Leavenworth translate Spanish
262 parallel translation
- ¿ En la de Leavenworth?
Give him 10 years in Leavenworth or 11 years in Twelveworth.
Sugiero diez años de prisión u once años de reclusión.
Leavenworth landing!
- ¡ Leavenworth, a desembarcar!
All for Leavenworth get off.
¡ Pasajeros a Leavenworth, bajen!
Are you gonna stay in Leavenworth?
- ¿ Te vas a quedar en Leavenworth?
That's a big step.
Why don't you tell him they're heading east toward Leavenworth?
Dile que van hacia el este, hacia Leavenworth. Sí, es verdad.
Yes, that's right. To Leavenworth.
A Leavenworth.
Met you in Leavenworth.
Nos conocimos en Leavenworth.
A Leavenworth.
Leavenworth. That's where we're going.
A Leavenworth.
They tell me the liquor at Leavenworth... ain't fit for man nor beast. Well, let's drink up.
Pues, bebamos.
Think we can see Niagara Falls from Leavenworth?
¿ Podremos ver las Cataratas del Niágara desde la prisión?
That's good for 10 years in Leavenworth.
Es bueno para pasar diez años en Leavenworth.
Three years at San Quentin, two at Leavenworth, five at Sing Sing... and a whole list of petty violations.
Tres años en San Quentin, dos en Leavenworth, cinco en Sing Sing y una larga lista de delitos menores.
Because one was lecturing at a big Eastern university... and the other was serving his stretch in prison.
Porque uno daba clases en una universidad del Este y el otro era camarero en un bar en Leavenworth.
Alcatraz. Atlanta. Leavenworth.
Alcatraz, Atlanta, Leavenworth... se ha intentado cientos de veces desde diferentes lugares.
If they get you, I promise to visit you in Leavenworth... with flowers.
Si te atrapan iré a visitarte a Leavenworth... con flores.
Well, I could send one to my cousin in Leavenworth.
Pensándolo bien, podría enviarle una a mi primo de Lavensworth.
- En Leavenworth.
See you off to Leavenworth in the morning.
Por la mañana te llevan a Leavenworth.
Well, he can catch up on his sleep On the way to Leavenworth.
Bueno, puede dormir de camino a Leavenworth.
You spent eleven months in prison Leavenworth Federal...
Cumplió condena en la prisión federal en Leavenworth...
A radio in my cell at Leavenworth?
¿ Una radio en mi celda?
Dannemora, Sing Sing, Leavenworth...
Dannemora, Sing Sing, Leavenworth...
One counterfeiter delivered to federal prison, Leavenworth, Kansas.
Entregué a un falsificador en la prisión de Leavenworth.
- You're crazy. They'll stick you in Leavenworth.
Te encarcelarán en Leavenworth.
What do you wanna do, wind up in Leavenworth?
¿ Quieres acabar en la prisión militar?
Risking 20 years in Leavenworth for a date with the Commander's wife?
¿ Que me arriesgaría a 20 años en prisión por citarme con la mujer del comandante?
I'd still be kissin'the breeze goodbye when you is in Leavenworth.
Te llevarían tan rápido... que yo seguiría besando a la brisa de despedida... cuando llegaras a Leavenworth.
- I'll hound you into Leavenworth!
Te acosaré hasta Leavenworth.
Upon secret ballot, two-thirds of the court-martial concurring the accused is to be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due and to be confined at hard labor at Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks for a period of one year. "
Dos tercios de este consejo de guerra han decidido que el acusado queda expulsado deshonradamente del Ejército de EE. UU sin recibir pago o extra alguno y que realizará trabajos forzados en el Batallón de Leavenworth durante un año ".
Like this guy I run into. He done a stretch at Leavenworth.
De un tipo que estuvo preso en Leavenworth.
And if you did get back, and the chances are slim I'd see you got life in Leavenworth.
Y si regresaras, lo cual es poco probable haría que te encierren en Leavenworth.
He goes to Leavenworth.
Se va a Leavenworth.
- When you get to Fort Leavenworth, go right to the commandant and give him this.
- Cuando lleguen al Fuerte Leavenworth, vayan con el Comandante y denle esto.
In Kansas City Frank Nash, convicted for mail robbery was being transported to Leavenworth Penitentiary.
En Kansas City Frank Nash, condenado por robo de correo estaba siendo transportado a la Penitenciaría de Leavenworth.
This'll cost you 10 years in Leavenworth.
Esto te supondrá 10 años en Leavenworth.
- Leavenworth.
- Estuvo en Leavenworth.
A cargo of rebellious prisoners was being transferred from the federal penitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington, to The Big Top, the name given by convicts to the prison at Leavenworth, Kansas.
Se trasladaba un cargamento de prisioneros rebeldes desde la prisión federal de McNeil Island, en Washington, a la Gran Cima, el nombre que le daban los reclusos a la prisión de Leavenworth, Kansas.
You were transferred here to Leavenworth because of an inferior record.
Se le ha trasladado a Leavenworth debido a su expediente negativo.
Therefore it is now by the court considered, ordered and adjudged that you be remanded to the custody of the warden of Leavenworth penitentiary and kept in solitary confinement there until the 8th day of November, 1918, and then and there be hanged by the neck until you are dead.
Por tanto, el tribunal considera, ordena y declara que permanezca bajo custodia del alcaide de la prisión de Leavenworth y se le mantenga incomunicado hasta el día 8 de noviembre de 1918, día en que morirá en la horca.
About six months after Stroud picked up the sparrow, the biggest piece of news a penitentiary can get went through Leavenworth like a forest fire.
Unos seis meses después de que Stroud acogiese el gorrión, la mayor noticia que puede recibir una prisión corrió por Leavenworth como la pólvora.
So I just had to find out who Box 7, Leavenworth, Kansas was.
Sólo tenía que averiguar de quién era el apartado 7, Leavenworth, Kansas.
So I... I wrote to the postmaster at Leavenworth and asked him, and he told me it was the federal penitentiary.
le escribí al jefe de la oficina de correos de Leavenworth, y me dijo que era la prisión federal.
And I was visiting a cousin in St Louis, and Leavenworth isn't far...
Iba a visitar a un primo en San Luis, y Leavenworth no está lejos...
I'll be moving to Leavenworth.
Me mudo a Leavenworth.
The new warden who came to Leavenworth was Albert Comstock.
El nuevo alcaide destinado a Leavenworth era Albert Comstock.
Let me understand you, now. Are you trying to tell me that you married a man serving a life term in solitary at Leavenworth penitentiary?
A ver si lo entiendo. ¿ Intenta decirme que se ha casado con un hombre que cumple cadena perpetua en la prisión de Leavenworth?
You see, Leavenworth is still federal property and is therefore immune to the laws of the state of Kansas.
Leavenworth todavía es propiedad federal y, por lo tanto, inmune a las leyes del estado de Kansas.
Gee, I hope they send us to Leavensworth.
Espero que vayamos a Leavenworth.
leave me 436
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leave me the fuck alone 22
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leave me the fuck alone 22
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leave me in peace 46
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leave it at that 22
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leave it be 22
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leave it at that 22
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leave it be 22