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Send her away translate Spanish

311 parallel translation
- I'm the one who won't send her away.
- Yo soy quien no la echará.
Why did I send her away? Told her it'd be good for her to gain experience...
"Edward Markham y Doucebelle Dear disponibles"
Send her away. Send her away.
Envíala fuera, envíala fuera.
Oh, if you could send her away it would simplify everything
Si pudiera trasladarla todo sería más sencillo.
Well, send her away!
¡ Bueno, despídela!
Send her away!
¡ Despídela!
- After all... - Send her away this minute!
¡ Despídela ahora mismo!
No, don't send her away.
No, que no se vaya.
- Send her away.
- Envíala a casa.
They're going to send her away tonight.
La expulsan esta noche.
They're going to send her away tonight.
El barco sale esta noche.
Well, we could send her away, perhaps to America, it's...
Podríamos enviarla a América. - ¿ Dejarla libre?
Send her away.
Haced que se marche.
Send her away.
Que se vaya.
Send her away, Henry, Before she destroys us all!
Mándala lejos, Henry, antes de que nos destruya a todos.
You can't send her away.
No puedes mandarla de vuelta.
Couldn't we send her away?
¿ Por qué no se va?
Send her away.
Dile que se vaya.
I'm afraid we've got to send her away.
Me temo que tendremos que internarla.
Don't send her away and chase her back into the grave.
Echarla sería como mandarla a la tumba.
Send her away if you must.
Mándala si quieres.
We'll have to send her away to school.
Tendremos que enviarla fuera al colegio.
She'll have to know about it. We can't just send her away.
Habrá que decírselo no podemos trasladarla sin más.
I guess I can see to it that she's transferred, but... not to tell her why... send her away without any explanation...
Bien, puedo encargarme de conseguir que la trasladen. Pero no decirle por qué trasladarla sin la menor explicación tal como pretende usted que elija entre su opinión sobre mí y su salud.
Why didn't you send her away?
¿ Por qué no la echaste? Pudiste hacerlo cuando se desmayó.
Send her away
Haz que se vaya
Send her away!
¡ Que se vaya!
Send her away.
Haga que se marche.
You're still in love with that dame. Why don't you send her away, let her bake it out in the sun someplace?
Si sigues enamorado de esa tía, mándala a otro lugar a tomar el sol hasta que escampe.
- Send her away.
- Haz que se vaya.
Well, send her away.
- Dígale que se vaya.
You made me send her away.
Me hizo sacarla de casa.
- Why don't you send her away?
¿ Por qué no le dice que se vaya?
Send her away.
- Will you send her away or not?
- ¿ La echarás o no?
Didn't send her away.
A ella no la dejó partir.
I'll send her away someplace to a good school.
La mandaré fuera a algún lugar con una buena escuela.
Send her away.
Send her away
Deshazte de ella.
Send her away!
¡ Échala fuera!
If you don't want her to marry him you'd better send her away now.
Si no quieres que se case con él... es mejor que la envíes lejos ahora.
- We couldn't send her away.
- No podemos sacarla de aquí.
- I say you shall send her away!
- ¡ Digo qué ustedes debe sacarla!
She even threatened to send Kitty away where I could never see her again.
Dijo que enviaría lejos a Kitty adonde no pudiera volver a verla.
Alright, Mr. Gray, I'll send her right away.
Está bien, señor Gray, la mando enseguida.
I'd find a way to send her far away.
Encontraría la manera de enviarla muy lejos.
But you told her you were going to send us away.
Le dijiste que nos iríamos.
I send someone for her right away.You'll see : tomorrow you'll have an answer.
Elena Fondi, se llama.
It's very difficult for a woman to send her husband away on their 10th anniversary... especially when he speaks as beautifully as you do.
Es muy difícil para una mujer dejar a su marido en su décimo aniversario... especialmente cuando dice cosas tan bonitas como las que tú dices.
Send her away.
Échala fuera.
Send her away, will you?
¿ Qué pasa cariño?

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