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I told her everything translate Spanish

278 parallel translation
- I told her everything this morning.
- Le conté todo esta mañana.
I told her everything.
- Le dije todo.
I told her everything, but she didn't believe my story.
Le conté todo, pero ella no creyó en mi historia.
- I told her everything.
- Se lo conté todo.
- I told her everything.
- Se lo dije todo.
But I punished him, before committing suicide, I phoned the wife of that thing and I told her everything!
Pero yo le he fastidiado porque antes de suicidarme he telefoneado a su mujer y se lo he contado todo.
I told her everything. I couldn't help it.
Se lo conté todo, no pude aguantarme.
When I finally came in, Debby was home from work... and I told her everything about my dinner with André.
Cuando llegué a casa, Debby ya había vuelto del trabajo... y le conté mi cena con André.
I told her everything happened so fast that he didn't even notice.
Y yo le dije que había sido tan rápido que ni se había dado cuenta.
- No, I told her everything.
- No, se lo conté todo.
All I ever told her every day was for her to handle everything and that there was a sure ending for us.
Le dije que se encargara de todo... y que habría un fin para nosotros.
I've told her everything about us.
Le conté todo sobre nosotros.
I hope you've told Miss Mallory everything we've been doing for her father up here.
Espero que le hayas dicho a la srta. Mallory todo lo que hacemos por su padre.
I have told her everything.
Lo que he mentido...
─ I've told her everything.
- Se lo he contado todo.
I've told her about everything.
Se lo he contado todo.
I got the number of her flat but her landlady told me she left two days ago taking everything Nobody knows where she is
Me dieron el número de su casa pero su casera me dijo que se fue hace dos días y se lo llevó todo Nadie sabe donde está ni lo que hace
I can't tell you why. Maybe something told her the pool had a solution for everything for her.
Quizá algo le decía que la charca le traería una solución.
I wrote and told her everything I've just told you
Le he escrito todo lo que te he dicho.
Everything was so nice, I told Anna that I envied her.
Aquí todo era simpático y natural. Le dije a Anna que la envidiaba.
I've told her everything.
Le cuento todo.
They said this would ruin my life, I've told her repeatedly Everything's going to be different when I'm king.
Ella misma dice, que esto destrozará mi vida y es inútil que le repita que todo cambiará cuando sea Rey.
I was told you're a single woman, who works and does everything for her child.
Me dijeron que era una mujer sola, que trabaja y lo hace todo por su hija.
Boil everything, I told her, foreigners being what they are.
Le dije que hirviera todo, ya sabemos cómo son los extranjeros.
And I bet you told her everything about Sam, the diamonds...
Y apuesto que le has contado todo, lo de Sam y lo de los diamantes.
I told her about everything but the children.
De todo menos de los niños.
- I told it to her right away so everything between us is open and aboveboard.
- Se lo dije inmediatamente... para que entre nosotros todo fuese abierto y sin engaños.
Janet told me nearly everything. In church, and before I killed her.
Janet en cambio me lo reveló casi todo en confesión antes de que la matara.
I have told her everything, and she has forgiven you
Yo se lo he contado todo y ella te ha perdonado
At first this had bothered me, but then I told myself that it was her impeccable manners... and the precise way in which she did everything that made it... impossible to think about her as a potential conquest.
Al principio eso me preocupaba, pero luego pensé que su impecable educación y su manera tan perfecta de hacer las cosas, hacia imposible poder convertirla en una potencial conquista.
She told me everything I had done since I was a boy, and then she began to talk about my daughter, Audrey Rose, describing her as if she were alive.
Me contó todo lo que había hecho desde que era niño y luego empezó a hablar de mi hija, Audrey Rose, describiéndola como si estuviera viva.
I told her my name was Charles Hardin, which it is, and everything I told your aunt had the ring of truth in it.
Nada. Le dije que yo era Charles Hardin, lo cual es cierto. Bueno, y todo lo que le dije fue la pura verdad.
Not to me, but I told her you knew everything.
Ninguna para mí, pero le dije a ella que tú lo sabías todo.
I told her everything that had happened
Le conté todo lo que había sucedido
I still haven't told her everything.
Vamos. Todavía no le he dicho nada a ella.
I told her, so am I. I got a hat with a light on it and everything.
"Yo, minero", digo. Si hasta tengo un casco con una lucecita.
- Michelle, this is my wife, Edith. I have told her everything.
Es el Coronel Von Strohm, ¿ que puedo decirle?
I should have told her everything.
Debería habérselo contado todo.
I should have told her everything while she still had her strength.
Debería habérselo contado todo. Cuando aún tenía fuerzas.
I should have told her everything, while she was still strong enough.
Debería habérselo contado todo, cuando aún tenía fuerzas.
- I have told her all about you. - Not everything.
- Le conté todo sobre ti.
Then I met Theresa Wright one day and she told me all about her, about the marriage, about the man's drunken cruelty, about everything.
Entonces me encontré con Theresa Wright un día y me habló de ella de su matrimonio de las crueles borracheras de su marido de todo.
And to top it all off, I called your wife and told her not to worry, everything's fine.
Y como broche de oro, le dije a su esposa que no se preocupara. Que todo está bien.
If I wanted to do this, already had told her everything.
Si quisiera hacerlo, ya le habría contado todo.
I told her... you know how to do everything.
Le dije a ella... usted sabe cómo hacerlo todo.
I didn't want to tell her anything, but... I told everything.
No quería decirle nada, pero le conté todo.
I trusted her, did everything she told me... including burning down my church... and running off with her and the insurance money.
Hice todo lo que me dijo, incluyendo quemar mi iglesia y escapar con ella... y el dinero del seguro.
I thought you told her that she was entitled to anything and everything.
Creo que usted le dijo que tenía derecho a cualquier cosa.
I told her everything.
Se lo he dicho.
After everything I told her? After all her "yeah, yeah" bullshit?
¿ Después de lo que le dije y de sus "sí, sí"?
We'll clean up everything before they get home. Besides, I already told Kelly to spread the word. Well, tell her to un-spread it.
¿ Sabes de algún lugar bueno y ruidoso para ir a cenar?

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