Poor people translate Spanish
1,847 parallel translation
Stealing from poor people like that? Oh!
Tener que robarle a los pobres.
Rock doesn't only get the poor people off.
No sólo la gente pobre se droga con cocaína.
Those were poor times, but even poor people like to dress up.
Eran tiempos de pobreza, pero incluso a los pobres les gusta vestir.
Martin. not all poor people are criminals.
Martín, no todas las personas pobres son criminales,
Poor people.
Pobre gente.
Cash is what the poor people use instead of credit card, you sawy?
Es lo que los pobres usamos en vez de tarjetas de crédito.
Mr, Watters, I don't know thing one about insurance, but I'm guessing it's your job to find a way not to pay these poor people,
Sr. Watters, no tengo ni idea de seguros pero supongo que su trabajo es encontrar una forma para no pagar a esta pobre gente.
- These are not poor people's cars.
- Éstos no son coches de pobres.
Poor people, like you and me, who can't afford reserved seats.
La gente pobre, como usted y yo, que no pueden permitirse asientos reservados.
All those poor people.
Toda esa pobre gente.
My government is uncomfortable with the idea of United Nation soldiers guarding those poor people in your school.
Al gobierno le molesta que la UN proteja a esa gente en la escuela.
It is a terrible prediction by all these poor people who can't pay their bills.
Es una predicción terrible por todas éstas pobres personas que no pueden pagar sus facturas.
I got there for the weekend and the poor people like my friend Robert on Monday had to work and I was sort of residing in that house by myself you know.
Llegué allí para pasar el fin de semana y prácticamente estaba viviendo en esta casa, yo solo, tú sabes.
If they became popular, these poor people might be awarded lives of luxury.
Si eran populares, la gente pobre tendría la posibilidad de vivir mejor.
I would donate something to these poor people in India.
Yo iba a donar algo para esa pobre gente en la India.
Take a good look at these poor people.
Échale un vistazo a esta pobre gente.
We the poor people can just work.
Los pobres sólo podemos trabajar.
The Pashtuns are a poor people.
Los Pashtuns son gente pobre.
No, those were popular issues because... poor people in Brazil were going through them.
No, populares eran los problemas por los cuales... pasaba la población brasileña más pobre.
I didn't realise what I was doing to those poor people.
No entiendo que estaba haciendo con esas pobres personas.
That's just a lie we tell poor people to keep'em from rioting.
Eso no es más que una mentira que le decimos a los pobres...
-... rehab houses for poor people.
Entrena al equipo de baloncesto. Ayuda en las casas de la gente pobre
A Ladromat is a place where really poor people go to wash their clothes.
Una lavandería es un lugar donde gente muy mala va a lavar su ropa.
Poor people.
Gente pobre.
It's like Disneyland for poor people.
Es la Disneylandia de los pobres.
And there are the poor ignorant people in the front end of the ship.
Y los pobres ignorantes en el extremo delantero de la nave.
I must visit the poor ignorant people in the front end of the ship.
Debo visitar a los pobres ignorantes del extremo delantero de la nave.
I guess the poor souls of these fine people... who died at the hands of you Northern heathens... ain't so partial to your joke.
Creo que las pobres almas de esas buenas personas... que murieron a manos de bárbaros del norte... no combinan mucho con su broma.
1850 - the people of California poor and desperate it is about... joining at the same time to the union that becomes the third state...
- La gente de California pobre y desesperada, está a punto... de unirse a la Unión, al tiempo que se convierte en el 30vo Estado...
We don't forget people that's poor.
No olvidamos a los pobres.
Rich people use it to say, "We're better than the poor."
Es el nivel con el que los ricos dicen :
As long as the poor and unrepresented were dying people went along with it.
Mientras murieran los pobres y las minorías la gente lo apoyaba.
I'm going, "Get out of my house, you filthy poor people."
Bien, ahora.
It might not be a big deal for people like you... but life would become miserable for the poor?
Puede que no sea un gran problema para la gente como tú... pero la vida ser volverá miserable para los pobres
We are poor people.
¿ Cómo se siente?
When people got a poor serial they'll blow the tiles'stack.
Cuando la gente recibe una mala serie golpea el montón de fichas.
Serious people. We leave the poor areas to the traditional political bosses.
Dejar áreas populares a "clientelistas".
God knows how many poor souls are suffering while the people enjoy themselves.
¡ Ah, Dios sabe cuántos infelices sufren mientras otros disfrutan!
I'm giving these poor, forgotten people a new lease on life.
Les estoy dando a esta pobre gente abandonada una nueva vida.
You don't want people to know that the credit card industry is essentially a pack of hyenas crunching on the bones of the poor, do you?
Para hacer casi imposible descargarlas deudas por tarjetas de crédito. Usted no quiere que la gente sepa que la industria de la tarjeta de crédito Es esencialmente una banda de hienas
Poor Paige. Not a lot of people at her urn.
Pobre Paige, no hay casi nadie en su urna
- I made some poor choices. Picked the wrong friends... people involved in questionable business ventures.
Hice algunas malas elecciones escogí los amigos equivocados gente involucrada en cuestionables negocios.
These people are so poor, they probably don't have anything but the clothes on their backs.
Esa gente es tan pobre... que quizas no tengan mas que la ropa que llevan puesta..
Poor, less educated people are reproducing at higher rates than bright, successful ones.
La gente pobre y menos educada se reproduce más rápido que la gente brillante y exitosa.
So Bianco was recruiting poor people off the street.
Debe ser un sin techo.
Yeah, you're a real humanitarian using the poor as spare parts suppliers for people with money.
Doy a los necesitados lo que necesitan. Sí, eres un verdadero filántropo.
The rich people pay for the poor kid. How's it not like that?
Gente rica pagándole al chico pobre, ¿ cómo es que no es así?
Oh, one of the reasons we queer guys are around. To help you poor straight people straighten up. ( Laughs )
Una de las razones por la que los maricas estamos aquí...
To help you poor straight people straighten up. ( Laughs )
es para ayudar a los heteros a enderezarse...
Poor guy, this is exactly what Nirrti did, kidnapped people and then experimented on them.
Pobre tipo, esto es exactamente lo que hacía Nirti secuestraba gente y luego experimentaba con ella.
Don't you care that there could be Priors out there taking advantage of poor innocent people?
¿ No te preocupa que podría haber Priores ahí fuera intentando aprovecharse de los pobres? ¿ De gente inocente?
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