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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ P ] / Poor fellow

Poor fellow translate Spanish

505 parallel translation
Poor fellow.
Pobre hombre.
Oh, poor fellow.
¡ Oh, pobrecito!
No. Poor fellow!
No. ¡ Pobre hombre!
The poor fellow even visited you on the day of his death.
El pobre incluso le visitó a Usted el día de su muerte.
Poor fellow! Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Pobre hombre.
- That's what he says. The poor fellow may be hungry.
El pobre tendrá hambre.
Any sudden shock might be very dangerous to the poor fellow.
Si recibiese otro shock sería muy peligroso.
Oh, you mean, my servant, poor fellow.
Se refiere a mi mayordomo, pobre hombre.
Poor fellow, he can't help the way he looks.
Pobre hombre, no es su culpa lucir así.
The poor fellow means nothing.
El pobre hombre no pretendía nada.
Left his man in charge. The poor fellow having nothing to do got betting on the dogs.
Dejó a su criado al cargo pero el pobre, al no tener nada que hacer, se dio a las apuestas.
And the poor fellow that gets my job inherits this uniform and pays you a pound a week for it.
Claro. Y así el siguiente que llegue y herede el uniforme - Le pagará una libra semanal por él.
Poor fellow. He paid the penalty for his foolishness.
Pobre tipo, pago muy caro su tontería.
Pity for a poor fellow who you think is on the ropes.
Una lástima nueva para un pobre tipo que creía que estaba en tierra.
- Three days, poor fellow.
- Tres días, el pobre.
Can't you see what a poor fellow he is?
¿ No puedes ver cuan pobre es?
- Poor fellow!
- ¡ Pobre hombre!
Yes, poor fellow. Very evidently a stray bullet from the revolution finished him off.
Una bala perdida de la revolución acabó con él.
Look at the poor fellow.
Pobre diablo.
I laugh, but I feel sorry for the poor fellow.
Me río, pero ese pobre desgraciado me da pena.
It's not like in my godfather's house, poor fellow.
No es como allá en casa del padrino, pobre.
Poor fellow's taken with a dizzy spell.
El pobre hombre sufrió un mareo.
Give me a hand will you, Watson, we better put this poor fellow in one of these huts until the morning.
Pondremos a este hombre en una de las chozas hasta mañana.
We came upon the poor fellow as we were crossing the moor.
Nos encontramos con él cuando íbamos por el pantano.
Poor fellow, he's dead now.
Pobre hombre, ahora está muerto.
Thank you Miss Kingsley. It was nice of you to take in a poor fellow and treat him so gently.
Gracias, Srta. Kingsley, por recibir a este extranjero desamparado y tratarlo con tanta amabilidad.
The poor fellow broke his leg trying to drag our boat through the surf.
¿ Cómo? El pobre se rompió una pierna intentando arrastrar el bote.
Poor fellow, losing his job and all.
Pobre tipo, perder su trabajo y todo.
Going to make a fortune for me swindling a poor fellow without a dime.
Me ibas a hacer ganar una fortuna estafando a un pobre tipo sin un centavo.
Poor fellow hasn't had anything to eat.
El pobrecito no ha tenido nada para comer.
When I opened the door, I found this poor fellow on the floor.
Cuando abrí la puerta, encontré a este pobre en el piso.
I haven't seen him for years, until tonight, poor fellow.
Hacía años que no veía al pobre hombre.
Poor fellow.
Pobre chico.
Oh, you poor fellow, I know just how you feel.
Pobre hombre. Sé exactamente cómo se siente.
- Poor fellow.
- Pobre tipo.
Oh, debe ser muy infeliz.
Ah, sí, sí, pobre hombre.
It was no satisfaction to me to knock out some poor fellow... who'd been set up against me for a purse of money... or hold his shoulders down on the mat.
No hallaba satisfacción en noquear a un pobre tipo... que se enfrentaba a mí por una bolsa de dinero, ni en ponerle los hombros contra la lona.
He'll be blamed for your rapacity in money matters, poor fellow... as he's hitherto been blamed for mine.
Le echarán la culpa de su habilidad con las cifras, pobre, como se la echan por la mía.
You can do that for a poor old fellow
Puedes hacer eso por un pobre amigo.
Do as the poor fellow wants ; and open a tin of sardines for him.
Hazle caso al pobre hombre.
Poor old fellow.
Pobre hombre.
Probably all tired out, poor little fellow.
El pobrecito estará agotado.
Everyone picking on the poor little fellow.
Todos se meten con el pobre muchacho.
My sister's boy, poor fellow.
¡ Mi pobre sobrino!
I should think a fellow has a right to think of his folks once in a while, so when I said, "Poor old father..."
Pero uno puede pensar en sus padres alguna vez. - Así que cuando digo : "pobre viejo..." - ¿ Que va a buscar?
No, but there is one poor little fellow.
- No, pero hay un pobre hombre...
Poor fellow, I'm afraid it will be a blow to him.
Pobre chico. Será un golpe duro para él.
Poor little fellow.
A poor little fellow that never meant nobody no harm.
iÉl jamás quiso hacerle daño a nadie!
Those are very special. Some poor fellow has just one godmother..
Debe ser profesora.

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