It just stopped translate Spanish
463 parallel translation
I didn't jam them. It just stopped. - I can't figure it out.
- Yo no he sido, ha frenado solo no lo entiendo - ¡ Cuánto humo!
- It just stopped at the foot of the pass.
- Se ha detenido a la entrada del paso.
It just stopped when I got cow shit and put in the wound.
Sólo se detuvo cuando llevé bosta de vaca y la puse en la herida.
It just stopped and it won't start again.
Sólo se detuvo y no arranco de nuevo.
It just stopped raining.
Ha parado de llover.
I don't know, it just stopped.
No lo sé, se ha parado.
Could have. It just stopped running like every car did today.
Podría, pero se ha parado como cualquier otro coche hoy.
Suddenly it just stopped.
De repente se paró.
- It just stopped!
- ¡ Qué sé yo, sólo he parado!
It just stopped working.
Como cuando una radio se estropea.
No. It just stopped between floors.
No, se ha parado entre dos pisos.
It just stopped.
Se ha parado.
- It just stopped.
- Se detuvo.
It just stopped dead.
Acaba de pararse,
One of my assistants just stopped by the Ohhyung Golf Course in Nonhyun-dong, and says that it looks really nice, perhaps they've renovated the interior.
Hace un momento, uno de mis empleados fue al campo de prácticas en Nonhyeon-dong. Dijo que reformaron el interior así que se ve bonito y limpio.
It's just that one day I realized that I had stopped thinking about you for quite some time.
Es sólo que un día me dí cuenta que había dejado de pensar en ti durante bastante tiempo.
Just had a police car. It stopped here for a fill up.
Acaba de repostar un coche de la policía.
I could've stopped you with a gun, just as any animal could be stopped from killing, but I couldn't do it because I'm a coward.
Pude impedírtelo con mi pistola igual que como a cualquier otro animal. Pero no pude hacerlo porque soy un cobarde.
Obviously this clock was running at twelve fifteen, - just as obviously it stopped at twelve twenty.
Está claro que el reloj estaba funcionando a las doce y cuarto, tan claro como que se paró a las doce y veinte.
It just so happens that General Gates stopped at that very house to water his horses.
Bueno, resulta que El Gral. Gates paró a darle agua a sus caballos.
It's a thing you got to believe in... and I guess, Florence just stopped believing in it.
Porque para que funcione, tienes que creer en ello y Florence ya no cree en nuestro matrimonio.
How nice it would be if we just stopped the clock and this ship.
En lo bonito que sería si paráramos el reloj y este barco.
I heard about a new design and just stopped by to look at it.
He sabido de un nuevo diseño y he pasado a verlo.
It might be very bad if I stopped thinking about work altogether and just started concentrating on pleasure.
Seria nefasto si yo descuidara mi trabajo... para abandonarme al placer.
And the bullfrogs down at the pond - it was just as if they had stopped their noise so they could hear the music.
- Seguro que sí. Y las ranas del estanque dejaban de hacer ruido... para poder oír la música.
If he's stopped me from playing St. Joan... Not to let me sing at all, it just isn't fair.
Que no me deje interpretar el papel de Juana, pero no dejarme cantar nada.
Uh, as a matter of fact, it stopped ticking for the last time just a few moments ago.
De hecho, la última vez que se paró... fue hace un momento.
It stopped a while... then veered... and sailed away... silently, just as it had come.
Se paró unos minutos... y entonces giró... y se alejó... silenciosamente, tal como había venido.
His last will was placed upon the newspaper that had announced grandfather's death... I just wanted to start to read it aloud, but Ritsuko stopped me, saying...
Sobre un recorte de periódico que refería la muerte del abuelo, había una carta.
If we could just throw it off, interrupt the cycle, then he might be stopped by his own inflexible standards.
Si pudiéramos interrumpir el ciclo entonces quizá se detenga por su propio inflexible modelo.
Just as acids or alkali in the blood stopped it.
Como el ácido o el álcali en la sangre.
It sort of worries me that I stopped you from going just now.
Estoy arrepentida de no haberte dejado ir antes.
No, just after it stopped.
No, justo después de que se detuvo.
Maybe they just stopped doing it.
Seguro pararon de hacerlo.
She tried to take poison for the shame of it... and they stopped her just in time.
Trató de tomar veneno por la vergüenza, pero la detuvieron justo a tiempo.
Well, Rebec, it seems you stopped being a Dalek just in time.
Bueno, Rebec, parece que dejó de ser un Dalek justo a tiempo.
It just never stopped.
Simplemente nunca paraba.
There was the twist, there was those... when a couple, who could really do it for a really long time... the we all stopped, made a circle and just clapped...
Allí estaba el twist... cuando una pareja, quienes lo hacian por un tiempo muy largo... todos paramos, hicimos un círculo y sólo aplaudimos...
I knew just as soon as I stopped looking at the crime... the way the murderer wanted me to look at it.
Lo supe apenas dejé de ver el crimen... Explíquese.
I just thought it might have stopped.
Creí que se había parado.
It's just a word. It stopped meaning anything a long time ago.
Es sólo una palabra que paró de significar algo hace mucho tiempo.
- I just stopped dying it.
He dejado de teñírmelo.
And the way we did it, we just stopped this and this, and we cut...
Sí, tijeras y peine, maquinillas no. Procedíamos igual que para un corte masculino.
Then when I stopped, it just happened.
Entonces cuando me detuve, simplemente ocurrió.
You just stopped ordering it.
Tú dejaste de encargarla.
It was flying along, then it just smacked right into the tower and dragged it about 100 yards, Then it stopped and it's floating here,
Estaba volando, chocó contra la torre y la arrastró como 100 metros. Luego se detuvo y quedó flotando aquí.
Sir, it just shot straight up at over mach ten... and stopped 20 miles up.
Sr. acaba de elevarse a velocidad mach diez y se detuvo a 30 kilómetros del suelo.
And just like that, it stopped.
Y dejé de tenerlas.
I don't know why, but it's always seemed like time just stopped.
No sé por qué, pero siempre me pareció que el tiempo se detuvo.
Well, her... her old man stopped coming around, and so she finally just gave it all up... and she moved out west to Arizona.
Su esposo dejó de visitarla y finalmente se dio por vencida y se mudó al oeste, a Arizona.
I went running after it, and then it just suddenly stopped.
Salí corriendo detrás de él y entonces se detuvo de pronto.
it just happens 49
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just is 92
it just goes to show 17
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just is 92
it just goes to show 17
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21