It stands to reason translate Spanish
229 parallel translation
Well, it stands to reason if I'm paying him wages, he ain't no passenger, don't it?
Está claro que si le pago un sueldo, no es un pasajero, ¿ verdad?
It stands to reason.
De eso no hay duda.
- It stands to reason.
- Eso parece lógico.
It's a darned sight more lively in a big cruiser. It stands to reason.
Hay más vida en un Crucero grande que en un Destructor.
It stands to reason, you'll be twice as good after you've had a rest.
Es cuestión de lógica, serás el doble de bueno después de descansar.
Well, it stands to reason they know a bit more about it than we do, doesn't it?
Es obvio que saben más que nosotros.
You can't expect me to give it to you offhand, but it stands to reason.
- ¿ Como cuál? - No me pedirás que te la de sin más.
It stands to reason that you should have died 5 years ago.
La lógica, dice que debería estar muerto hace 5 años.
He wouldn't say how long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can help.
No dijo lo que tardaría, pero dado que su tiempo es valioso será poco.
- Well, it stands to reason that since the police were covering all the roads, the criminal plans to return for his loot after the hew and cry has died down.
Cuando todo se tranquilice, el ladrón volverá a por el botín.
Now, it stands to reason that he'd head south for Mojave Tanks.
Es muy razonable que él se haya dirigido al sur, hacia los Tanques de Mojave.
- It stands to reason. He is everything that a woman could desire.
Es lo más lógico, lo tiene todo.
- It stands to reason he couldn't have.
- Parece razonable que no lo oyera.
If they haven't left, it stands to reason they're still in the castle, doesn't it?
Si no se han ido, parece que deben estar aún en el castillo ¿ no?
Well, it stands to reason.
Bueno, es lógico.
I mean, it stands to reason, if you run across a vampire of, well, shall we say some other religious persuasion.
Por ejemplo, en caso de que se crucen con un vampiro de otras convicciones religiosas.
It stands to reason.
Es lógico.
You're missing the point. If Naomi Farkas is a KAOS agent and she made the chocolate mousse and we're sick, it stands to reason she tried to poison us.
Si Naomi Farkas es de KAOS y preparó el mousse y nos sentimos mal, es lógico :
Then it stands to reason that everyone here has an appointment?
- ¿ Todos tienen cita? - Claro.
But, Jesse, dear, it stands to reason...
Pero, querido Jesse, tiene sentido -
It stands to reason that image then is the political office of the ear.
MÁS PRECISAMENTE El sonido es el delegado del ojo... EN LA CIRCULACIÓN DE MERCANCÍAS la imagen es la burócrata del oído.
For it stands to reason that if one is superstitious, even on a small, seemingly insignificant level,
Obviamente para Uds. Es superstición, incluso a un nivel aparentemente insignificante,
It stands to reason, I won't have it.
Es razonable que no lo toleraré.
- I mean it stands to reason. It isn't anybody can make pastry half as good as yours.
No hay nadie que haga pasteles tan buenos como los suyos.
Well, I'm damned sure, between you and me, that the Avalanche people have had a hand in this. It stands to reason.
Yo, entre nosotros, estoy seguro que la gente de Avalancha... tiene algo que ver en esto, y esa es la razón.
It stands to reason. Why don't you mind your own bleeding business?
- ¡ No es asunto tuyo!
It stands to reason, doesn't it?
- Está claro.
It stands to reason.
Está muy claro.
And since everything'they've done has been worked out to the smallest detail, it stands to reason they got the rest worked out.
Y, como todo lo que han hecho ha salido a la perfección, parece lógico que tengan el resto solucionado.
- It stands to reason.
- Oh, es evidente.
- It stands to reason.
- Es lógico.
If we don't know where we are, it stands to reason Krokov doesn't know, either.
Si nosotros no sabemos donde estamos seguramente Krokov tampoco lo sabe.
It stands to reason, he wouldn't have done it if he'd thought he was going to get shot himself, would he?
Si hubiera sabido que le dispararían, nunca lo habría hecho, ¿ no cree?
It stands to reason.
Es factible.
It stands to reason then, that if one could find extremely fresh specimens and recharge that chemical process, bang, we have re-animation.
Es por esa razón que si a especímenes recién fallecidos... les recargamos el proceso químico...
– No, but it stands to reason.
- No, pero es de sentido común.
So it stands to reason that once in a while we're going to come up with the same solutions you do.
De vez en cuando encontramos las mismas soluciones que ustedes.
It stands to reason you should be too.
Es lógico que tu también.
Therefore, it stands to reason, does it not, sisters dear, that we must find the book, brew the potion... and suck the lives out of the children of Salem before sunrise.
Por tanto, existe una razón, o no, queridas hermanas... para que encontremos el libro, cozamos la poción... y les chupemos la vida a los niños de Salem antes del alba.
It stands to reason that his zombie flesh should contain within it... the genetic code for the reanimation of dead tissue.
Sirviera para el estudio De la animación mortal
It stands to reason.
- Me parece razonable.
It can't last. Stands to reason.
No puede durar.
It only stands to reason.
Es lo lógico.
It just stands to reason.
Es una idea que siempre tengo en la cabeza.
Stands to reason that they can't touch you for it.
- Está claro que no ha sido culpa suya.
Well I know it's not me, see, so it must be one of you two. Stands to reason, dunnit?
Bueno, yo sé que no soy yo, ya ves, por lo que debe ser uno de los dos.
Stands to reason, doesn't it?
no tiene razón de ser mejor usar un coche, ¿ no es así?
But it just stands to reason when it came time to cash in your chips this old diseased maniac would be your banker.
Pero es lógico, tú pierdes en el casino... y este maníaco morboso es la banca.
Stands to reason, doesn't it?
Tiene sentido, ¿ no?
You were great in your day, Superman. But it just stands to reason when it came time to cash in your chips this old, diseased maniac would be your banker.
Tuvo días gloriosos pero es razonable que el día que tuviera que cobrar los beneficios este maníaco enfermo sería su banquero.
( Geordie accent ) Why, aye. But it doesn't mean it's one of our customers. lt stands to reason.
Pero eso no significa que sea uno de nuestros clientes, ¿ no?
it stands for 29
stands to reason 16
it still hurts 44
it stopped raining 19
it started 46
it stopped 129
it stops 23
it starts at 27
it still works 35
it starts 19
stands to reason 16
it still hurts 44
it stopped raining 19
it started 46
it stopped 129
it stops 23
it starts at 27
it still works 35
it starts 19