told you.
Ya te lo he dicho.
I already told you that.
Ya te lo dije.
I already told you his state of mind the last time you were here.
Ya le conté sobre su estado mental la última vez que estuvo aquí.
I told her you'd gone, said you were already inside.
Le dije que te habías ido, que ya habías entrado.
I've already told you.
Ya se lo dije.
And I haven't told you already because I know you're going to be disappointed in me... which makes me a coward, really.
Y todavía no te lo he dicho porque se que te voy a decepcionar... lo que me convierte en un cobarde, en realidad.
I already told you.
Ya te lo dije.
I already told you, he wants me to have a life.
Ya te lo he dicho él quiere que tenga una vida.
I already told you everything I know, Dan.
Ya te he dicho todo lo que sé, Dan.
I already told you I was a thief.
Te dije que soy un ladron.
And a his morn too, but I'm sure Luca already told you.
Y un poco su madre también, pero Luca ya debe habértelo dicho.
I already told you he's friendly.
Ya te dije él es amistoso.
Karen, I've already given you too much information, and if I had any idea that this investigation was going to become about you, I wouldn't have told you anything.
Karen, ya te he dado demasiada información, y si hubiera tenido idea de que esta investigación iba a terminar siendo sobre ti, no te hubiera dicho nada.
But I already told you what the problem was.
Pero yo ya le dije cuál es el problema.
I already told you, I'm fine.
Ya te he dicho que estoy bien.
I already told the kids you were going.
Ya les dije a los niños que irías.
Sweety, I already told you a thousand times.
Cielo, ya te lo he dicho mil veces.
I already told you.
Ya te lo he explicado.
Joe, how would you react if I told you that Helen told us that as a 13-year-old she came home from school early one day and found you in the cellar with Michael, who was already dead?
Joe, ¿ cómo reaccionarías si te dijese que Helen nos contó que cuando tenía 13 años llegó un día pronto de la escuela y te encontró en el sótano con Michael ya muerto?
Well, I'm not sure how much Harry's already told you, but...
Bien, no estoy seguro cuánto te habrá contado Harry, pero...
I already told you.
Ya se lo dije.
I wish I could help, but I already told you where I was.
Ojalá pudiera ayudar, pero ya le he dicho dónde estaba.
I already told you, I knew Robert's yacht was sabotaged.
Ya te dije que sabía que el barco de Robert fue saboteado.
I already told you, I knew Robert's yacht was sabotaged.
Ya te lo he dicho, sabía que el yate de Robert había sufrido sabotaje.
I've told you already.
Ya se lo dije.
I told you all of this already.
Ya te lo he contado todo.
I've already told this to you.
Ya te lo he contado.
Look, I already told you...
- Mira, ya lo dije...
I already told you.
Ya les dije.
I've already told you I will not do a blank check.
Ya te he dicho que no haré un cheque en blanco.
I already told you, I never killed anybody.
Ya se lo he dicho, yo no he matado a nadie.
Look, I know I already told you this, but my dad is a scary guy.
Mira, sé que te he dicho esto antes, pero mi papá es aterrador.
I already told you, I don't have it.
Ya te lo he dicho, yo no lo tengo.
Axl, get off your girlfriend and take out the trash Like I already told you to five times today.
Axl, suelta a tu novia y saca la basura como te lo dije que hicieras cinco veces hoy.
I already told you you're a terrible liar, didn't I?
Ya te he dicho que mientes fatal, ¿ no?
- Harvey, I already told you- -
- Harvey, ya te he dicho...
I already told you I don't wanna go.
Ya te dije que no quiero ir.
My head's already clear, I told you.
Mi mente está clara, Ya te dije.
Just two days home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess.
Solo dos días en casa y ya me han dicho que te has ido y hecho un desastre.
Look, i already told you, you can't be here.
Mire, ya se lo he dicho, no puede entrar aquí.
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23