I told you that translate Spanish
18,386 parallel translation
I told you that girl was crazy.
Te dije que esa mujer estaba loca.
So... I told you that I came for the party.
Te dije que vine por la fiesta.
I told you that when I made you take my name off your research.
Te lo dije cuando hice que quitaras mi nombre de la investigación.
Do you remember when I told you that I didn't want you going to Earth-2 if you felt like you didn't have anything left here?
¿ Recuerdas cuando te dije que no quería que fueras a Tierra-2 si sentías que no te quedaba nada aquí?
I told you that I have friends on the committee, which is true.
Le dije que tenía amigos en la Comisión. Y es verdad.
What if I told you that the Patriots'fans were black, the Giants'fans white?
¿ Y si os dijera que el seguidor de los Patriots era negro y el de los Giants blanco?
And if I told you that the white male who was charged with stabbing and killing the black male had once belonged to a militia group?
¿ Y si os digo que el hombre blanco acusado de apuñalar y matar al negro había pertenecido a un grupo paramilitar?
What if I told you that he had married a black woman and had three beautiful children with her?
¿ Y si os digo que estaba casado con una mujer negra y tenía tres hermosos hijos con ella?
I told you that's not gonna happen.
Ya te dije que eso no sucederá.
Hey, would you break up with me if I told you that I've never been happier in my entire life?
Oye, ¿ te romper conmigo si te dijera que nunca he sido más feliz en toda mi vida?
What would you say if I told you that in the process of finding you, I significantly upgraded Eloise's software?
¿ Qué diría si le dijera que en el proceso de encontrarlo, mejoré significativamente el software de Eloise?
What, did I compromise my badge, you told her that?
¿ Qué, qué me comprometo mi placa, que ella que dijiste?
What if I told you there's a whole city of animals like this that we could do something about.
¿ Y si te dijera que hay una ciudad entera de animales como este que podríamos hacer algo al respecto.
You told my wife that I planted the dead rat in her bath.
Le dijisteis a mi esposa que yo dejé la rata muerta en su baño.
So, to determine why you may have felt uncomfortable with your testimony, I spoke with your ladies in waiting, one of whom told me that you keep a very detailed diary.
Así que, para determinar por qué es posible que os hayáis sentido incómoda con vuestro testimonio, he hablado con vuestras damas de compañía, una de ellas me dijo que llevabais un diario muy detallado.
Now I've told him you're not that way inclined but... maybe I'm wrong.
Le dije que no tienes esa inclinación, pero tal vez me equivoque.
I let him stay when literally all of you told me not to, so everything that's happened up until this point, it's on me, but this has to be a group decision.
Lo dejé quedarse cuando, literalmente, todos ustedes me dijeron que no, así que todo lo que ha pasado hasta este punto, es mi culpa, pero esta tiene que ser una decisión de grupo.
I should have told you that I lived at a halfway house, but I've asked your little human brain to process so much in the last few weeks, I didn't think you could handle it all.
Debí decirte que vivía en un centro de rehabilitación, pero le he pedido a tu pequeño cerebro humano que procese demasiado en las últimas semanas, no creía que pudieras manejarlo.
- I never should've told you that.
- Nunca debí contarte eso.
I-I know that you told me to let sleeping dogs lie, right, but... there is $ 3 million lying around in a safety deposit box that Bob just left behind.
Ya sé que me dijiste que dejara estar las cosas, ¿ vale? Pero... hay tres millones de dólares esperando en una caja de seguridad que Bob simplemente dejó atrás.
If you had told me a week ago that I would be sitting here with my old pal Bobby,
Si me hubieras dicho hace una semana que estaría aquí sentado con mi vieja amiga Bobby,
I told you, it's not always like that.
Ya te lo dije, no siempre es así.
Is that what he told you I was?
¿ Es eso lo que te dijo que era?
I thought I told you to take care of that yourself.
Pensé que te había dicho que te encargarás de eso tú mismo.
- I deserved that. - Have you told Kitty how sorry you are?
