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Put them away translate Spanish

472 parallel translation
I'm telling you I put them away.
Te digo que las he guardado.
Did you wash those teacups and put them away carefully?
¿ Lavaste las tazas de té y las guardaste con cuidado?
I'm just gonna put them away someplace.
Solo voy a esconderlos por ahí.
Put them away! Put them away!
¡ Alejaos, alejaos!
oh, put them away, chump. Put them away.
¡ Guárdalas, amigo, guárdalas!
Put them away.
Here's the key, put them away.
Aquí tienes la llave, llévatelas.
Put them away.
- All right, just put them away.
Bueno, guárdenlos.
You put them away when you left for San Francisco.
Usted las guardó cuando se fue a San Francisco.
Bill, I... I put them away.
Bill, Yo... yo las guarde.
Powders and leeches, milk lathers, creams and tinctures beyond measure, put them away.
Polvos de Chipre y sanguijuelas, espuma de leche, crema y tintura, los pongo allá.
Ointments and pills, plasters and brushes, jars and bowls, feathers and bristles, blood of bat, skunk fat, put them away.
Ungüentos y píldoras, emplastos y cepillos, frascos y cuencos, plumas y cerdas, sangre de murciélago, grasa de nutria... Ponlos allá.
Easy, she just put them away.
Fácil, ella sólo los guardó.
I'd forgotten to put them away.
Había olvidado guardarlas.
Clean your instruments Thoth, and put them away.
Limpia tus instrumentos y guárdalos.
I always put them away in here.
Siempre lo pongo aquí.
Put them away before I tear them up.
Aparta esos papeles antes de que los rompa.
We gotta get these guys and put them away.
Debemos atrapar y encerrar a estos sujetos.
But I'm terrible at sewing. Put them away.
No tengo buena mano pero guárdelo.
Cover those remains and put them away.
Tapa ese despojo y llévatelo.
And I put them away... and they're to be yours.
Y los guardé... y van a ser tuyos.
You can't afford to buy another pack of even that cheap brand..... and so you put them away for later, right?
No puede comprar más, ni de los más baratos. Así que los guardó para después, ¿ cierto?
I've put them away.
Yo las guardé.
- Put them away.
- Apártelas.
I put them away as best I can.
Los guardo lo mejor que puedo.
And now you get in there and put them things away from there.
Y ahora guarda esas cosas allí.
I'll put them out straight away.
Lo sacaré enseguida.
They must've been put away when we moved. I haven't seen them since.
Debieron de quedarse arrumbadas durante la mudanza, no las volví a ver.
Put them jugs away.
¡ Guarden las botellas!
You'll go up to your room, sit at your typewriter, mess around with some words, thrown them away, lie on your bed, put the light out, then put it back on again, go back to your desk.
En tu habitación te sentarás ante la máquina de escribir. Escribirás algo, lo tirarás a la papelera. Te acostarás.
That they were to be put away forever. That's why I can't send them away.
No puedo pedirles que se vayan.
I think perhaps we'd better put the candy away in a safe place, otherwise we shall have them all eaten before tomorrow afternoon.
Creo que hay guardar los caramelos en un lugar más seguro o nos los comeremos antes de mañana por la tarde.
Ok, get them and step on it - and put that rod away!
- Pues adelante. Y guarda esa pistola.
Now we've made them pull whole groups off the Russians and away from the Mediterranean and put them over there, across the channel, facing us.
Ahora la hemos obligado a retirar grupos enteros del frene ruso y del Mediterráneo y alinearlos frente a nosotros al otro lado del Canal.
Get away! Don't put them in front of me! Come on, Kenny!
No me los pongas delante.
It's not his fault. We're not gonna let them put you away!
- ¿ Pero cómo vamos a dejar que te lleven?
Why don't you put some on my shoes so I won't wear them out from running away from him?
¿ Por qué no poner un poco en mis zapatos así que no los llevan a cabo de huir de él?
And I said to him, "Put it away." But no, he keeps trying to date them up.
Yo le dije que la guardara, pero él estaba empeñado en quedar con ellas.
I must unlock them in my pockets right away, and put on the shelf under the table.
Tengo que activarlas en los bolsillos ahora mismo,... y ponerlas bajo el estante de la mesa.
I can't let them put Benny away.
Impediré que se Io lleven.
Put those papers away before I tear them up.
Aparta esos papeles antes de que los rompa.
The families used to put hang them at the windows when they went on holiday, so they'd scare away the thieves.
Las familias las ponen en las ventanas cuando se van de veraneo por miedo a los ladrones. ¡ Por tanto, úsalas!
... put them away! You are looking for troubles!
Eso es, dóblalo bien. Métetelo en el bolsillo. Y no gastes más.
Right, I'll put them in water right away.
Lo pondré a enfriar.
I know what you want to do... put them behind bars and throw away the key.
Sé lo que vas a hacer. Encerrarles y tirar la llave.
We didn't even know each other and you put your arms around me... and all these years you've never taken them away... right from that moment until now.
Apenas nos conocíamos y ya me rodeabas con tus brazos... y todos estos años no me los has quitado de encima... desde aquel momento hasta ahora.
Tell them to put away the swords and carry moneybags.
Que envainen la espada y abran la bolsa.
Put those away. We don't need them now.
Estiben esas tallas, ya no hacen falta.
I put them inside, while you throw them away.
Yo las pongo dentro, y vosotros las tiráis.
Okay now boys, you put them guns away!
Bien, chicos, dejad vuestras armas!

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