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Love always translate Spanish

4,367 parallel translation
'Love always, Phillip.'
"Con amor siempre, Phillip".
And I'll always love you.
Y yo a ti.
Do you think that I got back with George because I really love him and I've always loved him, or because he was my first real love and I already knew him, so it made things easier?
¿ Crees que volví con George porque de verdad lo quiero y siempre lo he querido, o porque fue mi primer amor de verdad y lo conocía y eso haría las cosas más fáciles?
I would tell her that I love her, and that I always have...
Le diría que la amo, y que siempre lo he hecho...
There's always someone else, love.
Siempre hay alguien más, cariño.
Annie always did love a bit of theatre.
Annie siempre adoró un poco de teatro.
But I want you to know I always love you.
Pero quiero que sepas que siempre te amo
I still love you I always will
os sigo amando siempre lo hare
I will always love you.
Siempre te amaré.
Red roses always mean love.
Las rosas rojas significan siempre amor.
The English always have an irrational love for Italy.
Los Ingleses siempre tienen un amor irracional por Italia.
Politicians always love talking about sacrifice.
A los políticos siempre les encanta hablar sobre sacrificos.
You always love it in France.
Siempre lo amaste en Francia.
Even back then, always this forbidden love, like Shakespeare.
Incluso por aquel entonces, siempre ese amor prohibido, como en Shakespeare.
everywhere we go we're looking'for the sun nowhere to grow old we're always on the run they say we'll rot in hell but I don't think we will they've branded us enough outlaws of love
everywhere we go we're lookin'for the sun nowhere to grow old we're always on the run they say we'll rot in hell but I don't think we will they've branded us enough outlaws of love
everywhere we go we're looking'for the sun nowhere to grow old we're always on the run they say we'll rot in hell but I don't think we will they've branded us enough outlaws of love
we're lookin'for the sun nowhere to grow old we're always on the run they say we'll rot in hell but I don't think we will they've branded us enough
"Love isn't a game," say the guys that always win.
"Amar no es un juego" dicen los tipos que siempre ganan.
I love this lighter cause I know it's always gonna work.
Me encanta este encendedor Porque sé que siempre es va a funcionar
treat your enemies with love, and you can resolve any conflict. Gandhi always said :
Gandhi siempre decía :
Do you think you'll always love me?
¿ crees que me amaras por siempre?
Of course I'll always love you.
por supuesto, yo siempre te amare
I will always love you, but from now on, just as a friend...
Siempre te querré, pero por ahora, como un amigo.
Later in life, her love of animals made her care for her sweet cat, Susie, with whom she shared many happy years, always celebrating Christmas together in great style.
Ya de mayor, su amor a los animales hizo que cuidara de su gata Susie con quien compartió años felices celebrando la Navidad juntas con mucho estilo.
and I'll always love the fact that I was Jason. FRIDAY THE 13TH in this long odyssey towards becoming iconic horror filmmaking, it's just an amazing phenomenon.
Viernes 13, en una larga odisea por convertirse en un icono del cine de terror, ha sido un fenómeno sorprendente.
They say that a man must love his sons more, but a man can be jealous of his sons, and his daughter can always be the light in his life.
Dicen que un padre debe amar más a sus hijos, pero un hombre puede sentir celos de sus hijos, y su hija siempre siempre iluminará su vida.
I've always had just, like, this strong love with music.
Siempre he tenido, como, este amor fuerte por la música.
It's OK, I've always... It's OK. I was in love with you, Anna.
Está bien, yo siempre bien yo yo estaba enamorado de ti, Anna.
♪ Tell him that you're always gonna love him ♪
* Dile que siempre le vas a querer *
It was love at first Styx, that's what we always say.
Fue amor a primera vista, eso es lo que siempre decimos.
And we are still a family, and we will always be your mommy and daddy and love you.
Y somos aún una familia, y siempre seremos tu mamá y papá, y te amamos.
and I love the Descendents, don't get me wrong, but we never found our niche because we were always trying to get back into that other niche.
y yo amo Descendents. No me malentiendan. Pero no encontramos un público porque siempre intentábamos recuperar lo otro.
Like she always does, but I got your love back.
Como siempre hace, pero yo recuperé tu amor.
But you need to know how much I love you, how I've always loved you.
Pero necesitas saber cuánto te quiero, cuánto te he querido siempre.
Hey, I love you just as much as I always have.
Oye, te quiero como siempre lo he hecho.
I just love knowing that he's always down there, jammin'. ( Laughs )
Me encanta saber que él siempre está ahí abajo.
Look, I don't always know the right thing to do, but anything I do is done out of love because I want what's best for you, okay?
Mira, no siempre sé lo que hay que hacer, pero todo lo que hice está hecho con amor, porque quiero lo mejor para ti, ¿ de acuerdo?
Love's elation always seems to turn to pain.
La euforia del amor parece girar siempre alrededor del dolor.
I do love Valentine's Day,'cause Andy always gets me the most fabulous present.
Sí que me encanta San Valentín porque Andy siempre me compra el regalo más fabuloso.
Look, in a relationship, one person is always going to love the other person more.
Mira, en una relación siempre es así, una persona va a amar mas que la otra.
Until Amy admits that she's always been in love with me.
Hasta que Amy admita que siempre ha estado enamorada de mi.
we scheduled a few hours this afternoon to take care of wedding details look love, I'm very busy you're always busy. why can't you take some time off to come to lunch?
Quedamos en vernos para revisar los detalles de la boda. Mira amor, estoy muy ocupado. Siempre lo estas. ¿ Por qué no te puedes tomar tiempo para venir a almorzar?
I always- - I love when I see a date.
Siempre... Me encanta cuando veo una cita.
Mmm. You're the person I love the most, and I always will.
Eres la persona a la que más quiero, y siempre será así.
And you've always said do what you love, and the money will follow.
Y tu siempre dices "haz lo que te gusta, y el dinero llegará."
Sam's never been able to make it work with another woman is because he'll always be in love with Naomi.
Sam nunca ha sido capaz de hacer que funcione con otra mujer es porque siempre estará enamorado de Naomi.
I've always been in love with you. ( Angus Stone's "Clouds Above" playing )
Siempre he estado enamorado de ti.
I will always love with you. ♪ All she ever thinks about is love ♪ And also, we're having a baby.
Siempre te querré. Y además, vamos a tener un bebé. Y lentamente, con el tiempo, todo cambia.
I'll always love you.
Siempre te querré.
People are always just falling in love with you, aren't they?
Le gente siempre se anda enamorando de ti, ¿ no?
And I promise that I will always choose love.
Y te prometo que siempre voy a elegir el amor.
I've been thinking a lot about you and I and everything, and, um, and I just needed to tell you... To be honest, tell you that, um, I still love you, and- - and I know that I'm always gonna love you because you're the one for me.
He estado pensando mucho en ti y en mí y en todo y... y solo necesito decirte para ser sincero que todavía te quiero y se que siempre voy a quererte porque tu eres la única para mi

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