It's always something translate Spanish
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Because I know that when a kid feels broken down by their parents, it's something that will always be in the back of their mind.
Es algo que siempre les quedará en la mente.
Who was it once said "There's always something doing in the lives of famous men?"
¿ Quién dijo que todo el que sube baja?
It's always good luck to launch something with champagne.
Siempre trae buena suerte inaugurar algo con champaña.
It's been years since I last danced, there's always something to do at school and at home!
Hace años que no bailo, siempre estoy de la escuela a casa.
Oh, er, it's just a neighbour. He always wants to borrow the lawn - mower or something.
Es un vecino que siempre me pide la cortadora de césped.
There's something about a train. I don't know whether it's the way it looks or the way it smells, or what it is. It always makes me feel I want to be off somewhere.
No sé que tienen los trenes... que hacen que quiera viajar a algún lugar.
It's not my fault that something always happens to interfere.
No es culpa mía si siempre surge algo que la impide.
Maybe that's the way it works in your books... but even when I was a kid I was always being beaten up for something I didn't do.
Quizá eso es lo que ocurre en tus novelas... pero incluso de pequeño, siempre me castigaban por algo que no había hecho yo.
It's always like that, when we look for something we lost.
Siempre es así cuando buscamos algo que hemos perdido.
And when he invents something, there's always plenty of it.
Y cuando El inventa algo, siempre hay de sobra.
It's something I've always remembered her by.
Es algo que siempre me ha recordado a ella.
Something always happens and now it's raining.
Ahora llueve, y otra vez le pasa algo.
It isn't much, but after all, it's always something!
No es mucho, pero después de todo, siempre es algo!
Perhaps it's because I found something I always wanted.
Quizás sea porque he encontrado algo que siempre quise.
Don't let it get you. He's always doing something like this.
No le hagas caso, ya sabes cómo es.
There must have been something deep inside you from the very start that let you do this thing, but there's always been something deep inside me that would never let me do it,
Siempre ha habido algo en lo más profundo de tu ser que te ha permitido hacer algo así. Siempre ha habido algo en mí que no me lo hubiera permitido nunca.
Look, whenever my girl's sore at me, she always does something constructive about it, like throwing another guy at my head.
Cuando mi novia se irrita, siempre reacciona tirándome a un tipo a los pies.
No, it's always a crisis with those boys when they can't diagnose something.
- Para ellos, siempre es una crisis... cuando no pueden diagnosticar algo.
Look, my philosophy is... no matter how horrible anything is... there's always something - something good in it.
Mi filosofía es... que por muy horrible que sea algo... siempre tiene algo de bueno.
It's always someone or something.
Es siempre alguien o algo.
So here's to Mr Hannen, for whom something must always go wrong or not be complete enough, so that he can sit and mope about it!
¡ Por el Sr. Hannon! Para quien siempre algo debe salir mal... y así poder seguir lamentándose.
It's divine, a special place for special people, something Los Angeles always needed.
Exclusividad para gente exclusiva. Justo lo que Los Ángeles necesitaba.
You're always joking. People think there's something behind it.
Siempre bromea, y Ia gente cree que detrás de eso hay algo.
Why, he's always roaming up the coast fishing, it's probably something he found and brought home with him.
¿ Por qué, siempre estaba en itinerancia la pesca de costa, Probablemente sea algo que encontró y se lo llevó a casa con él.
We are in opposite camps,... but it's also true that here,... in this residence,... you will always be something very beautiful.
Estamos en campos opuestos,... pero también es verdad que aquí,... en esta habitación,... siempre serás algo muy bello.
Katherine, you women are always raising hell about one thing when it's something else you're really sore about.
Ustedes las mujeres siempre hacen alboroto sobre una cosa... cuando en realidad están enojadas por otra.
Why is it you're always so sure it's going to be some dream place out of the travel folders, and it always turns out to be something else?
Por qué uno está siempre tan seguro de que puede ser un lugar de ensueño y en realidad siempre resulta otra cosa.
When something is valuable, there's always someone to buy it, sucker!