- Me lo merecía. - ¿ Le has dicho a Kitty lo mucho que lo sientes?
Not that I want to spend a single second on this shit, but when you blame me for pushing you to Phil, remember I'm the one that told you not to get more involved, so if you're feeling worse now, it's totally on you.
No es que quiera dedicarle un solo segundo a esta mierda pero cuando me culpes por empujarte hacia Phil recuerda que soy yo quien te dijo que no te involucraras más con él así que si te sientes peor ahora, es completamente culpa tuya.
But you told me that I was, and that we could afford it.
Pero me dijiste que lo era, y que nos lo podíamos permitir.
Look, I know you told Iris that you love her, but you said you'd moved past this whole Eddie and Iris thing.
Mira, sé que le dijiste a Iris que la amas, pero dijiste que habías dejado en el pasado todo el asunto de Eddie e Iris.
Hey! I told you, that is not how we're doing this.
Te lo he dicho, así no es como vamos a hacer esto.
I told you, I got nothing to do with that.
Se lo dije, no tuve nada que ver con eso.
I will never apologize to you... but you told me you weren't that person anymore.
Nunca me disculparé contigo... pero me dijiste que ya no eras esa persona.
I told you you were gonna fix me or you were dead! Why is it that bad guys always insist on having the creepiest hideouts?
¡ Te dije que me ibas a curar o ibas a morir! ¿ Por qué será que los malos siempre insisten en tener escondites tenebrosos?
And people have told me that I have a resting bitch face, so that's probably what you're reading as "distraught."
Y la gente me dice que tengo un rostro inexpresivo, así que eso es probablemente lo que está leyendo como "alterado".
I'm sorry I told you, and if that's why you left, please don't blame anyone else.
Siento haber dicho, y si es por eso que te fuiste, por favor no culpar a nadie más.
That's what I thought, which is why I was surprised when Adam Gould told me that he had sources saying you deserved all the credit.
Fue lo que pensé. Por eso me sorprendió que Adam Gould me dijera que le informaron que tú merecías todo el crédito.
The one that I told you I wasn't going to open.
- El que te dije que no iba a abrir.
That's what I told you he would do.
Es lo que os dije que haría.
And I've got a room full of press that I've been keeping at bay since 8 : 00 this morning, so I will tell you why I told her... after I tuck in all the children.
Yo, una sala llena de periodistas que controlo desde las 8 : 00 a. m., así que te diré por qué le conté, cuando me desocupe.
I already told you everything that you need to know.
Ya te he dicho todo lo que necesitas saber.
You know, I-I already told you that.
Ya te lo he dicho.
The one that I told you before.
De la que le hablé.
- I did a background, found that Becky Sanders girl you told me to check.
- Hice un rastreo... encontré a esa chica Becky Sanders que me dijiste que verificara.
I've told you before, I know how a bitch like that thinks.
Te lo he dicho antes, Sé como una perra como que piensa.
I need you to explain why, and it's two things we've uncovered - - yesterday you told us that you'd never met Ana Vasalescu.
Te necesito para explicar por qué, y se trata de dos cosas que hemos descubierto - ayer nos dijo que que nunca había conocido a Ana Vasalescu.
The reason I call you so late... your mother told me that you have a friend... that is a Grimm.
La razón por la que te llamo tan tarde... Tu madre me dijo que tienes un amigo... que es un Grimm.
Well, I'd want to kill you if you told me that. Exactly.
Bueno, yo querría matarte si me dijeras eso.
I already told you that.
Ya te lo dije.
I told you there's a good explanation for all that crazy shit earlier.
Te dije que hay una buena explicación para toda esa mierda loco antes.
That's right, darling, I told you before, there's absolutely no such thing as...
Todo va bien, querida, ya te lo he dicho, no existe tal cosa como el...
Yeah. I, uh, I was gonna tell you about that earlier, and I thought it would be better if I told you in person, so...
Iba a contártelo hace un rato pero pensé que sería mejor en persona, así que...
Brian, I told you to change that message.
Brian, te dije que cambies ese mensaje.
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23