One by one translate Spanish
21,253 parallel translation
It's taking us out one by one!
¡ Nos está eliminando uno por uno!
Yep, one by one he bullied and alienated everyone.
Sí, uno por uno los intimidaba y enloquecía a todos.
One by one.
Uno por uno.
Hey, I was really hoping you wouldn't make me do one of those "I have to kill you each one by one until you give me what I want."
Oye, realmente esperaba que no me hicieras hacer una de esas escenas de "Tengo que matarlos uno a uno hasta que me den lo que quiero".
All of uncle's arsenal were neutralized one by one.
Todo el arsenal del tío fue neutralizado uno por uno.
We can't fight everything off one by one, Francis.
No podemos luchar contra todos de a uno por vez, Francis.
And then, one by one, they take away your rights until you're Sieg Heilin'Ronnie and bowing down before Ed Meese.
Y luego, uno a uno, toman todos tus derechos hasta que saludas con Sieg Heil ( Saludo Nazi ) a Ronnie y le haces referencias a Ed Meese.
Why don't you drown'em one by one on the slop sink, then dump them in the marsh?
¿ Por qué no ahogarlos uno por uno en la pileta de decantación, y luego aventarlos en el pantano?
Love, your younger brother, by one year and two months,
Amor, su hermano menor, por un año y dos meses,
Your education initiative was approved by the board nine-to-one.
El directorio aprobó tu propuesta educativa, nueve votos a uno.
The transfer of genetic material from one organism to the other by a viral agent.
La transferencia de material genético de un organismo a otro a través de un agente viral.
No one identifies him by name.
Nadie lo identifica por su nombre.
Now, this is footage taken by one of the diners on the night of the soft opening.
Esta es la grabación tomada por uno de los comensales en la noche... de la inauguración.
Ecbert of Wessex, you come among us to be crowned King of Wessex and Mercia, two proud and ancient kingdoms which will now be one and indissoluble under your governance and by God's undoubted will.
Ecbert de Wessex, vienes a ser coronado Rey de Wessex y Mercia, dos reinos antiguos y orgullosos que ahora serán uno e indisolubles bajo tu gobierno y por la voluntad de Dios.
By a clever ruse you have become ruler of one of the biggest, richest kingdoms in England.
Por una artimaña inteligente te has convertido en el gobernante de uno de los reinos más grandes de Inglaterra.
He is to be seen by no one until his father King Philip decides what to do with his son.
No está para que lo vea nadie hasta que su padre, el rey Felipe, decida lo que hacer con su hijo.
I took it out with me one evening when I was walking by the Seine, as is my habit, and I gave it to a tramp.
Lo llevé conmigo una tarde cuando paseaba por el Sena, como tengo por costumbre, y se lo di a un vagabundo.
Maybe he had one of those little bistros run by a married couple that only serve one dish of the day.
¿ Y si tuviera uno de esos bistrós que lleva un matrimonio - y que solo sirven el menú del día?
" The riders are on the track and parading for race three, and they are led out by number one...
Los jinetes están en la pista y desfilando para la tercera carrera, encabezados por el número uno...
You had a single mother who cared for you, so my dad and I care whether you wrap yourself around a tree or get shot by one of these gangsters.
Tuviste una madre soltera que se preocupó por ti, así que a mi papá y a mí nos preocupa si te estrellas contra un árbol o te disparan uno de esos mafiosos.
One of our constituents worries that her husband, a first mate on your ship, was... sickened by some cargo.
A una de nuestros votantes le preocupa que su marido, un primer oficial de su barco... enfermara por alguna carga.
They're probably gonna come up floor by floor, so we should go up one.
Es probable que vayan subiendo piso por piso. Así que debemos subir uno.
Let's go through it one-by-one.
Vamos a revisarlo.
One time, I saw him patch a cannon by sitting on the muzzle and hammering it as it fired!
Una vez, lo parchar un cañón sentándose sobre él a martillar mientras disparaba!
Heavenly Father, thank you for this food, for the superiority of the West Coast, and for this lovely family, that always does right by one another.
" Padre, gracias por esta comida, por la superioridad de la costa oeste y por esta encantadora familia que siempre se cuidan los unos a los otros.
- Senator Montez. - Up by one.
- Senadora Montez.
No one's cells work by the wall, and I've got conflicting reports from two different doctors.
Ningún celular funciona al lado de la pared, y tengo informes contradictorios de dos doctores distintos.
Earlier, I was almost run over by one of their trucks.
Más temprano, casi fui atropellada por uno de sus camiones.
You're the one stuck by me, Sarah.
Tú eres a la que he elegido, Sarah.
By being one less mouth to feed.
Siendo una boca menos que alimentar.
There are written statements by all the officers stationed outside the door in early October, and not one recalls hearing you and Detective Sergeant Arnott go upstairs together.
