Recognize this translate Spanish
2,154 parallel translation
Do you, uh, recognize this place?
¿ Usted reconoce este lugar?
I assume you recognize this woman.
Supongo que reconoce a esta mujer.
If you've ever been to a rock kick, you probably recognize this screeching noise.
Si alguna vez estuvieron en un concierto de Rock. Probablemente reconozcan este sonido chirriante.
Recognize this meeting as me reaching out.
Reconoce esta reunión como a mí poniéndome en contacto.
I hardly recognize this place anymore.
Con las justas reconozco este lugar.
Recognize this?
¿ Reconoces esto?
Do you recognize this, will?
¿ Reconoce esto, Will?
In a year you won't recognize this place.
En un año no reconoceréis este sitio.
Do you recognize this?
¿ reconoceis esto?
Recognize this stuffing?
¿ Reconoces este disecado?
You recognize this?
¿ Reconoces esto?
Her checkbook. Huh. You recognize this guy?
Su talonario. ¿ Reconoce a este tipo?
Do you recognize this woman?
¿ Reconoces a esta mujer?
Do you recognize this guy?
¿ Reconoces a este tío?
In a few months, you won't recognize this street.
En unos pocos meses, no reconocerá esta calle.
Do you recognize this ring?
¿ Reconoce usted este anillo?
Do you recognize this man?
¿ Reconoces a este hombre?
You recognize this guy?
¿ Reconoces a este hombre?
You recognize this couple?
¿ Reconoce a esta pareja?
Do you recognize this drawing?
¿ Reconoces este dibujo?
Do you, um... do you recognize this guy?
Tu, um... ¿ Conoces a este tipo?
- Do you recognize this guy?
- ¿ Reconoces a este tio?
- You must recognize this?
- Usted deberia reconocer esto?
Recognize this?
¿ Sabes qué es esto?
Do you recognize this?
¿ Reconoces esto?
- Do you recognize this man?
- ¿ Reconocen a este hombre?
HAWKES : Would you recognize this officer if you saw him again?
¿ Reconocerías a ese oficial si lo vieras de nuevo?
You recognize this guy?
¿ reconoces a este tipo?
Do you recognize this picture?
- ¿ Reconoce esta foto?
Go to madrid and when you come back, you won't recognize this place.
Te vas a Madrid y cuando vuelves, no reconoces esto.
You recognize this?
¿ Reconoce esto?
Can you recognize this criminal?
¿ Pueden reconocer a este criminal?
I just want to know if you recognize this man.
Sólo quiero saber si reconocen a este hombre.
I recognize this guy.
Yo reconozco a este tipo.
Some of you will recognize this.
Algunos de ustedes reconocen esto.
You recognize this mensch right here?
¿ Reconoces a este caballero?
Yes, I recognize this knife.
Sí, reconozco esta navaja.
You recognize this big fucking beautiful family of yours?
¿ Reconoces a esta gran familia tuya?
Publishers of the Haven Herald. - This could be why I thought I recognize you.
Por esto podría ser que creí reconocerla.
Somewhere in all this gibberish I think I recognize the words museum and tonight.
En algún lugar de todo este galimatías me parece reconocer las palabras museo y esta noche.
That's why he can go into any country Anywhere on this planet, And people will recognize him as a total jerk-off.
Es por eso que puede ir a cualquier país de cualquier parte del planeta y la gente le reconocerá como un completo idiota.
No. Is this because you are evil? Or because you recognize yourself as a higher form of life?
- ¿ Esto sería porque eres malvado o porque te reconoces como una forma de vida superior?
This room, could you recognize it if you saw it?
Esta habitación- - ¿ Podrías reconocerla si la vieras?
I recognize over half of this stuff.
Reconozco casi la mitad de estos bártulos.
Didn't even recognize you this morning. don't really watch TV.
Ni siquiera te reconoci esta mañana. En realidad no veo television.
"My nation believes in the principle of free press - and will uphold and defend this in our constitution." Recognize it?
"Mi país cree en el principio de libertad de prensa - y sostiene y defiende nuestra constitución." Lo reconoces?
I don't recognize any of this.
No reconozco nada de esto.
Hey! Ha Ni, disguised like this, how can he recognize.
como puede reconocernos.
Supposing, as this evidence would seem to suggest, that that were the truth- - suppose Mrs. Surratt simply failed that night to recognize Wood the preacher in the guise of Payne the ditch digger.
Suponiendo, como esta evidencia parece sugerir, que esa era la verdad supongamos que la Sra. Surratt no logró reconocer a Wood el ministro esa noche bajo la apariencia de Payne el que cava cunetas.
Only a goblin would recognize that this is the true Sword of Gryffindor.
Solo un duende puede reconocer que esta es la Espada de Gryffindor.
You recognize any of this?
¿ Reconoce algo?
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this is weird 356
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is fun 448
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is the guy 68
this is me 479
this is weird 356
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is fun 448
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't 241
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't 241