Cuando algo tiene valor, siempre se encuentra quien lo compre, ¡ idiota!
And what kind of a mind is it that's always ready to believe there's something wrong?
¿ Qué clase de mente está siempre dispuesta a creer que todo es malo?
Nick, there's always something tragic about a fallen idol... because the tragedy, you see, is that it makes us wonder how we could have been so wrong.
Nick, siempre hay algo trágico en un ídolo caído... debido a la tragedia, se ve, es que nos hace preguntarnos cómo podríamos haber estado tan mal.
It's something she's always wanted to do.
Es algo que ella siempre quiso hacer.
Well, I thought... it's always better something than nothing.
Bueno, yo pensé... Que siempre es mejor algo que nada.
It's always something with that boy.
Siempre hay alguna cosa con este chico.
It's the same with the eyes, the timid Asian eyes always trying to hide something.
Es igual con los ojos,... los tímidos ojos asiáticos que siempre intentan esconder algo.
If it's always been done, it must mean something.
Si siempre se hace, quiere decir que tiene sentido.
Call it a cop's intuition... call it what you want... there's always been something about Warren that didn't quite jibe.
Quizás sea un presentimiento, llámelo como quiera. Siempre hubo algo en Warren que no me gustó. - Como si no fuera...
It's always a pleasure... to wake up and read something lovely.
Siempre es agradable, leyendo cosas bonitas.
Just my luck! It's always something with me!
¡ Todas me tienen que pasar a mí!
It's always possible to miss something.
- Tal vez se nos escapó algo.
Something's always happening, even if it's just your refusal to admit that it is.
Siempre pasará algo. Aunque sólo sea tu negativa, algo ocurrirá.
But I always like the idea of just adding something to what we do and then adding a bit to it so it's a joint...
Pero siempre me ha gustado la idea de añadir algo a lo que hacemos y luego añadir algo más para que sea un conjunto...
It's something we have junkies, always they Snitch.
Es algo que tienen los yonquis, siempre se chivan.
Something's wrong. I know it. I can always tell when something's wrong.
Algo está mal lo sé, siempre me doy cuenta cuando algo está mal.
The mystery object is quite small, round... it's something you can purchase in a store... and it's always sombre in colour, sir.
Les recuerdo que el Misterobjeto es oscuro, redondo, se puede comprar en una tienda y es de género masculino.
The thing is, mrs latham, an outbreak like this doesn't just happen. There's always something behind it.
La situación es que algo como esto no ocurre por casualidad, siempre hay algo que lo motiva.
It's not always her fault if something breaks.
No siempre es su culpa si algo se estropea.
But if consumable survival is something which should... always increase, it's because it never ceases to contain privation.
Pero si la subsistencia consumible debe aumentar constantemente es porque no deja de suponer la privación.
When a mentally ill person does something irreparable... it's always because he's been left alone and because he's frightened someone.
Cuando un enfermo mental comete algo irreparable siempre es porque está solo. Y porque le tienen miedo.
Well, that sort of has always meant it's hard for something to grow on something that's moving.
Eso quiere decir simplemente que es difícil crecer sobre algo en movimiento.
Sometimes it's not your fault, but you always blame it on something else.
¿ No? ¡ A veces no es culpa tuya, pero siempre le echas la culpa a otra cosa!
It's always something!
¡ Siempre alguna cosa!
it's always there 23
it's always been you 39
it's always you 16
it's always the same 117
it's always been there 23
it's always me 21
it's always a pleasure 23
it's always the same thing 20
it's always like that 28
it's always like this 28
it's always been you 39
it's always you 16
it's always the same 117
it's always been there 23
it's always me 21
it's always a pleasure 23
it's always the same thing 20
it's always like that 28
it's always like this 28
it's always good to see you 18
it's always about you 25
it's always 69
something went wrong 81
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
it's always about you 25
it's always 69
something went wrong 81
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something wrong 855
something's bothering you 28
something's coming 64
something bad 90
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something wrong 855
something's bothering you 28
something's coming 64
something bad 90