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Let them have it translate Spanish

360 parallel translation
¡ Muéstrenselo!
We fire right to the back let them have it.
Apuesto por la retirada. ¡ Y te vas!
When that happens it ´ s all right to let them have it.
Cuando eso ocurra, está bien darles su merecido.
But Daddy, you just said if it was their fault it ´ s all right to let them have it.
Pero papá, dijiste que si era culpa suya, está bien darles su merecido.
Let them have it. This is the will of God.
Es la voluntad de Dios.
Let them have it.
Let's settle it. Let them have it.
Gray, vaya delante con Jim.
Come on, let them have it.
Vamos, atiéndelos.
- Attaboy, kid. Let them have it.
- Acaba con ellos.
Let them have it, Dick.
Dick, dispárales.
Les tenemos.
Let them have it.
Cuando quieras.
They're inside! Let them have it!
¡ Están dentro!
We thought it was a trap and let them have it.
Pensamos que era una trampa y disparamos.
- Let them have it, Spike.
- Vamos, Spike.
Allleeee let them have it!
Haleeee dale fuerte!
- At dawn, we'll let them have it!
- ¡ Al amanecer les daremos su merecido!
If it's the money they want, let them have it. ─ Money.
Si lo que quieren es el dinero, deja que se lo lleven. ¡ Dinero!
Yes, and he let them have it, he did.
Sí, y él se lo dijo.
Let them have it.
Déjalos que la tengan.
So, good luck to you all, and let them have it!
¡ Así que, buena suerte a todos Uds., y déjenlos afuera!
I think you should let them have it.
Yo también creo que debería dárselo.
Our only chance is to move in and let them have it.
Nuestra única oportunidad es que se acerquen confiadamente.
Let them have it.
- You're gonna let them have it for that?
¿ La venderías por ese dinero?
Let them have it all.
Todo para ellos.
If there's any resistance, let them have it.
Si hay alguna resistencia, repliquen.
All right, ahem, let them have it.
Muy bien, pues todo suyo.
I'd get all the coppers, governors, posh whores, army officers, and members of Parliament, and stick them up against this wall and let them have it, because that's what they'd like to do to blokes like us.
Cogería a los polis, directores, oficiales del ejército y miembros del Parlamento y les daría una paliza contra esa pared. Es lo que ellos nos harían.
- And let them know that I have it?
- ¿ Y hacerles saber que lo tengo?
I'd hate to let any of them have it.
- Me dolería que se lo quedaran ellos.
Erica, you shouldn't let either of them have it, it's highly dangerous.
Erica, no deberías dejar que jugaran con ella. Es altamente peligroso.
Looks like it. If the Yankees don't let us be... we'll have to teach them manners.
Si los yankis no nos dejan tranquilos iremos y le enseñaremos modales
Now you just give like that, and just let them fold naturally like that. Then you have it.
Sólo tienes que hacer esto... permitir que se doble naturalmente, y está listo.
Don't you know that the greatest men in the world have told lies... and let things be misunderstood if it was useful to them?
¿ No sabes que los hombres más grandes de la historia dijeron mentiras... y permitieron malentendidos si con ello se beneficiaban?
I never should have let them keep it here.
- No debí guardar aquí la dinamita.
Let them have it.
If I had let them live like before, perhaps it would have been better.
Lo soy yo. Si los hubiese dejado vivir como antes tal vez hubiese sido mejor.
You shouldn't have let them take it last night!
Fue un error devolvérselo.
I thought it might be a good idea to let them have half of the house
Podríamos alquilarles la mitad de la casa.
Let's at least have the pleasure of telling them about it, Charlie.
Al menos disfrutemos el placer de decirles todo.
Let them have the herd, make a run for it back to the fort.
Les daremos la manada y correremos de regreso al fuerte.
Harry wouldn't have let them do it.
Harry no lo hubiera permitido.
Well, you may let them get away with it, Reynolds, but I promise you... I'll have these men brought to trial.
Bien, proceda como quiera, Reynolds pero le prometo que haré que procesen a esos hombres.
We'll skin them and we'll have them for dinner. Let me do it.
Ahora los pelamos y nos los comemos esta noche.
- We sure could try it. Let me have them!
- De seguro podríamos intentarlo. ¡ Dejame tenerlos!
oh, I had to let one of them have it.
Tenía que dejar a uno de ellos hacerlo.
But surely, if it's just a matter of the reward, let them have him.
Si se trata de la recompensa, que se queden con él.
Imagine I'm Hitler... it's highly improbable, since we don't have the same training. If I were Hitler and I had two million French prisoners, and I wouldn't let them go.
Suponiendo que yo fuera Hitler, suposición improbable ya que no tenemos la misma formación, pero si yo fuera Hitler y tuviera dos millones de franceses, no los soltaría.
But now the pirates have found the treasure why don't you let them take it away?
Pero los piratas han encontrado el tesoro ¿ por qué no les dejáis que se vayan?
All right, let them have at it.
Muy bien, déjalos intentarlo.

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