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It's different translate Spanish

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Maybe it's time for a... a different approach.
Tal vez sea tiempo de afrontarlo de otra forma.
Yes, Lana, that's why they made up a whole different word for it.
Sí, Lana, por eso inventaron una palabra completamente diferente para nombrarlo.
But it's different here.
Pero aquí es diferente.
For what it's worth, doing anything different could've put them both in the grave.
Si de algo vale, hacer algo diferente... pudo haberlos colocados a ambos en la tumba. Tomaste la decisión correcta, teniente.
You guys are like the frigging fairy tale, it's different.
Sois como el puto cuento de hadas, es diferente.
I, you know, I just, it's... uh, it's different, that's all.
Yo, ya sabes, es solo, es... es diferente, es todo.
It's no different now.
Ahora no es diferente.
It's not gonna be different, Care.
No va a ser diferente, Care.
No, it's different.
No, es diferente.
It's like my father were three different people.
Es como si mi padre fuera tres personas distintas.
It's just different interests.
Son intereses diferentes.
It's just... it's different, you know?
Es solo que... es diferente, ¿ sabes?
But with Andrew, it's, uh... It's different.
Pero con Andrew, es... es diferente.
It's not just different fighting... it's different thinking. Bang!
No solo es una forma de pelear diferente... es una forma de pensar diferente.
But now it's different.
Pero ahora es diferente.
It's a different story.
Nada que ver con tu historia.
It's a story about a man called Lemuel Gulliver and his travels to all these strange and different lands.
Es una historia sobre un hombre llamado Lemuel Gulliver y sus viajes por todas estas tierras extrañas y distintas.
It's a region that spans from Finland in the east to Greenland in the west, and there's so much diversity and so many different things.
En un área que se inicia desde Finlandia hacia el este, hasta la Groenlandia Occidental, y hay gran diversidad cultural, con muchos aspectos diferentes.
It's different strokes for different folks.
Son gustos diferentes para gente diferente.
Trust me, you get 20 guys in here snoring and blowing gas all night, it's a different story.
Créeme, si tienes a 20 tipos aquí roncando y tirándose gases toda la noche, es una historia diferente.
Yeah, but they don't understand how we do things in little Italy. It's different.
Sí, pero ellos no entienden cómo hacemos las cosas en la pequeña Italia.
Revisiting all those feelings must be very difficult, but it's going to be different this time.
Rememorar todos esos sentimientos debe ser muy difícil, pero esta vez va a ser diferente.
It's not too late to be different.
Que no es muy tarde para ser diferente.
Maybe it's not too late to be different.
Tal vez no es demasiado tarde para que sea distinto.
It's just a different kind of love now.
Ahora es una clase de amor diferente.
That's just what it's like, you know, because I think racism and sexism are very different.
Creo que el racismo y el sexismo son muy distintos.
Look, it's clear to me that you want two different things, which means you don't know what you're doing.
Mira, está claro que quieres dos cosas distintas lo que significa que no sabes lo que haces.
It's j... it's just different with guys.
Es... Solo es diferente con los chicos.
It's got flax seed, protein powder, kale, and three different kinds of rum.
Tiene la semilla de lino, proteína en polvo, la col rizada, y tres tipos diferentes de ron.
Now it's different, because they came after you.
Ahora es diferente, porque vinieron tras de Ud.
It's so much fun to have a different persona.
Es muy divertido ser otro personaje.
It's different with him.
Con él es distinto.
Um... It's different.
Es distinto.
Well, because it's two different kinds of showers. Mmhmm.
Bueno, es que es un tipo de baño diferente.
It's just... different.
Simplemente es... Diferente.
Oh, yeah, it's 4am and I couldn't sleep, so I finally looked up this thing on the internet and you do not have to stay there, it's a different country.
Sí, son las cuatro y no podía dormir, así que me he puesto a mirar eso en internet y no tienes por qué quedarte ahí, es un país diferente.
It's spirit week, so we dress up as something different every day.
Es la semana del Espíritu, así que nos vestimos diferente todos los días.
- See, Gige, when you headline, it's way different than when you just do, like, a showcase with a few songs.
Cuando eres cabeza de cartel, es muy distinto a cuando solo haces una exhibición con unas cuantas canciones.
It's very different.
Es un look muy distinto.
You know, it's like, I mean, I do it all the time, so why should tonight be any different?
Lo hago todo el tiempo, ¿ por qué hacer una excepción hoy?
It's different this time.
Está bien. Esta vez es diferente a partir de entonces.
You just sold people what they wanted to buy, it's no different than dealing.
Usted acaba de vender a la gente lo que querían comprar, no es diferente de tratar.
It's a... it's a different family.
Son... - cosas distintas. - Ya sé.
I thought it could be fun to try something a little different than Pastor Ned's.
Pensé que sería divertido intentar algo un poco diferente del pastor Ned.
I'm sure it's a different question.
Estoy seguro de que es una pregunta diferente.
It's a totally different mineral composition.
Es una composición mineral totalmente diferente.
It's a different guy.
Es otra persona.
Yeah, it's different.
Sí, es diferente.
It's a leftover from a long time ago when everything was different for the both of us.
Es una evocación de hace mucho tiempo cuando era diferente para nosotros dos.
But with you, it's different.
Pero contigo, es diferente.
When we're shooting in different countries, it's about a constant communication between the producers in each country.
Bien. Cuando rodamos en diferentes países, hay una comunicación constante entre los productores en cada país.

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