Hay declaraciones escritas de todos los agentes apostados en la puerta, a principios de octubre, y ninguno recuerda haber oído que usted y el sargento Arnott subieran las escaleras juntos.
If you held one iota of doubt about my conviction, no officer would be more troubled by that than you.
Si mantiene un ápice de duda sobre mi acusación, ningún policía debería estar más preocupado por eso que usted.
Three nights before the murder of Danny Waldron, a call was received by one of these phones.
Tres noches antes de la muerte de Danny Waldron, se recibió una llamada de uno de estos teléfonos.
Although this is a voluntary interview, I request the professional courtesy of being questioned by an officer at least one rack superior.
Aunque este interrogatorio es voluntario, solicito la cortesía profesional de ser interrogado por un agente de al menos un rango superior.
And is that the one stolen by Lindsay?
- ¿ Y es la que le robó Linsay?
The vehicle is registered to Alex Campbell - - the alias being used at the time by one John Thomas Hunter.
El vehículo está registrado por Alex Campbell... el seudónimo lo usaba por aquellos días por un tal John Thomas Hunter.
If you hold the opponent by the waist, and drop him to his knees, then you score one point.
Si sostienes al oponente por la cintura, y lo dejas caer de rodillas. Entonces ganas un punto.
Well, I'm the only one who got beaten up by that little bitch, so, no, you don't get to compare your feelings to mine right now.
Bueno, yo soy la única a la que le ha dado una paliza esa pequeña zorra, así que no compares tus sentimientos con los míos en este momento.
Uh, Florence, I'd like to start off by apologizing for telling you to find a new line of work at our one-on-one session the other day.
Florence, me gustaria comenzar con una disculpa... por decirte que buscaras una nueva linea de trabajo... En nuestra sesion privada el otro dia
- No one knows where he is. I had a black and white drive by his house. No one's home.
Nadie sabe donde está, envié una unidad a su casa y no había nadie.
You wanna be ready should Zoom return... if Zoom returns... when Zoom returns... there is only one way to do it, and that's by getting your speed back.
Queréis estar listos para el regreso de Zoom... Si Zoom regresa... Cuando Zoom regrese... solo hay una manera de hacerlo, y es recuperando tu velocidad.
Two teams... one gold, one red... And whoever sells the most by the end of the day wins.
Dos equipos... uno dorado, uno rojo... y el que venda más al final del día gana.
- I wasn't thinking about everyone else who had gone through that fear and pain, who had to sit where I was sitting because a loved one was shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun.
No pensé en toda la gente que había sufrido ese miedo y ese dolor. Que tuvo que sentarse en mi lugar porque alguien que no debía tener un arma disparó a uno de sus seres queridos.
Look, you have 15 known members of the Coretto crime family on your union rolls, and the strip club is owned by one of their associates.
Mire, usted tiene 15 miembros conocidos de la familia del crimen Coretto en sus rollos sindicales, y el club de striptease es propiedad de uno de sus asociados.
His bodyguard got spooked by one of the strippers.
Su guardaespaldas se asustó por una de las strippers.
What about the stripper that Magarac mentioned, the one that Zolotov and his bodyguard were spooked by?
¿ Qué pasa con el separador que Magarac mencionó, el que Zolotov y su guardaespaldas se asustaron por el camino?
By the way, I got into college too... A good one... when I was 18.
Además, yo también entré en la universidad... una buena... cuando tenía 18.
But determining which violent offenses were motivated by bias is one of the toughest jobs the FBI has to do.
Pero determinar qué ofensas violentas fueron motivadas por prejuicios es uno de los trabajos más difíciles que el FBI tiene que hacer.
Also, by law, I have to tell you that at one month, your puppies have a favorite color and that color may be blue.
Y debo decirte que luego de un mes, tus cachorritos tienen un color favorito que podría ser el azul.
They were shunted from one house to another every few months by these people, these men, but they always managed to stay together, her and Aurelia, and they became very close.
Esta gente, estos hombres, las movían de una casa a otra cada pocos meses, pero lograron mantenerse juntas, ella y Aurelia, y se convirtieron en amigas íntimas.
He will because he was kidnapped by one of the hitmen and held against his will in a safe house.
Lo hará porque le secuestró uno de los asesinos y le retuvo contra su voluntad en un piso franco.
one by friend 20
one by foe 18
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one month later 23
one thing at a time 106
one day 2293
one more 931
one by foe 18
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one month later 23
one thing at a time 106
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one more chance 34
one more day 57
one more hour 17
one hundred 76
one step at a time 173
one more thing 865
one more round 22
one more minute 37
one more shot 23
one more chance 34
one more day 57
one more hour 17
one hundred 76
one step at a time 173
one more thing 865
one more round 22
one more minute 37
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one and two 35
one second 1230
one night 558
one sec 340
one time 516
one at a time 318
one point 33
one game 29
one moment 967
one and two 35
one second 1230
one night 558
one sec 340
one time 516
one at a time 318
one point 33
one game 29