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Lowered voice translate Spanish

290 parallel translation
( lowered voice ) edie!
¡ Edie!
( lowered voice ) psst! Come here.
¡ Ven aquí!
Mira, está completamente fuera de control.
( lowered voice ) WE HAVEN'T BEEN HERE AN HOUR,
No llevamos aquí ni una hora
( Lowered Voice ) What Do You Mean, "Thanks To You"?
¿ Qué quieres decir con gracias a ti?
( Lowered Voice ) How Do You Think Dad Even Got His Visa?
¿ Cómo crees que papá consiguió su visa siquiera?
( Lowered Voice ) Being A Celebrity Is So Hard.
Ser una celebridad es tan difícil.
( Lowered Voice ) Your 15 Minutes Are Almost Up.
Casi se terminan tus 15 minutos.
( Lowered voice ) why is he writing to you?
¿ Por qué te escribe?
( Lowered voice ) hey, um... hey. If it's any help, i can tell you dan's favorite used book shop.
Oye, oye... si te sirve de ayuda puedo decirte cual es la tienda favorita de Dan de libros usados.
( Lowered voice ) most of these people can't tell A fine cabernet from 2 buck chuck. ( Laughs )
La mayoría de esta gente no puede distinguir... un buen Cabernet de un vino peleón de 2 $.
Excuse me. ( lowered voice ) look, I tried to do it legally.
Perdona. Mira, intente hacerlo legalmente.
( lowered voice ) HO!
Ven acá.
( lowered voice ) Weak people just don't get it, do they, Brandon?
La gente débil no lo entiende, ¿ verdad, Brandon?
( lowered voice ) smart money would say he killed her. ( lowered voice )
Algúnos dicen que el la mato
( Lowered voice ) well, i guess miracles do happen,
Bueno, supongo que los milagros ocurren,
Okay. Should we go ( lowered voice ) dramatic? or... ( higher voice ) commercial?
De acuerdo, debe ser... dramática... o... comercial.
( lowered voice ) I've gotta go now, okay?
- Me tengo que ir, ¿ está bien?
( lowered voice ) Who is it?
¿ Quién es?
( lowered voice ) thank you.
( lowered voice ) seriously, one dad to another, You, um, you built most of this yourself, right?
En serio, de un padre a otro tú, um, has construido la mayor parte de esto tú solo, ¿ verdad?
( lowered voice ) We need Jane. ( whispers ) Yeah.
- Necesitamos a Jane.
( lowered voice ) drew!
¡ Drew!
( Lowered voice ) Unless that's a problem.
A menos que sea un problema
( Lowered voice ) No, not a problem.
No. No lo es
And now... ( Lowered voice ) And now you're benching me?
Y ahora... ¿ Y ahora me sientas en el banquillo?
( Lowered voice ) You were just giggling over the Risotto with our suspect.
Estabas deleitándote del Risotto con nuestra sospechosa.
Come on. Come on. ( lowered voice ) hey, you need to do that thing for me right now.
Hola, tienes que hacer esa cosa por mí ahora.
I'm gonna ruin the ending movies you've for you.Ted to see, ( lowered voice ) this is good for you to see.
Voy a arruinarte el final de las películas que has querido ver es bueno que veas esto.
( sighs ) ( lowered voice ) this is good he's sleepin'..
esto es bueno, está durmiendo...
( lowered voice ) I gotta call the police
OK. Voy a llamar a la policía
( lowered voice ) no, he is not down here. Oh, god.
No, no está ahí abajo.
( lowered voice ) meredith, the guy with the gun Is looking for derek. ( vomits )
Meredith, el tío de la pistola busca a Derek.
( lowered voice ) why didn't I think of that?
¿ Por qué no pensé en eso?
( lowered voice ) cooper proposed to charlotte.
Cooper le propuso a Charlotte.
( lowered voice ) Alpha one, we're in position.
Alpha uno, estamos en posición
Someone. ( gasps ) ( lowered voice ) You're sure it was him?
- ¿ Estás seguro de que fue él?
Officer Peck, please join me. ( lowered voice ) She is so far up his balloon knot.
Oficial Peck, por favor acompañeme.
( Steve, lowered voice ) I don't know what to say. ( Chris, lowered voice ) We don't know if any of it's true, but we just thought that... ( sighs )
No sabemos si algo de eso es verdad, pero es sólo que pensábamos que... Pensaba que vosotros sabríais qué estaba pasando.
( lowered voice ) Okay, look, I think you should be very careful where you're stepping right now.
Bueno, mirad, creo que deberíais tener mucho cuidado de dónde os estáis metiendo.
Lowered voice okay, like what?
En voz baja, ¿ de acuerdo? ¿ Como qué?
( lowered voice ) What is with the notebook?
- ¿ Qué hay en la libreta?
( Lowered voice ) so how long is Gail gonna be here, man?
¿ Cuánto tiempo va a estar aquí Gail, amigo?
I lowered my voice... - and I said, " Meet me in the park... -
Bajé el tono de mi voz... y dije : " Nos encontramos en el parque a las tres y media...
Leon recited in a slow voice... which he carefully lowered in the love passages.
Leon recitaba con voz pausada... con especial atención en los pasajes románticos.
- Buen trabajo.
I called her. I lowered my voice.
La llamé y hablé con voz grave.
The caller must have lowered the pitch to mask their voice.
La persona que llamó debió bajar el tono para disimular su voz.
( lowered voice ) okay, Romy, this will be easy.
Muy bien, Romy, esto será sencillo.
( lowered voice ) I don't know.
- ¿ Qué demonios está haciendo aquí?
( Lowered voice )
- No soporto a esa mujer.

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